英语人>网络例句>有性生殖的 相关的搜索结果


与 有性生殖的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Moutan has two different reproduction ways:obligate seed reproduction and amphitrophic reproduction;the dormitory of its embryo has two stages of epicotyl and hypocotyl;the dormitory could be end if it is treated with two temperature conditions.


Monogony is a special kind of sexual reproduction.


Although the cloned child will carry the same problem genes as the parent who donates the nucleus, he or she will in all likelihood enjoy the parent's state of health and will be free of the additional risks caused by mixing both parents?genes during sexual reproduction.


Due to the causes such as polyploidy and self-incompatibility, the plants of Paspalum, with the greatest number of apomictic species, show much complex and various reproduction characteristics.


Due to the causes such as polyploidy and self-incompatibility,the plants ofPaspalum,with the greatest number of apomictic species,show much complex and various reproduction characteristics.


For example, an asexual mutant arising in a sexual population occupies a niche frozen to that of its parental genotype because the asexual descendants are genetically self-identical.


Of 30,000 known Ascomycetes only 5,000 have been 'connected' to their anamorphs - results often 'messy' eg teleomorph genera, Nectria and Gibberella, both have anamorphs which have been classified in the anamorph genus Fusarium Many anamorphs (85%) have no known teleomorph - are termed Deuteromycetes.

有时将有性与无性联系容易,许多情况下难甚至做不到,因为有的菌丧失了有性生殖的能力。30 000种已知的子囊菌只有5 000种与无性态挂上了勾,结果往往是杂乱的,如有性阶段的丛剌壳属和赤霉属的无性阶段都是镰霉属。

In some cases it has been possible to 'connect' the anamorph name with the teleomorph name - but in many others this has not yet been done and may never be possible because the organism may have lost the ability to reproduce sexually.eg teleomorph genera, Nectria and Gibberella, both have anamorphs which have been classified in the anamorph genus Fusarium

有时将有性与无性联系容易,许多情况下难甚至做不到,因为有的菌丧失了有性生殖的能力。30 000种已知的子囊菌只有5 000种与无性态挂上了勾,结果往往是杂乱的,如有性阶段的丛剌壳属和赤霉属的无性阶段都是镰霉属。

Specimens were reared under different temperatures, photoperiods, and densities. Total weights of lacerates were used as an index of investment in asexual reproduction, whereas gonad weights as an index of investment in sexual reproduction.

为了解答这个疑惑,我们以美丽海葵(Aiptasia pulchella Carlgren 1943)为材料,以不同的环境变因:温度、光周期、海葵个体密度为处理,并以碎裂片数目、大小及湿重代表无性生殖的反应与投资,以生殖腺湿重代表有性生殖的投资,探讨海葵的有、无性生殖投资之间是否有补偿作用的现象。

They produce no offspring of their own, one consequence of which is that populations of plants and animals capable of self-fertilisation, or "selfing", grow at twice the rate of populations that depend on sexual reproduction.


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
