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与 有变形的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Periscope Drawtube will be bent because of the water resistance in sailing and this bend will cause the error of star measurement. Due to its especial structure, contactless measurement is the only way to measure its bend degree. First this paper introduces the method by linear array CCD based on structure and light path; Second it expatiates linear array CCD work principle and driving scheduling with example of TCD1501C and the driving circuit by CPLD. The output signal of linear array CCD includes common disturbance so the differential amplifier is needed. In order to make the signal adapt to computer processing, a threshold circuit with Schmitt characteristic and the data process following threshold are given. At last, some key problems in application are given.


The mineral chemistry, trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopic geochemistry of different types of deep-seated inclusions indicate that Group Ⅰinclusions in western Shaudong could be the relicts of high degree of partial melting of the mantle-derived peridotites and then subjected to mantle metasomatism; the dunite and harzburgite in Group Ⅱ inclusions could be resulted from the metasomatism of silica-rich melts in the upper mantle; the olivine-pyroxenite and pyroxenite in Group Ⅱ and Group Ⅲ inclusions could be magmatic cumulates derived from magma underplating in the upper mantle.


In order to reasonably depict four basic problems with friction, one Coulomb friction new form in first Kirchhoff stress is proposed to deal with finite deformation problems, other Coulomb friction form in incremental mode to elastoplastic flow theory; Hilbert function spaces concerning elastoplastical problems with friction are established, so it makes all operations and calculations in the treatise standardized within the scope of reasonably topologic structure; In view of functional extremum, the equivalence between generalized variational inequalities principles in elastoplasticity with friction and corresponding basic problems are testified by inducing Lagrangian multipliers, so it provides a rationally theoretical basis for numerical methods in elastoplasticity with friction; From the viewpoint of variational inequality, the theory of generalized variational inequalities in elasticity and elastoplasticity with frictional constraint is studied, and the uniqueness and existence of the solution of FEM is proofed under the proposed conditions of stress compatibility, and them FEM approximation and a discrete solution are discussed; Based on the principles of generalized variational inequalities in elastoplasticity with friction, direct generalized variational inequalities methods is pretended, which is a natural generalization and development of direct variational methods; Using generalized variational inequalities methods, some examples in metal forming including plane deformation, upset and extrusion are analyzed and the results prove that all the theories and methods in the paper are right, feasible, accurate and advanced.


The sample which has retrogressive phenomenon precipitates the secondary phase during re-ageing treatment subsequently, and the reprecipitation sequence is due to the grain size caused by severe plastic deformation. There is a critical grain size below which the reprecipitation sequence changes, the heterogeneous precipitation of phase at grain boundaries would suppress precipitation of metastable phases such as GP zones and η′ phase.


The present experiment demonstrated that the unhomogeneity of surface tension induced by gradient magnetic field near the surface of liquid could lead to surface deformation, the quantity and direction of deformation are directly related to the distribution of gradient filed, and a new way to the research of the kinetics of Buoyant-Thermcapillary Convection is proposed.


They both have merits and shortcomings. The first one calculates simply, and has corresponding design code to follow about safety factor. But it has many errors because of many assumptions about seepage and deformation of rock abutment. And it is not convenient to optimize the arch dam shape because of dealing with arch dam and abutment separately.


Based on them, distribution laws of subgrade temperature field under fluctuant boundary temperature cycle conditions are analyzed, and different ratios of slope for general subgrade and different status when there are or not banquettes are compared by laboratory simulation and numerical analysis; thermal insulation and cooling effect of thermal insulation slab, broken stone and non-power heat pipes is respectively investigated under the trend of elevated temperature by numerical analysis, laws of subgrade deformation are predicted under the trend of elevated temperature and influences of subgrade thaw settlement on pavement stress are studies by numerical computation for observation data of representative road sections selected.


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Grain boundary slidings happen in this alloy at the creep temperature of 200 ℃ and the deformation of this alloy is coordinated by intragranular slip and grain boundary sliding.

结果表明:在125~200 ℃蠕变温度下,当蠕变寿命接近100 h时,2024铝合金的蠕变应力随着温度的升高明显下降;与125 ℃相比,150 ℃时合金的蠕变应力下降9.3%,在175 ℃时合金的蠕变应力下降30.3%;当蠕变温度为200 ℃时,该合金的蠕变应力下降幅度达到45.8%;在125~175 ℃下,合金在蠕变过程中的变形机制主要为位错在晶内的滑移;在200℃时,合金晶界开始发生滑移,合金变形由晶界滑移与位错在晶内的滑移协调完成;在合金蠕变断面上存在大量微孔,随着蠕变温度的升高,微孔的尺寸明显变大,当微孔尺寸超过3 μm时,微孔对合金的断裂机制有显著影响;在125和150 ℃下,合金的蠕变断口呈现韧窝型穿晶断裂特征;在175和200 ℃下,合金的蠕变断口呈现沿晶断裂特征。

Analysis indicates that there is little difference in the displacement of tunnel and well control of stratum displacement by both methods. Plastic zone develops more obviously above the tunnel side by CRD method and is larger by CRD method than by dual sidewall guide pit method. It is comparatively obvious that the plasticity district develops in the side direction of the tunnel by dual sidewall guide pit method and the leading influence distance is also longer than that by CRD method. The development speed of plasticity district is comparatively fast in the range of the leading 3~6 m in CRD tunnel and 0~3 m in sidewall guide pit tunnel. There are different advantages by both methods for passing through sand layer.

结果表明,采用这2种工法时引起的隧道变形相差不是很大,都能较好地控制地层的变形;采用CRD法时产生的塑性区较双侧壁法大,且向隧道侧上方发展较为明显;采用双侧壁法时产生的塑性区在隧道侧向发展较为明显,超前影响的距离也大于CRD法;采用CRD法时的塑性区在超前3~6m的范围内发展速度较快;采用双侧壁法时的塑性区在超前0~3 m的范围内发展速度较快;对于隧道穿越砂层而言,2种工法各有优势。

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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
