英语人>网络例句>有变形的 相关的搜索结果


与 有变形的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The main results of the investigation are as following:(1) Some important criteria for the design of multi-layer structure are acquired: the ratio of the layer thickness to the contact diameter should be controlled to a value about 0.8; increasing the number of the gradient layers and elasticity modulus of the top layer would benefit to the yield strength and the stress status at the interface.(2)By means of molecular dynamics simulations for a indentation and sliding process, it is discovered that dislocations of 45 direction to the surface occur in the surfaces layer, which is correspond to the direction of the plastic flows observed in the macroscopic continuous medium. The irreversible deformation caused by the dislocation and the atom piles at the surface are responsible for the irreversibility of the force response. They are also the main factors for the friction generation. The temperature and the indentation velocity have significant effects on the deformation behaviors of the material of the surface layer. The yield strength would increase obviously if the indentation velocity is greater than 10 m/s.(3)A method to evaluate the fracture toughness of coating by estimating the crack-density functionβof a Wicker''s indentation was proposed. Meanwhile a new surface treatment technology was developed using non-equilibrium plasma.(4)A MD-FE hybrid method and corresponding software was developed to analysis the tribological behaviors for multiplayer system.

研究主要内容和结果有:(1)得到指导梯度膜设计的几个准则:控制膜层厚度与接触半径比在0.8左右为宜;适当增加梯度层层数和顶层弹性模量,有利于提高抗屈服能力和改善界面处的应力状态;(2)通过对嵌入和滑动摩擦过程的分子动力学模拟,发现表层产生一个与宏观连续介质的塑性流动方向观测一致的45 方向位错;位错造成的不可逆变形和表面的原子堆积,是力的响应不可逆性的原因,也是构成摩擦力的主要因素;温度和嵌入速度对材料变形特性有显著的影响,当嵌入速度大于10 m/s时,屈服强度明显增加;(3)提出压痕裂纹密度系数β半定量判定膜层断裂韧性的方法;并开发出表面强化新工艺;(4)开发出分析表面摩擦学特性的MD-FE复合模拟方法和相应模拟软件。

The influence of indentor radius on the plastic deformation has been discussed and some important results are as follows:(1) The influence of the ratio of ceramic coating thickness to indentor radius on the failure of coating, plastic deformation of substrate and crack propagation are obvious.(2)The propagation of crack in ceramic coating is assumes to be of semi-elliptical shape under normal contact with a rigid sphere.(3)Fatigue life of ceramic coating is mainly decided by substrate and load, the lower substrate elastic moduli and load, the more cycles of fatigue.


Deformation greatly promoted carbonitride isothermal precipitation and made C-curve shift leftwards. The position and shape of C-curve depended on the content of Nb and N to a great extent, C-curve shifted leftwards a little when N content increased and its nose temperature was raised with Nb content increased. 3 when cooling rate increased, start temperature and finish temperature of continuous cooling precipitation decreased, full precipitation became difficult to take place, the volume fraction of carbonitride precipitation decreased, molar fraction of Nb and C dissolved in austenite increased, and the precipitation grain was further refined. Deformation shorten precipitation start time during continuous cooling, raised precipitation start temperature, accelerated precipitation kinetics of carbonitrides.


The research results show as follows. As plastic deformation increases, the Young's modulus of material continuously changes. This variation law is able to be described using a piecewise linear function .Hardening model and whether the variation is considered or not make great effet on springback prediction. It is proved that the springback prediction result which adopts the elastic-plastic constitutive model based on INLK hardening model and the variation of Young's modulus is considered, is more close to experimental result. After the sheet metal undergoes multiple bending, the corner radius and bending height also affect springback greatly.But the effect trend is different. At the same time, the reliability of springback research using numerical simulation is proved.


One wellsite at Chongqing gas reservoir is loca ted at slide slope,which is recently in un-stable state of creep deformation a nd has the great danger of large scale distortion and slippage after rainfall.


In the dry sliding experiments of composites, friction coefficients decreased with the increase of load. Plastic deformation happened in the worn surface where Fe element was found, so PAM micro-fiber supported part of the load and prevented the further deformation. On the condition of high speed and high load, the worn surface of PAM1/nylon 6 composites was nearly melted and formed comparative uniform transfer on the surface of steel, which accounted for the rather low wear mass loss. The infrared analysis showed that the a small quantity of transition of crystal form from α into γ of nylon and its composites happened during the friction because of the high temperature and strong sheering strength.


The digital simulation of thedynamic processes under step load input and supply oil pressure fluctuation were carried on by MATLAB. Analysis of the dynamic characteristics was done with the changes of the supply pressure, load, structural parameters of spherical hydrostatic bearing and the effective bulk modulus of oil. The conclusions show that structural parameters of the spherical bearing and the effect bulk modulus of oil have significant influence to dynamic characteristics, but the elasticity deformation of interior supporting collet has very small influences on the output response characteristics of the suspension system. The collets deformation can be neglected on the project.


In summary, when it is laterally impacted by flat-nosed rigid cylindrical missile at the center, the deformation course, final mode, local dent and energy distribution of a free-free tube are different from those of a free-free beam and a supported tube.


Several typical types of new specialized polyester texturized yarn s were introduced.


Against the compound transformation problem of existed shield tunnel under construction of foundation pit of the Beixinqiao station in Beijing No.5 subway line, by ANSYS, combining with geological condition and according to the different working condition, three-dimensional numeric models are built and the emulation of the construction process is carried on.


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