英语人>网络例句>有性生殖 相关的搜索结果


与 有性生殖 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The results demonstrated that sexual reproduction capacity between isolates derived from ascospores and conidia were different, and at least partially determined by their genetic differences.


In this paper, the sexual reproduction capacity of Orbiliaceous anamorphs derived from ascospores and asexual conidia were evaluated.


In some cases it has been possible to 'connect' the anamorph name with the teleomorph name - but in many others this has not yet been done and may never be possible because the organism may have lost the ability to reproduce sexually.eg teleomorph genera, Nectria and Gibberella, both have anamorphs which have been classified in the anamorph genus Fusarium

有时将有性与无性联系容易,许多情况下难甚至做不到,因为有的菌丧失了有性生殖的能力。30 000种已知的子囊菌只有5 000种与无性态挂上了勾,结果往往是杂乱的,如有性阶段的丛剌壳属和赤霉属的无性阶段都是镰霉属。

Morphology of sexual reproduction abortion in'High Noon', a distant hybridization cultivar of tree peonies(P.delavayi var. lutea×P. suffruticasa), was systematically investigated with light microscopy and cross. The results indicated that:(1)The stamens matured earlier than the gynoecia and pollens dispersed at the early stage of anthesis but the rate of normal 2-celled pollens were merely 2.41%.


In C. reinhardtii, isogamous sexual reproduction occurs through "plus" and "minus" mating types.

C。 reinhardtii藻的同配有性生殖通过&正&配子和&负&配子结合产生。

Juglans mandshurica is one of the most important component species of the mixed forest of the broadleaved species and Korean pine forest in the eastern mountains in Northeast China.


Nosema disease is a kind of zoonoses, of all ages can be affected by pollution, for human carinii infection and host immune function of severely inhibited closely related to people before that Nosema without sexual reproduction period .


As a sexual reproductive organ, ovules have received much attention by botanists. Since the nineteenth century, the morphology, structure, ontogenesis, origin and molecular biology of angiosperm ovules have been studied in detail.


There were generally reproductive growth in each age class ramets of Carex kirganica as well as that in Scirpus planiculmis. Furthermore, the more or less of the reproductive allocation was certain and that is the result of reproductive trade-off and the adaptation to their habitats.

长秆苔草和紧穗三棱草各龄级分株均进行有性生殖,并保持一定量的生殖分配大小,是适应生境的生殖策略权衡的结果。12个不同水分梯度生境芦苇生殖分配RA Ⅰ为5.82%~16.31%,生殖生长比率Rrg为10.68%~16.35%,2个生境毛芦苇RAI分别为9.09%和13.98%,生殖生长比率分别为22.07%和1 8.06%。

Reproduction in lichens may be asexual by soredia (algal cells enclosed by fungal hyphae) or by sexual fungal spores, which can survive only if some algal cells are also present.


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This paper demonstrated the impact on the environment today, an important factor is Education.


Article 16 The power to interpret these Procedures shall remain with the Ministry of Agriculture and CAA.


I am not quite sure if you can overcome the inertia.
