英语人>网络例句>有营养 相关的搜索结果


与 有营养 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There were 5 patients suffered from abdominal distention and gastric retention, and 4 patients suffered from diarrhea in EN group.


Flour plays a decisive role in making pastas. Tagliatelle in use this time is hand made of durum wheat flour and egg instead water. As a result, the pasta is nutritious and less likely to become floppy if overcooked. Mr. Teo uses his private recipe, cooking tagliatelle with a variety of seafood and fresh vegetables very carefully so that their original flavors can be retained.

面食最讲究的当然是面的挑选,此次的手工意大利面完全是由鸡蛋,硬麦粉制作而成的,和一般用水和面粉制作的有很大区别,这样不仅可以让面本身更加有韧性,也会增加面的营养价值,不仅如此,Chiaravalloti Teo先生还运用了多种海鲜作为辅料,配以清新的蔬菜,采用私家菜的烹饪方法,从而保证其原有的美味。

There are commonly eight nuclei in the embryo sac: the egg apparatus at the micropylar end, made up of an gee nucleus and two synergid nuclei; three antipodal cells at the oppsite chalazal end that probably aid embryo nourishment; and two polar nuclei in the center that fuse to form the primary endosperm nucleus.


Characteristic sweet potato: Show to think generally in the world, sweet potato nutrition is rich, have the effect that delays consenescence, and hemal to head of enteron, heart disease has taller precautionary effect, have prevent the cancer, effect that fights cancer.


"Chinese children's growth must read" to the initial reading ability and the knowledge base have yet to build up young children to read objects, including the children are most curious, most interested in understanding the mysteries of the universe, animal the world, historical records, children's fables and other types of encyclopedic knowledge, natural science, humanities, are the main areas covered, in the full and comprehensive knowledge of structure, to new ideas, new materials, new results for the selection of the standard , and strive to provide the best spiritual nourishment to our children, our future society is designed to open a new owner of the window fan to see the world, build a vessel about to sail the knowledge of marine vessels.


Reading for two years after junior high school drop-out to a welfare factory workers, and later with the help of a friend came to Shanghai wholesale Xiansun, but has not Diediezhuangzhuang Earn any money, but he believes that as long as people have a strong sense of self-confidence and keen观察力, the opportunities will always go down. 06 summer, his wife's encouragement to buy a computer, because it is pure rookie, there is only one left-handed typing, the beginning of the time very difficult, and even copy and paste are not the people, but he is convinced that, will be paid Fruitful, efforts live up to conscientious, or a 50-day drill, the time is 63 days or a drilling, he said his dual Rujisike day in Taobao, the university desperately to absorb nutrition, to every business every The sky is falling, as the pie, he did not believe that the wings were also啦how they can still Taobao in the sky started to fly half wings!

初中读了两年后便缀学到一个福利厂里打工,后来在一个朋友的帮助下来到上海批发鲜笋,跌跌撞撞却也没赚到什么钱,但他相信,人只要有强烈的自信心和敏锐的观察力,机遇总是会垂青的。06年夏天,他在妻子的鼓励下买了电脑,因为是纯菜鸟,又只有一个左手打字,刚开始学的时候非常艰难,甚至连复制粘贴都不会的人,但是他坚信,付出就会有收获,工夫不负有心人, 50天升了一个钻,63天的时候又升了一个钻,他说自己每天偶如饥似渴地在淘宝这所大学里拼命地吸取营养,把每一个生意每一个客户看作是天上掉下的馅饼,他相信没了个翅膀又怎么啦,自己照样能在淘宝的天空里展开半个翅膀飞翔!

The results indicated that 0.3% brackish water could be used for growing melon without any yield losses,but fruit yield reductions were significant(P.01) during straw period and flor-fruit period and(P.01) during fruitage at 5,7 and 9 g/L.The salinity improved quality during fruitage and decreased quality b...

结果表明,在不同生育时期3 g/L咸水处理对甜瓜产量均无显著影响,在开花坐果期和伸蔓期至果实成熟期,5,7,9 g/L咸水处理的单果重均极显著低于对照,而在果实发育期各咸水处理的单果重均显著低于对照;在甜瓜果实发育期以前,不同浓度咸水处理使甜瓜品质稍有降低,而后期处理则能提高甜瓜果实的品质,其中可溶性蛋白含量的变化不大;伸蔓期至果实成熟期持续咸水处理对甜瓜营养生长有明显的抑制作用,其中对株高的影响表现得尤为突出。

It is principally used as a source of heme iron .it may have hematinic activity, Hematinic activity refers to the ability of a substance to improve the quality of the blood, including hemonglobin level and number of erythrocytes.


In iron-deficient cells, photosynthetic pigments content decreased, efficiency of photosynthesis was low, With the increase of the concentration of the iron-chelator 2, 2'-Dipyridyl in media, Fv/Fm decreased, indicating photoinhibition increased, the results were consistent with previous research; Heterocyst induction had one delayed time dependent on the status of iron-deficiency, More severe of the iron-deficiency condition, more late of the heterocyst induction, It is possible that certain iron-related genes may directly regulate heterocyst development; under different iron limitation conditions, Protein pattern were different, more serious of the iron-deficiency conditions, less bands of the protein pattern, We could not find the iron-deficiency induced protein; In general the toxic effects of ROS were potentiated by excess iron, But our results revealed that even under iron-deficiency conditions, Oxidative damage existed.


A feeding zooid in a hydroid colony having an oral opening surrounded by tentacles.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
