英语人>网络例句>有变形的 相关的搜索结果


与 有变形的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is pointed out that bulging strain is consisted of not only instaneous elastic strain, but also creep strain which changes with time.


At this moment,that the change of neutral plane position plays a main role in the course of interface bonding,the grain refinement degree heightens whenεincreases. When e is higher than 4.8,the copper with big grains is made up of two kinds of structure regions in the course of deforming,namely fine sub-grains region and high density dislocation region.


As for coseismic deformation of Chi-Chi earthquake, the footwall of Chelungpu Fault moved southeastwards 0.3-1.5 m, and the value was increasing toward the fault; the hanging wall moved northwestwards 1.4-7.0 m, but the value was smaller south of the Choshui River. After the Chi-Chi earthquake, the hanging wall of Chelungpu Fault was still moving west-northwestwards and kept uplifting, while the footwall gradually changed direction from ESE to WSW or even WNW, clockwise resuming to inter-seismic deformation pattern. It is interesting to notice that despite the largest coseismic deformation in the northernmost segment of Chelungpu Fault, the post-seismic deformation peaked around the epicenter of Chi-Chi earthquake.

集集地震之同震变形,在车笼埔断层下盘向东南方向位移0.30~1.5 m,且越靠近断层位移量越大;车笼埔断层上盘则向西北方向大幅位移约1.4~7.0 m,浊水溪以南的位移量较小;集集地震以后之震后变形型态,以车笼埔断层为分界,上盘在震后向西北西方向位移的型态仍与同震时相同,下盘由同震时一致性的向东南东方向,逐步向西北西或西南西方向位移,亦即在车笼埔断层下盘有逐步依顺时针方向回归至震间的滑移型态;另就位移速率而言,虽然同震变形最大地区在车笼埔断层北端,但其震后的变形量最大地区,却集中於震央位置附近;就地震循环而言,震后的6年期间仍处於地层压密重整阶段,尚未回归至该区震间阶段的位移状态。

The load transfer and settlement behavior from the simulation results are also analyzed: most of the column load concentrates on the enlarged column cap, and distributes quickly, there is more load attenuation at the variable section. The skin friction of enlarged column cap develops more adequately than underside column. The column settlement concentrates on enlarged column cap, and soil settlement concentrates on a little area below the variable section.


In these two tests we have added the texture to the mesh, to check the final texturing effect, and some deformation to get a less blobby effect.

在上面两个测试中我们给 MESH 添加了参考贴图,以此来检查 MESH 模型在变形时的贴图坐标是否分布正确,并丏添加了一些&deformation 变形&效果设置,丌过这让 MESH 在变形时会有一些斑斑点点的效果。

Because quibau thick version 5.1, the back surface friction phase after sticking, la version force focused on the stamp pane at the ends, and the entire block is not fully apply it to the roller, the cnditions stress unevenly, in addition to the break-up of unaccumulate gamta, measurementunder, in the business card printing and membership card design is represented as a rigid body, there is almost no extrusion surface dimensions, it remained stable; and for thin base, together with the pad of paper plates attached to the roller for some examples of the frictional force of isolation, etc, in the role of uponsize in each of the cnditions of a uniform stress distribution, printing better apply it to the surface, it is large, measurementunder overprinter error.


The results show that the alloy undergoes obvious plastic elongation, the specimen fractures into four sections and the diameter changes from 16 mm to 12 mm. The fracture surfaces distribute randomly well developed and partially developed veinal patterns. The deformation behavior of alloy is non-Newtonian flow behavior. About 3% amorphous matrix of extruded specimen transforms crystal, the crystal particles with size of 10-20 mm are precipitated in the amorphous matrix, the thermostability of the extruded specimen was lowered. The failure of the alloy is mainly attributed to non-uniform viscous flow under high strain rate resulting from the hydrostatic extrusion process.

结果表明:非晶合金在高应变速率下产生了明显的塑性变形,直径从16 mm变为12 mm,断裂为4段,且样品断口上随机分布着充分发展与未充分发展的脉纹式切变带,由此可看出非晶合金的变形为非牛顿体变形行为;挤压后的样品约有3%的非晶相发生晶化,在非晶基体上析出10~20 nm的纳米晶粒,导致挤压后非晶合金的热稳定性降低;静液挤压高应变速率变形条件使非晶合金产生非均匀流变,是造成非晶合金断裂的主要原因。

There remained the generic conditions imposed by natural, as distinct from human law, as integral parts of the human whole: the necessity of destruction to procure alimentary sustenance: the painful character of the ultimate functions of separate existence, the agonies of birth and death: the monotonous menstruation of simian and human females extending from the age of puberty to the menopause: inevitable accidents at sea, in mines and factories: certain very painful maladies and their resultant surgical operations, innate lunacy and congenital criminality, decimating epidemics: catastrophic cataclysms which make terror the basis of human mentality: seismic upheavals the epicentres of which are located in densely populated regions: the fact of vital growth, through convulsions of metamorphosis, from infancy through maturity to decay.


A correlation of the experimentaldynamic response of the vessels with the theoretical finite element calculations ispresented and discussed.1 The response of the end caps is dominated by transverseand torsional deformation of the plates.The membrane strain is negligible compareto the lateral strain.2 In the lengthwise direction of the inner cylinder,themembrane strain has the same magnitude as that of the bending strain. But for theouter cylinder,the former is much smaller than the later at the same direction.3 Forboth the inner shell and the outer shell,hoop strains are primarily due to themembrane deformation.The amplitude of the circumferential flexural strain isconsiderably small.4 Peak strains in the vicinity of the connection portion of theend caps and the shells are very high.This is important to assess the safety of thecontainer in case of repeated use or tests.5 The applying load to the end cap isdifferent from that to the inner shell plate, but peak stains and nodal displacementsof these two structural parts are nearly the same.It can be inferred that the dynamicresponse of the end cap is greatly affected by the structural vibration excited by theimpulsive loading.


In studies of interaction among pile, platform that above it and surrounding soil, this paper employ the concept of plate element to simulate the loading character of platform, and employ the concept of solid element to simulate the character of pile and soil, using the finite element method after understanding the geometry properties of pile, soil and the platform. Analyzing the loading properties of the three entities above and their deformation, this paper also employ a special element, Penalty Element. The introduction of penalty element of this kind has served to guarantee the join harmony of displacement between solid element and plate element, thereby effectively resolving the join problem between platforms, pile that support it and surrounding soil.Considering significant property difference between pile material and its surrounding soil, there may be much shear stress on their contact interface produced under vertical load, thus causing displacement or fission. Therefore it is necessary to adopt one special constitutive law of this kind of contact interface, which can reflect its feature of loading and deformation thoroughly. On the basis of the deformation feature and constitutive laws of some contact interface obtained by Zhang Dongji and people concerned through some single-shear experiments on contact interface between structure and soil, this paper employ one pile-soil three-dimensional constant thickness contact interface model to simulate the " slide" taken place on the interface between pile and its surrounding soil. With this kind model, this paper has also created one finite element model, which can be applied to perform finite element calculation and analyze the pile-loading feature, and deduced its element stiffness matrix.


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