英语人>网络例句>有重量的 相关的搜索结果


与 有重量的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And extended codes of quadratic residue codes over Z〓(Definition 3. 4) also are discussed, which have good dual properties (Theorem 3. 9 and Theorem 3. 10). At last, two kinds of Gray map from Z〓 to Z〓 are defined (Definition 3. 5 and Definition 3. 6), and they are compared with each other, and we find the second Gray map is better than first by an example.


Carl Sagan has entertainingly described this phenomenon, musing about the destiny of bacteria that reproduce by dividing into two every 15 minutes. Says Sagan:"That means four doublings an hour, and 96 doublings a day. Although a bacterium weighs only about a trillionth of a gram, its descendants, after a day of wild asexual abandon, will collectively weigh as much as a mountain...in two days, more than thesun - and before very long, everything in the universe will be made of bacteria." Not to worry, says Sagan: Some obstacle always impedes this kind of exponential growth. The bugs run out of food, or they poison each other, or they are shy about reproducing in public.

Carl Sagan 曾经开玩笑地解释这种现象,假设有一种细菌每15分钟可以分裂一次,亦即代表每一小时复制四次,一天可复制96次,虽然单一个细菌其重量只有一兆分之一公克重,但是只要经过一天无止尽的无性生殖,其重量可能会比一座山还重,经过两天后,甚至会比太阳还重,要不了多久所有的宇宙都将由这种细菌所组成,不过 Sagan 又说,大家不必担心,上天一定会安排障碍来阻止其倍数成长,有可能他会耗尽食物,或是毒死自己,或是有可能羞于在大庭广众之下复制。

Carl Sagan has entertainingly described this phenomenon, musing about the destiny of bacteria that reproduce by dividing into two every 15 minutes. Says Sagan:"That means four doublings an hour, and 96 doublings a day. Although a bacterium weighs only about a trillionth of a gram, its descendants, after a day of wild asexual abandon, will collectively weigh as much as a mountain...in two days, more than the sun - and before very long, everything in the universe will be made of bacteria." Not to worry, says Sagan: Some obstacle always impedes this kind of exponential growth.

Carl Sagan 曾经开玩笑地解释这种现象,假设有一种细菌每 15 分钟可以分裂一次,亦即代表每一小时复制四次,一天可复制 96 次,虽然单一个细菌其重量只有一兆分之一公克重,但是只要经过一天无止尽的无性生殖,其重量可能会比一座山还重,经过两天后,甚至会比太阳还重,要不了多久所有的宇宙都将由这种细菌所组成,不过 Sagan 又说,大家不必担心,上天一定会安排障碍来阻止其倍数成长,有可能他会耗尽食物,或是毒死自己,或是有可能羞于在大庭广众之下复制。

Unstrung, unused frames feature a money-back guarantee good for 30 days from purchase if the customer is not satisfied the frame meets the weight specified.


The molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of polyethylene were determined by GPC and Viscometry.


The male and female offspring were sacrificed at PND 56, 98, and 140 respectively. The prostate, levatro ani bulbocavernosus and bulbourethral glands relative weights at PND 56, and epididymis and LABC relative weights at PND 98 of ME group male offspring were increased significantly.

雄、雌性仔鼠分别於 PND 56、98 与 140 时牺牲,雄性仔鼠在 PND 56 的前列腺、提肛与球海绵体肌与尿道球腺,及 PND 98 时副睪与 LABC 相对重量明显上升;暴露组雌性仔鼠於 PND 56 时卵巢相对重量有明显上升,而在 PND 140 肝脏相对重量则显著下降。

It's heavy - I threw away the notion that weight was a bad thing a long time ago after a friend of mine smoked me up a climb on a 41 lbs Bullit on flats.


The first to the market to buy a 3.3 jin of Solen, the school had a fair balance, not lack of weight (easily took the hands of the scale, the hawkers did not lack the basic weight), rushed to the 168 before 4:30, LG said, Let me Inside, and so on, he went outside to see the 168 selling price of seafood, the young girl to go out at the same time we bought Solen to the woman outside the wash (later know her as the young girl close to the checkout She handed over the money), I married a curious look on the outside to wash her, did not expect to see them sent to wash and burn the whole process of their guests to the Solen Add Taipen together, and mix with the other, one by one After the water washed into another Dapen months, and then look at the list of weight, you remove a few scales of the two, this is the Solen-after guests, because our Solen she is, she did not see I have to stand behind LG, when we raised objections, she said the amount was more or less the same now that you are both 2.7, 6, are the two intestines, comrades, 3.3 Solen two of her final with water scale Only two were 2.7, we get to the stomach, how many ah!

第一次是在市场买了3.3斤的竹蛏,学校有一个公平的平衡,而不是缺乏重量(轻松了手中的规模,小贩都缺乏基本的重量),送往168前4: 30日, LG电子表示,让我内,因此,他走到外面看到168售价海鲜,年轻姑娘走出去的同时,我们买的女子竹外洗(后来知道她的作为年轻的姑娘接近结帐她交出钱),我嫁给了一个奇怪的外观外洗她,没想到看到他们送到清洗和烧伤的全过程,他们的客人的竹蛏购买Taipen在一起,与其他组合,一个又一个的水清洗后,到另一个Dapen个月,然后看看名单重量,您删除一些尺度的两个,这是竹蛏,后客人,因为她是我们的竹蛏,她没有看见我站在后面LG电子,当我们提出异议,她说,数额大致相同,你现在都7月2日, 6日,是两个肠子,好同志, 3.3竹两个她最后与水规模只有两个是2月7日,我们到达胃部,有多少啊!

Base Station type Software versionTypes of carrier frequency board adoptedTypes of combiner adoptedWhether had obtained the network license or notIndoor type or outdoor type Whether the master port is separated from the remote-port The maximum carrier frequency capacity of single cabinet The maximum supportable sector numbers of single cabinetWhether it is dual-carrier frequency board or notMust it be paired configuration if it's dual-carrier frequency board (namely, the type of single carrier frequency station could only configure the dual-carrier frequency on hardware) The maximum achievable configuration of a single station of the single cabinetReceiver sensitivity The maximum expand capacity of a single base station (the maximum number of TRX in configuration / the number of cabinets which is required)(fill in according with the three sectors) Top box transmitted power (given separately a grade one combine and a grade two combine) The maximum output power of amplifier (voice, a single logical carrier frequency) The maximum output power of amplifier (EGPRS, a single logical carrier frequency)Whether it has tower-interfaceWhether it has built-in lightning protectionWhether it support the ultra-long cover / whether it need for software support (give simple description that how hardware and software could achieve this) The supporting condition of EGSM (it should be supported including by the carrier frequency, combiner) Dual-band carrier wave (whether it supports the mixed use of 900 M/1800M in the same cabinet) The commonality of duplicate parts Whether it can built-in transmission unitThe single cabinet size (high × width × deep) Installation method Whether it can place against the wallThe basic frame full-configured weight and the supportable number of carrier frequencyThe expansion frame full-configured weight and the supportable number of carrier frequency

基站型号软件版本号采用载频板型号采用合路器型号是否已取得入网许可室内型or室外型是否是主远端分离单机柜最大载频容量单机柜最大支持的扇区数是否是双载频板如是双载频板,是否必须成对配置(即单载频站型只能硬件配置双载频)单机柜可达到的单站最大配置接收机灵敏度单基站最大扩展能力(最大配置TRX数/需机柜数)(按3扇区填写)机顶发射功率(分别给出一级合路与两级合路)功放最大输出功率功放最大输出功率(EGPRS,单个逻辑载频)有无塔放接口有无内置避雷装置是否支持超远覆盖/是否需要软件支持(简单描述软硬件如何实现)EGSM支持情况(包括载频、合路器均应支持)双频段载波(是否支持900M/1800M在同一机柜内混合使用)备件通用性是否可以内置传输单元单机柜尺寸安装方式可否靠墙放置基本架满配重量及支持载频数扩容架满配重量及支持载频数是否支持基本架与扩容架跨扇区满配功耗满配时重量供电方式机柜进出线方式合路器损耗合路能力:几合一单扇区最大支持几载频合路到一副天线/采用几个合路器单扇区载频达到需要增加一副天线时,是否支持两级合路换以不增加天线如两级合路插损为是否支持基带跳频和合成跳频每单个合路器在从低载频数向高载频数扩容时,是否还需要增加硬件可用性指标MTBFMTTR系统中断服务时间硬件是否支持EGPRS本次报价软件版本号开始支持EGPRS的软件版本号其他特点注: 1 应分别填写出来按照本次报价要求所采用的全部BTS型号和采用的合路器型号 2 列出本报价要求的全部室外型基站与高功放单元

However, the weight of family law for the people to understand the many different perspectives, the families described their focus is different, this article briefly describes the weight of playing piano to the meaning of law, through the emergence of the view of the current comparison, the weight of family law further defines the meaning and characteristics.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
