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与 有价值的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What's always true is that he will be confronted with more allurement when he has everything and his value grows. The commitment and waiting, the oaths you made with him when young become so easy to crash when all sorts of temptations come inundating him.


The reality is, when he owns everything, his value skyrocketed and he becomes a worthy single nobility. He must be faced by more temptation. Your long wait and the oaths you made when young may not be able to resist the in-flooding allurement.


The book is essential reading for anybody who is interested in the way the relationship between the sexes impacts on architecture, and in the personal and professional life of Le Corbusier. Encompassing much new material – including the Provisional Theatre at La Sainte Baume, designed by Le Corbusier but never before published – it provides a valuable resource for those who remain unconvinced by standard histories of this enigmatic and complex figure.

任何对男女性别在建筑上的冲击与柯布西耶私人、专业的生活两者间的关系有兴趣的人,这将是不可或缺的阅读,并包含多新的材料─包括柯布西耶所设计但从为公开的〝 Provisional Theatre at La Sainte Baume 〞─提供了对这历史上仍诸多迷团的人物很多有价值的资料。

Of all these lines the most splendid is clearly the hendecasyllable, both for its measured movement and for the scope it offers for subject matter, constructions, and vocabulary; and the beauty of all these features is most greatly magnified by this metre, as will be readily apparent: for whenever things of value are magnified, their value itself is magnified also.


The Georgian dogs are divided into the large, longhaired and often multicoloured Mkinvartsveri Kazbek type and the slightly smaller wolf-grey Nagazi dogs of medium-length coat with longer muzzles, but there is also a separate breed known as Tushetian Nagazi or Georgian Caucasian Sheepdog in Georgia, which represents the original Georgian population of the breed, with the pure white dogs being the most valued.

格鲁吉亚犬分为大,五彩缤纷的长发,经常Mkinvartsveri卡兹别克类型和狼略小的中灰色Nagazi狗长大衣较长的枪口,但也有一个单独的品种作为Tushetian Nagazi或格鲁吉亚高加索牧羊犬已知格鲁吉亚代表的原始品种的格鲁吉亚人,与纯白色是最有价值的狗。

I suggest, in contrast, that while the assumption of rational action must always be problematic, it is a good working hypothesis that should not easily be abandoned.


The very fact that hundreds of thousands of website owners, there are a lot of well-financed Internet companies, we have only their own expertise to compete with other people, only they are familiar with, or expertise in order to truly determine what users need in order to provide real users valuable content to attract users second visit, the only way the website was easier.


And Alan Milburn, a former health secretary who is leading a government commission on how to get more poor youngsters into professions such as medicine and law, frets that their access is being blocked by the sharp-elbowed middle-classes, who give their kids a leg-up by arranging valuable work experience and internships that few poorer parents can line up or finance.

前卫生大臣Alan Milburn领导的委员会正在讨论如何帮助贫困青年进入诸如医药、法律这样的行业,他担心,贫困青年进入这些行业的道路被有钱有势的中产阶级家长给堵死了,这些人可以帮孩子获得实习机会和有价值的工作经验,穷人家父母则没能力或者没钱提携子女。

So, in choosing his ring from the myriad of men's diamond wedding bands, you are in a sense showing him how much you have invested in him to give him such a gift that will only get more valuable as time goes by.


Meaningful, fundamental and experimental research has been done on AWG demodulating technology and CWDM linear sidebands demodulating technology in this paper, a new and valuable reference was offered to demodulating technology of Fiber Bragg Grating sensor.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
