英语人>网络例句>有营养 相关的搜索结果


与 有营养 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Small intestinal biopsies showed subepithelial collagen deposition with varying degrees of villous atrophy and varying numbers of intraepithelial lymphocytes. Four patients had previous biopsies showing enteropathic changes without collagen deposition. Seven cases were associated with collagenous colitis and 1 also had features of lymphocytic colitis. Three patients also had collagen deposition in gastric biopsies. One case was associated with lymphocytic gastritis. Celiac disease (CD, gluten-sensitive enteropathy) was documented in 4 patients. Five patients made a clinical improvement with combinations of a gluten-free diet and immunosuppressive therapy. Two patients died of complications of malnutrition and 1 of another illness. Clonal T-cell populations were identified in 5 of 6 cases tested. Four of these patients improved clinically after treatment but 1 has died. Collagenous sprue evolved on a background of CD in 4 cases. There was no history of CD in others and these cases may be the result of a biologic insult other than gluten sensitivity.


In general, every 9-11 vegetative cells there was one heterocyst, But to wild-type filaments, every 12 vegetative cells. Mp22 has strong phenotype. Cells grow slowly under BG11 medium, BG11〓 medium, iron-deficiency condition and NaCl stress conditions in contrast with wild-type.


PIH disease pathogenesis, has not yet been clarified, according to the etiology of epidemic survey found that pregnancy causes a high incidence of disease may be related to the following factors:(1) the spirit of excessive tension or by stimulating the central nervous system dysfunction resulting in;(2) the cold season or temperature change is too large, especially at high pressure;(3) of young pregnant women or elderly primipara;(4) has chronic high blood pressure, nephritis, diabetes and other medical history of pregnant women;(5) malnutrition;(6) short body fat;(7) uterine hypertonicity, such as polyhydramnios, twins, diabetes, fetal macrosomia and the mole, etc.;(8) family history of hypertension, particularly pregnant women pregnant mother has history of hypertension.


Results: these 30 old patients with bedsore got(16.97±3.24) grade averaged. there were 3 patients (10%) got 13 grade, 14 (46.7%) got 14~18 grade, 5 (16.7%) got 19~23 grade. most of them had the innutrition, hypoproteinemia, decrease of serum calcium, change of muscular tension and gatism in different degree. all of them had no self-care ability and had to lie down and take transfusion, 10 of them had to be bound their extremity. there was close correlation between the factors happened to the patients and the incidence of bedsore.


So I used a quilt cover not a overstaffed sleeping bag again, it was cheaper and clean and easy; there are street lamps in the center of city, there is star and moon in mountain, so I needed not a headlight; there are so many rest houses, it is buggy to bring a tent, when camping, I could not have a wash, and could not go to toilet; the bag for washing tools is so expensive and no any use, a plastic bag would be better; Chocolates and ship biscuits are very insipid, and no alimentation, the local chicken soup would be more better; less clothing can reduce weights, if washing many times so, can change many times; books and magazines and CD and small sound boxes are also left at home, I preferred to sleep for a while or have a chat with local people; I preferred a ordinary cup bought in supermarkets to a LANKEN water bottle, the ordinary cup is not easy to be broken and not hot, and easy for brushing teeth; and, when I knew I could not become a shoot master, so I did not bring a camera now, I thought it was enough to use the digital cameral; and the most laughable were my alpenstocks, they just could be used to beat dogs besides showing peacockish, but I could found any sticks anywhere to beat dogs; and I did not bring anything which were not necessary

臃肿的睡袋换成被套,经济又实惠干净又轻便;城市里有路灯,山野里有星星和月亮,要头灯干吗;各处都有招待所,带帐篷是神经病,没洗澡来没马桶;洗漱包贵的最无聊,还不如用一塑料袋;巧克力和压缩饼干难吃没营养,不如当地土鸡汤;衣物少带能减好几斤,勤洗也就能勤换;闲书杂志 CD 机小音响也一概不带,有那时间可以睡觉或和当地人多聊聊天; LANKEN 水壶也要被超市买的太空杯替代,不怕摔不怕烫还口大好刷牙;还有,在明白自己成不了摄影大师后,现在我连带照相机的勇气都快没有了,以后就用傻瓜数码拍拍到此一游算了;可笑的是那行走杖,除了骚以外最大的用处是打狗,可打狗棍到处都能拣到。

Tubo period sculpture and painting at the absorption of foreign art nutrition, integrated Tibetan folk arts development stage, showing the diversity of artistic styles, with a typical artistic style of Gandhara, with a clear Dunhuang in the Tang Dynasty style, there are the Central Plains sculpture style , a Nepalese style of ancient art, but also a Tibetan folk art combined with the new forms, in a sense it can be said that the development of the arts in the history of Tibet during the opening.


Trends of overground physiological and biochemical indexs are almost the same—weak soil Naphthalin pollution stress stimulate them,strong pollution restrain stress them. In the first two weeks of seeding stage weak soil Naphthalin pollution stimulate root activity,but soil Naphthalin pollution stress restrain root activity from the second week till jointing stage, In corn grouting stage soil Naphthalin pollution stress stimulate root activity.


There were plenty of quiet deep-water lakes, while other water bodies existed around the lakes, such as swamps and shallow water environment; in the vicinity of water, there were mountains with the higth at least 800 m and alpines lakes and streams.

有丰富且宁静的深水湖泊,周围还有其他形式的水体环境,如沼泽和浅水环境;附近有高山存在,且海拔在800 m 以上,高山上有湖泊,山间有溪流;土壤营养丰富且水分比较充足,适宜多种动植物生存。

With the development of science, serious problems arise within people's diettoday. 1. It is seriously disproportionate of the three daily meals. We pay more attention to supper while neglecting the most important breakfast. 2. Human's digest system has strict biorhythm, but we always confuse our diet time. 3. In our daily diet, sometimes we absorb excessive nutrition while sometimesless than necessary. 4. Each kind of food has its most proper edible time, but we eat at our pleasure without thinking the time. 5. We always neglect the synergistic effect or reciprocal effect of food. 6. Due to various genes and blood types, each person has the very food most suitable for him to eat.


Should be no problem, as long as your baby to eat good, sleep good, do not usually cry when tried, and tried very law, there would be no problem, but now add the milk of many types of nutrients, your baby is too small , incomplete digestion can not be completely absorbed, you may have to happen, the mother can also point to the baby to feed,"a Health fat" is what we often say that the yeast film, there are powder, and good for feeding a baby, my baby is also small, I am fed on improved several times, this is mainly to promote digestion, and no side effects, can be assured.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
