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与 有关节的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Convert relationship of prototype robot joint angle and equivalent model joint angle is presented based on the method of kinematics inverse solution. The Jacobian algorithm of redundant robot for achieving effective joint excursion is studied, which is fit for digital calculating. The grads projection algorithm of redundant robot multi optimizing capability function's proportion factor is deduced. The issues of apery arm robot singularity and joint self-movement are researched. The simulation experiment result of apery arm joint self-movement and line movement is presented.


The cellular constituents of the carpus and tarsus were investigated in 6 healthy Holstein cows.


Rash, pustular psoriasis may also have changed. X ray showed that some patients with rheumatoid arthritis joint changes and the same may have a partial decalcification bone, joint cavity narrow, there are varying degrees of joint erosion and soft tissue swelling.


objective to compare the effects of hip arthroplasty and ao compressive cannular in treatment of the displaced fracture of femoral neck in elderly.methods from 1995.5 to 2004.11, 78 elderly patients of over 65 years old with displaced femoral neck fracture were operated with hip arthroplasty and ao compressive cannular.

目的 比较人工关节置换术与ao加压空心螺钉术治疗老年人有移位股骨颈骨折的疗效。方法将1995年5月~2004年11月我院收治的78例年龄在65周岁以上的有移位的新鲜股骨颈骨折患者进行回顾性研究,将病例分为a、b两组,a组为人工关节置换组,b组为ao加压空心螺钉治疗组。ao加压空心螺钉治疗组随访12~91个月,平均41.7个月,随访人工关节置换组12~96个月,平均40.3个月。

There are more than two dozen reported cases of lumbar facet dislocation after rapid deceleration injuries (e.g., traffic accidents), most involving L5 S1.61,112 115 The mechanism of injury in these cases is purported to be a combination of hyperflexion, distraction, and rotation.61,112,116 In a posthumous study conducted in 31 lumbar spines of subjects who died of traumatic injuries,Twomey et al.117 found occult bony fractures in the superior articular process or subchondral bone plate in 35% of victims, and z-joint capsular and/or articular cartilage damage in 77% of cases.

多项研究报道了急性减速伤后发生腰椎小关节分离,多数发生于L5-S1,其机制可能为过度屈曲,分离和旋转。在一项对死亡病例的研究中,Twomey 等发现,31例因交通事故死亡的人中有35%的腰椎上关节突或软骨下骨性终板存在隐匿骨折,77%存在小关节囊和/或关节软骨损伤。作者总结创伤后隐匿性股和软组织损伤也许是腰痛的来源。

There are more than two dozen reported cases of lumbar facet dislocation after rapid deceleration injuries (e.g., traffic accidents), most involving L5 S1.61,112 115 The mechanism of injury in these cases is purported to be a combination of hyperflexion, distraction, and rotation.61,112,116 In a posthumous study conducted in 31 lumbar spines of subjects who died of traumatic injuries,Twomey et al.117 found occult bony fractures in the superior articular process or subchondral bone plate in 35% of victims, and z-joint capsular and/or articular cartilage damage in 77% of cases.

多项研究报道了急性减速伤后发生腰椎小关节分离,多数发生于L5-S1,其机制可能为过度屈曲,分离和旋转。在一项对死亡病例的研究中,Twomey 等发现,31例因交通事故死亡的人中有35%的腰椎上关节突或软骨下骨性终板存在隐匿骨折,77%存在小关节囊和/或关节软骨损伤。

Patients with polyarticular course JIA (19 females, three males; mean age 13.9 years; mean disease duration 6.3 years; 15 with polyarticular onset, seven with systemic onset, one with residual systemic activity; eight rheumatoid factor positive; eight with erosive disease) were treated with etanercept for up to 24 months.

22名多关节幼年型类风湿关节炎患者(19 例女性, 3例男性;平均年龄 13.9 年;平均病程 6.3 年; 15例现有多关节症状, 7例有全身症状, 1例有残余的全身症状; 8例RF阳性; 8例有骨关节侵蚀)使用etanercept治疗超过24 个月。

Results(1) Group of electroacupuncture in Shu and dense wave can significantlyreduce the degree of ankle swelling(P<0.05, P<0.01), which shows thatelectroacupuncture has obvious anti-inflammatory and repercussive roles;(2) Theresults of HE staining showed that group of electroacupuncture in Shuand dense wave can significantly reduce inflammatory cell infiltration,inhibit synovial cell proliferation, and decrease proliferation of granulationtissue in rats joints;(3) group of electroacupuncture in dense-wave can increase the pain thresholdof experimental rats (P<0.05, P<0.01), reduce the content of peripheral painmediums, such as K~+, DA and 5-HT(P<0.05, P<0.01), which shows thatelectroacupuncture has significant analgesic effect;(4) In the local lesion of joints, electroacupuncture can significantly reducethe content of IL-1β, IL-8, TNF-a, increase IL-4 content, decrease theexpression of COX-2mRNA, and significantly promote the expression ofHSP-70 protein in synovial tissues of acute gouty arthritis rats (P<0.05,P<0.01),thus restrain the occurrence of synovial tissue inflammation.


The shoulder is a ball and socket joint (like the hip, but not as stable) and since your shoulder moves every time you move your arm, it is not difficult to imagine that shoulder problems could affect 15% to 30% of adults at any one time, and are a common reason for a visit to the physio.


It is often difficult to define the source of pain for most patients have referred somatic pain, in which neurological symptoms and signs are not so apparent.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
