英语人>网络例句>有皮层的 相关的搜索结果


与 有皮层的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The characters of agraphia caused by basal ganglia and cortex damage are similar in some aspects and dissimilar in other aspects.


Cortex nerve cell could be orientation differentiation to cholinergic neuron,β-tubulin was expression during the process of differentiation, which was distribution from around nucleus intensive in the early of differentiation to presented in cytoplasm in network, and extension into apophysis after maturity.


The histopathologic observations of corneas after penetrating keratoplasty in dogs: Thestructure of wholly transparent graft was the same as that of host cornea apart from the upperdonor-host junction where there was minimal irregularity of the corneal lamellae. However, thecorneal lamellae at the lower donor-host junction were neat. The graft with its central part beingtransparent only showed poor coaptation with recipient, in which the graft shifted inward and had marked wrinkles and folds in Descemet"s membrane. On the back of Descemet"s membranethere was hyperplastic stromal fibers that thickened the graft and partially adhered to iris.


They also found that different motor phenotypes correlated to thinning of selective cortical areas.


The results indicated that the soybean protein fibers have skin-core structure and fibril structure.


objective to study mri diagnostic value on multiple sclerosis.methods mri examination data of 31 patients with multiple sclerosis were analysised retrospectively.results total 184 lesions were detectived in 31 patients.most lesions were located on white watter area beside the lateral ventricle,and a few lesions were located on the spinal cord,cerebellum,brain stem and corpus callosum.the shape of lesion can be circle or ellipse.the lesion showed as slightly long t1 and long t2 signal.the acute stage lesions can have enhancement.conclusions ms have characteristic findings on mri image.mri can show the patholoic changes,and provide strong evidence for clinic diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.

摘 要]目的:探讨多发性硬化(muliplle sclerosis,ms)的mri特征表现及其诊断价值。方法:回顾分析31例临床诊断为ms患者的mri检查资料。结果:31例共发现病灶184个,病灶于侧脑室旁白质区、半卵圆中心及皮层下区最多见,其次见于脊髓小脑、脑干及胼胝体,部分可见视神经受累,病灶呈卵圆形或圆形稍长t1、长t2信号,矢状位像见病灶与侧脑室垂直,急性病灶增强扫描有的可呈结节状、环状或斑点状强化。结论:在mri图像上ms有特征性表现,mri能反应ms病理变化,为临床诊断ms提供可靠依据。

From the early study of the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia people have found its association with immunological function . In 1986 Ellis et al[1] had found that the extravillous chorionic cytotrophoblast contacting with the maternal tissue expressed high levels of Human leukocyte antigen-G, a major histocompatibility tissue-specific antigen . Extravillous chorionic cytotrophoblast with high levels expression of HLA-G proteins can invade the maternal deciduas and the maternal spiral arteries by displacing the endothelial lining and destroying most of the musculoelastic tissue of these arteries .

早期研究开始,许多学者即发现其与免疫学有密切关系,至1986年Ellis等[1]发现人类白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen,HLA) G分子高度表达在绒毛外滋养层细胞( extravillous cytotrophoblast,EVCT)上,即浸润至子宫蜕膜层甚至达子宫浅肌层以及子宫螺旋动脉内皮层,与母血及子宫组织直接接触的滋养细胞,这种独特的组织分布提示HLA-G分子在母胎免疫耐受方面起重要作用。

The secrection of the pyramidal secretory cells is ejected into the spermathecal cavity through secretory canals. The preliminary histochemical stainings shows that the secretion is a kind of glycoprotein and probably plays an important role in storing sperms.


In addition, extensive swelling, erosion and peeling of tegumental ridges and destruction of discoidlike sensory structures were seen in female worms.


RESULTS: Transplanted AS had a favorable fusion between tissue-engineered skin and self-skin on the 3rd day after grafting with a few of ingrowths of capillaries.


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