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与 有营养 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The purpose was suggested that guarana plant composition can be used to develope and study the sports new nutrition supplement in the future. It could help athletes to enhance performance in the field.


Here's a list of the most fattening flavors (all nutritioninformation is for a half-cup serving).


Cercospora capsici Heald et Wolf, the pathogen of pepper brown leaf spot, was isolated from pepper in Haicheng of Liaoning Province. The results showed that nutrition, temperature and pH had significant effects on mycelial growth and spore germination of the pathogen.

本文对辣椒褐斑病病原菌Cercospora capsici Heald et Wolf的生物学特性进行了研究,结果表明,不同的营养、温度、pH等条件对菌丝生长和孢子萌发有显著影响。

Kidney beans is a rare high potassium, high magnesium, low sodium food, hectogram 1520 mg of potassium, magnesium, 193.5 mg of sodium is only 0.8 mg, this feature come in handy in nutritional treatment.


It indicated that not only can Spirulina cells grow photoautotrophically and photomixtrotrophically, but also can grow heterotroph ically under some specific conditions. light intensity, light quality, temperature, species and concentration of metals, rare


It can both improve the immune function of human body .


Must we wait for incontrovertible data before we seriously seek to solve the problems of hunger and malnutrition in America?


So far, many genes have been found to be related to this disease, such as TGFA,TGFβ3, BCL3, F13A, etc. The role of the environment in modulating genetic effects is equally critical and three major classes of environment triggers have been studied, including teratogens(e.g. tobaccos, ethanol, glucocorticoid, et al), infection and innutrition.

常见的引起唇腭裂相关的基因有TGFA,TGFβ3, BCL3, F13A等;环境因素在唇腭裂发生中的遗传修饰作用也很重要,主要的环境激发因素包括致畸因子(如烟草、酒精、糖皮质激素等)、感染和营养缺乏。

This item implement in Chinese northeast black soil district of delicate plain, the raw material--carrot with high nourishment composition. Adopt international leading technique — carrot cell physics and biology technique in deeply process. The main product has carrot inspissation juice, concentrated syrup and carrot food fiber.


In summer, distribution of Pro paralleled the 50m isobath, presenting in most areas of the East China Sea.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
