英语人>网络例句>服务器 相关的搜索结果


与 服务器 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this case, you know that Meerkat supplies a getItems method, so if you call the method of the same name on the server-proxy instance, the instance relays the call to the server and returns the results.

在本例中,你知道 Meerkat 提供一个 getItems的方法,所以如果你在服务器-代理实例上调用同名方法,此实例将该调用转接到服务器并返回结果。

The response to the request allows the SMTP server to contact the destination SMTP server and transfer the message.


Based on the analyses of the current problems and the weakness of traditional solutions in the campus mail system,a new solution based on multiplexor was discussed which can achieve horizontal scalability and provide a single domain name that can be used to connect indirectly to multiple mail stores,so the whole mail service system can become a single host to mail users.


No Answer 无应答 The POP3 mail server does not\n support UIDL, which Netscape Mail needs to implement\n the ''Leave on Server'' and ''Maximum Message Size''\n options.

POP3 邮件服务器不支持 UIDL,\n而"Netscape 邮件"程序需要使用它来实现''保留在服务器上''\n和''最大消息长度''选项。

Detailed use tutorial refers to server of accessary Word documentation mail to set an example please: Server: Pop.gmail.com user: Cyqyong password:***** port: 995 SSL visit: It is the author adds: Project of software of institute of our northing computer Team Terminator group.

详细的使用教程请参见附带的word文档邮件服务器设置样例:服务器:pop.gmail.com 用户:cyqyong 密码:*****端口:995 SSL访问:是作者附:我们北航计算机学院软件工程的Team Terminator团队。

Them's skull-crushing numbers right there, and before you go blaming gold farming, keep in mind that these are Chinese servers, not people accessing servers outside of the country, so nya.


Distribution resources planning system: provides a WEB based B/S structure and C/S structure distribution resource system, includes order dealing, order scouting, statistic and analyzing, customer management, dynamic stock management.


Using software method, we design and implement a management layer of server cluster and a communication layer for parallel fault-tolerant network.


To find out what is on the Test Realm, click here and read the Test Realm patch notes.


IT者网站提供英文翻译,未经授权请勿转载】 Be in on April 8 " lasting tower " pop of open test fire is opened, the unusually fervent game that this media that be mixed by orgnaization of many professional sport fries opens wide a gate to mainland area player eventually, for a short while " lasting tower " if server stream emerges, royal respect is adding a server ceaselessly all the time, satisfy into the player group that geometrical multiple adds.


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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
