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与 有皮层的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Each hair has its own blood, nerve, and muscle supply, found within the dermal layer of the skin.


Hata, et al." Selective Pruning of More Active Afferents When Cat Visual Cortex Is Pharmacologically Inhibited ." Neuron .

Hata等人编著,〈当猫的视觉皮层被以药理学方式抑制的同时,主传入神经活性也有选择性的删减〉,《神经元》 1999 Feb;22(2):375-81。

RESULTS: A total of 36 rabbit models, 6 in the 1-month therapy group and 8 in the 3-month therapy group were died from infection. In the 1-month therapy group, thick ureteric wall and smooth ureteric lumina developed without any contracture. Under the optical microscope, transitional epithelial cells covered throughout the inner walls and smooth muscle cells appeared sparsely in a mussy configuration. In addition, CKAE1/AE3 staining was positive butα-actin staining was very weak when checked by immunohistochemistry. In the 3-month therapy group, amnion-ureters were enclosed by their peripheral tissue and showed rich blood vessels and normal ureteric lumina without significant contracture, futher more, there had formed a well-arranged transitional epithelial layer and smooth muscular layer, the immunohistochemistry result showed that the expression of CKAE1/AE3 and α-actin were positive.

结果:36只大白兔中,1个月治疗组死亡6只,3个月治疗组死亡8只,死亡原因均为感染。1个月治疗组大白兔羊膜输尿管柔软,长4 cm,管壁变厚,无挛缩,移行上皮组织爬满内壁,平滑肌组织部分再生,但较稀疏,排列不规则;免疫组织化学检查提示CKAE1/AE3染色阳性,α-Actin染色微弱。3个月治疗组大白兔羊膜输尿管与周围粘连,有丰富的血运,无明显挛缩,管腔不缩小,已形成良好的移行上皮层和平滑肌层,免疫组织化学显示α-Actin和CKAE1/AE3染色均为阳性。

Ber at doses of 1-4 mg·〓 iv was shown to decrease dose-dependently the spectrum power of delta dominant frequency in cortical area and transfer the dominant freqency from delta to theta rhythm in hippocampus. Under the same conditions, the effects of physostigmine 0.1mg·〓 iv on EEG were similar to Ber.

Ber 〓能浓度依赖性地使清醒兔皮层区EEG持续出现低振幅快波,其主频率功率明显减少,并使海马区EEG出现持续且有规律的θ节律,Ber 〓iv使功率谱中δ、θ、α+β相对功率由对照组的43.1±9.3、28.0±4.0和26.1±6.3分别变为28.3±4.7、48.6±5.8(P.01)和22.6±7.2,海马区主频率从δ段右移至θ段,主频率功率明显减少。

It consists of deposits of suberin and cutin and ensures that all the water and solutes entering the stele pass through the cytoplasm of the endodermal cells, thus allowing for selective filtering of solutes and control of flow rate.


Results: Neonatal rats in hypoxic-ischemicgroup behaved restlessness, cyanosis, deep and rapid breath, astasia, lethargy, irritation and spasm; There were local pyknosis, fragmentation, dissymmetry, blur or disappearance of nucleoli, raritas of ground substance in left cerebral cortex; but there was no statistic significance in chinese traditional medicine group and sham group. The expression of HIF-1α mRNA in brain tissue of experimental group and chinese traditional medicine group were higher than that in sham group, especially chinese traditional medicine group at 3d; HIF-1α positive cells were found in cerebral cortex and hippocampus. There were more HIF-1α positive cells in experimental group and chinese traditional medicine group and mainly in vascular endothelial cells.

结果 缺氧缺血后大鼠相继表现为烦躁不安、全身发给、呼吸加深加快、站立不稳、嗜睡、激惹或间断发作的痉挛和抽搐;HE染色显示实验组大鼠左侧大脑皮层出现局灶性神经元核固缩,核碎裂,核仁偏位,不清或消失,基质疏松;中药组大鼠脑组织结构基本接近假手术组,无明显水肿和坏死表现;实验组和中药组大鼠脑组织HIF-1α mRNA表达较假手术组明显增加,尤其是中药组实验第3日者;免疫组化显示实验组和中药组各时间点大鼠大脑皮层和海马区均可见不同程度的HIF-1α表达,明显高于假手术组,阳性表达主要在血管内皮细胞,海马和皮层的锥体细胞亦有HIF-1α阳性细胞分布。

D: Well, in a recent study, scientists observed that when the participants felt rejected, the flow of blood increased to the area of their brain known as the anterior cingulated cortex.


In all of this material from which tumor cases are excluded, there are few cases in which the removal of cortical tissue resulted in more than a temporary dysphasic condition, with language function restored within a matter of days or weeks.


The results show that a large number of cone cells distributes in the central area of retina, and the number of cell in outer nuclear layer and ganglion cell layer is approximate, and the protuberances of pigment epithelium cells extend to cones and rods layer, which suggest that Zoacys dhumnades is diurnal habitual species.


Result:Characteristics of the tangentical longitudinal section of stem with resin and surface view of leaves were elucidated.Besides xylem vessels and fibers of the stem,it was found that the red resin also exists in the cortex parenchyma cells of the stem and the medulla and xylem of the root.According to the HPLC fingerprint analysis result of the stems with and without resin,a number of flavones and stilbenoids were detected in the stem in which resin appeared after it wounded.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
