英语人>网络例句>有原则的 相关的搜索结果


与 有原则的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As the wisdom crystal of the second Party's leading group, the policy not only conforms to the objective facts, but also meets the needs of the Party and the people. Through the analysis on the cadre's four transformations insisted by the third leading group with the core of Comrade Jiang Zeming, it shows that, in the new historic period, according to the principle of the four transformations to bring about the cadres more revolutionary, younger, more professional as well as the principle of being red and expert, to make the leading groups of different ranks a strong leading organization loyal to the Marxism, sticking to the socialist road with Chinese features, is the basic policy to guarantee the continuousness of the Party's route and the country's safely for long.


Deterministic search process restricts its flexibility, determined on the basis of fixed TS, according to the information of moving, add a probability function to the evaluation function, increase the probability factors , broad the search area, makes a better solution a better chance of being selected.

T S中确定性的搜索过程制约了它的灵活性,所以在禁忌搜索原则确定的基础上,根据搜索中的移动信息,增加概率性因素,在评价函数中增加一个概率函数,把确定性选择过程变为概率性的,从而改进搜索方向,拓宽搜索领域,使得更好的解有更大的被选中的机会。

Furthermore, our products with lots of kinds and fine, novel packing, are deeply welcome by the customers is the same industry, they occupy the much share in the market so as to win the good reputation and improve our image,Besides developing the domestic market, the products are far sold to over 60 countries and regions up to gain love and praise from the customers all over the world, My plant is in the production while every kind of cotton is signing return the development to produce the cosmetics tools and implements kit series product, if eyebrow pencil brush,and eyebrow pencil set brush,eyebrow pencil brush with pen knife of various book,eyelash,and informer brush,and the lips brush the every kind of and high and low nail polish to brush So the development policy and service motto of our factory are that grasp the good opportunity to innovate and improve inside management,push to make more progress, present best products to the society also the customers.


In spite of these disavowals, the Declaration of 1682 remained thenceforward the living symbol of Gallicanism, professed by the great majority of the French clergy, obligatorily defended in the faculties of theology, schools, and seminaries, guarded from the lukewarmness of French theologians and the attacks of foreigners by the inquisitorial vigilance of the French parliaments, which never failed to condemn to suppression every work that seemed hostile to the principles of the Declaration.

尽管有这些disavowals ,该宣言的1682年仍然thenceforward生活的象徵Gallicanism ,声称绝大多数的法国教士,强制辩护的神学系,学校和神学院,守卫从lukewarmness的法国神学家和袭击外国人的审问警惕的法国议会,而从未失败过,谴责以制止一切工作似乎敌视的原则宣言。

Therefore, it promotes this comparative study rather instructively. This paper adopts the comparative method and studies the syntactic and semantic similarities and differences of passive voices among English, French and Chinese on the basis of the theory of Chomsky "principle parameters". This paper also analyzes the profound reason for the differences: cultural differences and finds that it is just the historical and cultural element that make the external differences into being.


Besides the design of information and key-points showed on monitor fit perceptible information which offers effect feedback. The glitter and interposal hints get the best satisfaction on them. Furthermore the result of learnability shows the simulated media is able to offer users to operate this VoIP easily, and also fits 2 principles of simple and intuitive use and perceptible information.


Now, however, expectations for media have moved toward the bob-around model. And, as our simplified example illustrates, valuations must change dramatically when expectations are revised. We have a significant investment in media - both through our direct ownership of Buffalo News and our shareholdings in The Washington Post Company and Capital Cities/ABC - and the intrinsic value of this investment has declined materially because of the secular transformation that the industry is experiencing. Cyclical factors have also hurt our current look-through earnings, but these factors do not reduce intrinsic value.

我们在媒体事业有相当大的投资,不管是百分之百拥有的水牛城日报或是在华盛顿邮报与资本城/ABC 的股票投资,而这些媒体事业的价值因为前面所提到的产业所面临的形态转变而大幅滑落,(景气循环因素也使得我们现在的透视盈余大受影响,虽然还不致于让实质价值减少),然而就像是我们经营伯克希尔的企业原则所揭示的,我们不会只是因为还有其它更有利的资金用途,就随便将已被列为永恒的事业或主要投资出售,(当然之前我们也确实卖了一些媒体股,不过规模相对较小)。

The principle of maximal profit is the main factor as to whether to obey credit or not. The analysis of using a game theory model once and using it repeatedly arid the analysis of a game theory model with outside intervene and evolutionary game theory analysis lead to a conclusion that strengthening cooperation and the government's power of supervision and punishment, the truthfulness of information , and a sound credit mechanism are the basic solution to the credit problem in electronic commerce.


The principle of maximal profit is the main factoras to whether to obey credit or not. The analysis of using a gametheory model once and using it repeatedly arid the analysis of agame theory model with outside intervene and evolutionary gametheory analysis lead to a conclusion that strengthening cooperationand the government's power of supervision and punishment, thetruthfulness of information , and a sound credit mechanism are thebasic solution to the credit problem in electronic commerce.


In: Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1999: 1958~1962.[9] Kennedy J. Small worlds and Mega-minds: effects of neighborhood topology on particle swarm performance. In: Proceedings Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 1999: 1931~1938.[10] Peram T, Veeramachaneni K, Mohan C K. Fitness-distance-ratio based particle swarm optimization.

近来性能较为显著的基于PSO算法的改进算法有Thanmaya Peram[10]等人于2003年提出的基于粒子群优化的适应值-距离-比例算法(Fitness-Distance-Ratio based Particle Swarm Optimization, FDR-PSO),在此算法中每个粒子根据一定的适应值-距离-比例原则,向附近具有较好适应值的多个粒子进行不同程度的靠近,而不仅仅只向当前所发现的最好粒子靠近。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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