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Six days after inoculation, the cucumber root tip was slightly swollen and symmetrical root-knots were observed at the meristematic and elongation zones. Giant cells were differentiated by previous cambium cells in the center of the root; 10days after inoculation, symmetrical and secondary root-knots were observed at the root hair and upper zones. Vessels were separated by giant cells, around which protoxylem vessels were observed; l6days after inoculation, hypo-vascular tissue appeared earlier than normal; 20-30 days after inoculation, the vertical arrangement of vessels was disordered, shape was distorted and a new vascular tissue appeared in the cortex.

结果显示:接种后6 d的根尖分生区、伸长区出现膨大、对称的根结,根中心的原形成层细胞分化出巨型细胞;10 d在根毛区及以上部位出现既有对称又有偏于一侧的根结,周围有原生木质部导管出现,根结中巨型细胞阻断了导管;16 d次生维管组织提早出现;20~30 d导管纵向排列无序,形状扭曲,皮层中有新维管组织产生。

Cdc-42 mRNA is also distributed extensively in oocyte, early embryos and gonad of hermaphroditism.


An enriched PCR fragments with less complexity were obtained and mainly expressed in the denervated hippoampus After cloning into the plasmid vector, 46 clones were initially screened and subjected to autosequencing By comparison with the EMBO gene databases, 21 gene fragments of different types were obtained with 11 similar to genes of known function and 10 similar to ones of unknown function It is inferable that the altered gene expressions of hippocampus following the entorhinally denervation may underlie the specfic reinnervation and the formation of synapses by transplanted entorhinal neurons with host neuropil within the denervated target areas.

初步挑选出的46个转化后的阳性克隆,经点杂交筛选和基因序列分析,与Gene Database同源性比较后,得到21种基因片段,其中功能已知的有11种,功能未知的有10种。结果表明海马在去内嗅皮层后某些基因表达的改变,这可能是移植胚胎内嗅皮层神经细胞轴突特异支配去神经靶区和重建突触联系有关。

In the brain mechanism researches of Numerical Processing, Subitizing, Counting and SNARC Effect all presented that there is intense relationship between numerical processing and spatial coding, which strongly activates the IPS, considered as numerical processing main field.


Results:(1)Among 40 rats, 36 rats were successfully established and the rate of success is 90 percent;(2)All the successfully established models demonstrated polydipsia, polyuria and the body weight was not increased. 6 rats suffered cataract after 3 months, and 4 rats died in 6 months;(3)There was an approximately 61% loss of retinal ganglion cells in the central retina and the thickness of retina thinner under microscope ( P 0.01 ).(4) Electroscope changes include the thinner of retina, disorganization of the membranous disc of the rod cells and the thickness of basal membrane of vessal.(5)In normal group, 1 month dibetes mellitus and 1 month treatmen group, there was no expression of ERK1/ERK2 on the retina tissues. In 3 month diabetes mellitus group, the expression of ERK1/ERK2 was positive.


In the whole process of clinical observation, poor memory appeared the highest incidence, and hemiplegia, numbness and slightly purplish tongue were presented all the way round. 7. It was shown in the results of MRI data for the 23 cases in preserved Dongzhimen hospital that the brain lesions were distributed in cortex and the extensive structure of subcortex in the cases of motor aphasia after stroke.


Outcome:(1) Acute ischemic damage may induce the expression of c-fos protein in Cerebral Cortex quickly. Also, the expression increases by the ischemia time delay. It may hint that ischemia injury can rise the ability of nerve cells to tolerate ischemia and anoxia. And the expression level of c-fos can be up-regulated by putting blood of 12 hand Jing Points. So we think that treated by this therapy can rise the irritability of brain to resist the development of ischemia and enhance the ability to plerosis.(2) Acute ischemic damage may induce the expression of HspVO in Cerebral Cortex quickly. Also, the expression increases by the ischemia time delay. It may hint that ischemia injury can rise the ability of nerve cells to tolerate ischemia and anoxia.

三 结果(1)急性缺血性脑损伤可快速诱导c-fos蛋白在皮层缺血区脑组织的表达,其表达有随缺血时间延长而逐渐增多的趋势,提示脑的缺血性损伤可应激性地增强神经细胞对缺血、缺氧的耐受和适应能力,而应用井穴放血的干预治疗可明显上调缺血区皮层脑组织c-fos的表达水平,进一步增强脑组织对抗缺血性损伤的应激能力,抵抗缺血性脑损害的进一步发展。

The results are unsure for experimental use;The rabbit's corneas that were removed with upper-half of corneal limbal epithelium lamella and erased the center corneal epitheliums were transparent with intact corneal epithelium;In the approach,the corneal and limbal epitheliums were burned with a cotton swab socked in 1 mol/L NaOH,there were 4 rabbits' corneal stroma happened perforation or ulcer and symblepharon,and the other one presented corneal epithelium phenotype.This is an applicable method to create the pathological model of corneal limbal stem cell total deficiency.

结果表明,处理后4周,全周角膜缘上皮板层手术切除,中央角膜上皮层用1 mol/L NaOH擦除的5只试验家兔角膜表面全部血管化、结膜化,未发生睑球粘连,角膜基质胶原纤维完整未见溃疡、穿孔等病变,细胞印迹学检查为结膜表型,可作为实验性角膜缘干细胞移植的病理模型;全周角膜缘上皮板层手术切除,中央角膜上皮用生理盐水擦除的5只试验家兔,有2只为结膜表型,另3只为角膜表型,观察期内结果不稳定;半周角膜缘上皮板层手术切除,中央角膜上皮层用生理盐水擦除的5只试验家兔,角膜表面透明,全部为角膜表型;直接用1 mol/L NaOH擦除角膜缘和中央角膜上皮的试验家兔,有4只角膜基质胶原纤维断裂、溶解,并伴有严重的溃疡、穿孔、睑球粘连等病变,不能用于移植试验,另1只角膜表面透明,未见结膜和新生血管长入,细胞印迹学检查为角膜表型。

The root system in the cortex of the host stem has a few branches and highly simplified stele of original triarch vascular bundles. The haustrium root system, which is from the root system in the cortex of a host stem enters the vascular tissues as finger-like body from the vascular rays and then to become hyphae-like body among the vascular cells.


Pyramidal neurons are generated from cells that migrate radially from the ventricular zone, while interneurons migrate tangentially from ventral ganglionic eminences to the developing cortex.


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