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Such reconsideration is also a layer of literature From the conclusion"lessons are useless"to the slogans"literature should be independent", they elucidated the opposite relationship between"explain aspiration"and"record doctrine"by stressing on the space of literary self-expression Such reconsideration can also be regarded as a layer of life From seeking the external life which without ampleness, running wild and moving restless, drying up and dull to pursuing the internal rich ample mind and gentle, leisure, aesthetic life state.


Following, too, the fundamental constructive principle of all synagogal chants, explained under Cantillation and azzanut, in consequence of which the same text varies alike in tonality and in melodic outline according to the importance of the occasion and to the esthetic expression associated with it, there have gradually shaped themselves in each of the traditional uses a number of tuneful renderings of the addish which have become in themselves typical melodies of the day or of the service.

之后,也根本建设性的原则,所有synagogal呼喊,解释下cantillation和azzanut ,在后果的,即同一文本的不同,无论大小,调性和旋律纲要根据重要性的场合和审美表达与此相关,有已逐步形成了自己的每一项传统使用的一些tuneful透视图的addish已成为在自己典型的旋律在日间或该项服务。

For the rest it may be said, that it is far from the Church's intention to restrict the Catholic's investigation regarding the doctrine of the Blessed Sacrament to any particular view of natural philosophy or even to require him to establish its truth on the principles of medieval physics; all that the Church demands is, that those theories of material substances be rejected which not only contradict the teaching of the Church, but also are repugnant to experience and sound reason, as Pantheism, Hylozoism, Monism, Absolute Idealism, Cartesianism, etc.

对於剩下的,可以说,这是迄今从教会的意图,限制天主教的调查对於教义的圣体,以任何特定的看法自然哲学,或什至要求他,以确定其对真理的原则中世纪物理学;所有的教会的要求是,这些理论的材料物质被拒绝,这不仅违背了教学的教会,但也有令人憎恶的,以经验和完善的理由,正如泛神论, hylozoism ,一元论的,绝对的唯心论, cartesianism等。

Now since it is well known from the writings of the Evangelists and apostles that God has no less concern for the youth of his new people, when he openly testifies and says:"Let the children come to me; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven"(Mark 10:14), the pastors of the churches act most wisely when they early and carefully catechize the youth, laying the first grounds of faith, and faithfully teaching the rudiments of our religion by expounding the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and the doctrine of the sacraments, with other such principles and chief heads of our religion.

现在,因为这是人所共知的,从写的福音和使徒说,上帝有没有少关心青年的他的新作的人,当他公开证明,并说:"让孩子来对我说,为这些属於王国天国"( 10时14马克),牧师的教会法,最明智的时候,他们早和精心catechize青年,奠定了第一的理由,信仰,忠实教学的雏形我们的宗教所阐述十诫,使徒们信条,主祷文,并中庸圣礼,与其他这些原则和行政首长,我们的宗教。

The specific research contents include: celestial coordinates The establishment of the Department; Sunday apparent motion of celestial bodies and the anniversary of the apparent motion; celestial parallax, atmospheric refraction, optical aberration, precession, nutation theory and applications; astronomical time measurement principles and time systems; depending on the location of celestial bodies return calculation methods.


Home Ownership is the basic survival requirements, cooperative housing organizations in low-income urban residents should be supported by the government, according to the voluntary principle, to organize themselves, on their own expense, building cooperation, mutual assistance in solving housing problems of their own, non-profit cooperative economic organizations.


The effects of gap size, shape, inclination angle, pressure and form losses of two ends of annuli were discussed. Based on experimental data and theoretical analysis results, a new half-empirical correlation was also derived which can accurately predict the CHF of vertical annuli, circle tube and rectangular channel in a very wide range of H/De values.


A few rules, which are hidebound simple unclear and easy to misunderstand, are made for securing of property before litigation. In the years that the is carried out, the civil entanglement increases day by day, the relation of laws is more and more complicated, which are followed with the establishment of laws and judicature explanation, however, some rules can not keep steps with current situation, which can block the work of securing of property before litigation, since it is not convenient for application of party and bring certain restriction for cognizance.


Given the specialness of the Peltier Effect acting on the thermal electrical cooler, I contrive the detailed structure of the power drive module and illuminate the principles of setting corresponding parameters, enabling reliable, precise and bi-direction\'s direct current to supply the thermal electrical cooler.


Leo XIII (1884) says: There are various sects, which although differing in name, rite, form, and origin, are nevertheless so united by community of purposes and by similarity of their main principles as to be really one with the Masonic sect, which is a kind of centre, whence they all proceed and whither they all return.

&利奥十三( 1884 )说:&有很多不同的教派,虽然在不同的名称,成年礼,形式,以及原产地,然而,使美国由社区的宗旨和相似,他们的主要原则,以真正做到一与雍仁节,这是一个种中心, whence他们都进行着和他们所有的回报。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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