英语人>网络例句>有原则的 相关的搜索结果


与 有原则的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The old idea should be broken and the logistics has no national boundaries. It is a useful way to make betters be hand in hand. Secondly, the third party logistics must be combined with the high-tech means. Thirdly, the logistics industry is based on human resource and scientific management. Fourthly, it is the important ensure that increasing the investment to build and rebuild the basic facility. Fifthly, a proper service-consciousness and a professional etiquette are necessary for logistics enterprise and it is a golden saying that the client is god and the credit worthiness is life. Sixthly, the government should enhance the function to control the market behavior to be standard and establish a competition system which is fair and reasonable, that will lead the logistics to set a right development. Seventhly, a correct logistics theory will guide the industry to grow fast and improve the manage level. Finally, we should enrich and consummate the logistics theory that will afford a practice theory utility to logistics plan of our nation.


With regard to a proper selection of the subjects of impost with a view to revenue, it would seem to me that the spirit of equity, caution and compromise in which the Constitution was formed requires that the great interests of agriculture, commerce, and manufactures should be equally favored, and that perhaps the only exception to this rule should consist in the peculiar encouragement of any products of either of them that may be found essential to our national independence.


That our civil rights have no dependence on our religious opinions, any more than our opinions in physics or geometry; that therefore the proscribing any citizen as unworthy the public confidence by laying upon him an incapacity of being called to offices of trust and emolument, unless he profess or renounce this or that religious opinion, is depriving him injuriously of those privileges and advantages to which, in common with his fellow citizens, he has a natural right; that it tends also to corrupt the principles of that very religion it is meant to encourage, by bribing, with a monopoly of worldly honours and emoluments, those who will externally profess and conform to it; that though indeed these are criminals who do not withstand such temptation, yet neither are those innocent who lay the bait in their way


And iswithdrawing from the ministry those temporal rewards, which proceeding from anapprobation of their personal conduct, are an additional incitement to earnestand unremitting labours for the instruction of mankind; that our civil rightshave no dependence on our religious opinions, any more than our opinions inphysics or geometry; that therefore the proscribing any citizen as unworthy thepublic confidence by laying upon him an incapacity of being called to officesof trust and emolument, unless he profess or renounce this or that religiousopinion, is depriving him injuriously of those privileges and advantages towhich, in common with his fellow citizens, he has a natural right; that ittends also to corrupt the principles of that very religion it is meant toencourage, by bribing, with a monopoly of worldly honours and emoluments, thosewho will externally profess and conform to it


Interestingly, corporate managers have no trouble understanding that point when they are focusing on a business they operate: A parent company that owns a subsidiary with superb long-term economics is not likely to sell that entity regardless of price."Why," the CEO would ask,"should I part with my crown jewel?" Yet that same CEO, when it comes to running his personal investment portfolio, will offhandedly - and even impetuously - move from business to business when presented with no more than superficial arguments by his broker for doing so. The worst of these is perhaps,"You can't go broke taking a profit." Can you imagine a CEO using this line to urge his board to sell a star subsidiary? In our view, what makes sense in business also makes sense in stocks: An investor should ordinarily hold a small piece of an outstanding business with the same tenacity that an owner would exhibit if he owned all of that business.


Interestingly, corporate managers have no trouble understanding that point when they are focusing on a business they operate: A parent company that owns a subsidiary with superb long-term economics is not likely to sell that entity regardless of price."Why," the CEO would ask,"should I part with my crown jewel?" Yet that same CEO, when it comes to running his personal investment portfolio, will offhandedly - and even impetuously - move from business to business when presented with no more than superficial arguments by his broker for doing so. The worst of these is perhaps,"You can't go broke taking a profit." Can you imagine a CEO using this line to urge his board to sell a star subsidiary?

Nor was the party over in 1938 for an investor: Though the $40 invested in 1919 in one share had turned into $3,277 by the end of 1938, a fresh $40 then invested in Coca-Cola 16 有趣的是企业经理人在认定何者才是自己本业时,从来就不会搞不清楚情况,母公司是不会单纯因为价格因素就将自己旗下最优秀的子公司给卖掉,公司总裁一定会问,为什么要把我皇冠上的珠宝给变卖掉,不过当场景转换到其个人的投资组合时,他却又会毫不犹豫地,甚至是情急地从这家公司换到另一家公司,靠的不过是股票经纪人肤浅的几句话语,其中最烂的一句当属,你不会因为获利而破产,你能想象要是一家公司的总裁用类似的方式建议董事会将最有潜力的子公司给卖掉时,就我个人的观点,适用于企业经营的原则也同样适用于股票投资,投资人在持有一家公司的股票所展现的韧性应当与一家公司的老板持有公司全部的股权一样。

B The necessity of such light is evident from what has been said, for faith is essentially an act of assent, and just as assent to a series of deductive or inductive reasonings, or to intuition of first principles, would be impossible without the light of reason, so, too assent to a supernatural truth would be inconceivable without a supernatural strengthening of the natural light Quid est enim fides nisi credere quod non vides?

"有必要的,例如轻是显而易见的,从已经表示,为信仰本质上是一个法的赞同,正如核可了一系列的演绎或归纳reasonings ,或以直觉的第一原则,将不可能无轻的原因,所以,也赞同一个超自然的真理,就不能想象没有一个超自然加强对自然光"的回报预测单一目的的NiSi credere和非

To be tricked into believing something that is not true 上……的当;受……的骗 Don't fall for the fair words of the door-to-door businessmen. That was the summer I worked at the fairground and met and fell for Lucy.21. Serve sb. right: to be a good punishment for sb.活该 You have missed so good a chance. It served you right to suffer the consequence now.

要点:该句为并列复合句,由 whereupon 连接两个并列句,而后一个分句中,又由 even though 引导了一个让步状语从句,意为"即使,尽管", fair price 指的是公平价格,这不是一个具体的价格,而是指卖方原则上应得到的价格,即卖方能得到的适当的利润或对投入的资本能有适当收益的价格。

From Sextus, a benevolent disposition, and the example of a family governed in a fatherly manner, and the idea of living conformably to nature; and gravity without affectation, and to look carefully after the interests of friends, and to tolerate ignorant persons, and those who form opinions without consideration: he had the power of readily accommodating himself to all, so that intercourse with him was more agreeable than any flattery; and at the same time he was most highly venerated by those who associated with him: and he had the faculty both of discovering and ordering, in an intelligent and methodical way, the principles necessary for life; and he never showed anger or any other passion, but was entirely free from passion, and also most affectionate; and he could expressed much knowledge without ostentation.


From Sextus, a benevolent disposition, and the example of a family governed in a fatherly manner, and the idea of living conformably to nature; and gravity without affectation, and to look carefully after the interests of friends, and to tolerate ignorant persons, and those who form opinions without consideration: he had the power of readily accommodating himself to all, so that intercourse with him was more agreeable than any flattery; and at the same time he was most highly venerated by those who associated with him: and he had the faculty both of discovering and ordering, in an intelligent and methodical way, the principles necessary for life; and he never showed anger or any other passion, but was entirely free from passion, and also most affectionate; and he could express approbation without noisy display, and he possessed much knowledge without ostentation.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
