英语人>网络例句>最后分析 相关的搜索结果


与 最后分析 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

FeSi nanoparticles were synthesized via thermal decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl in the solution of dioctyl ether, stabilizers oleic acid and oleylamine. The TEM images showed that FeSi nanoparticles had cubic shape, but it seemed that the composition was not uniform. According to the EDS results, the Fe:Si ratio of gray-uniform nanopaiticles was almost 1:1, and blacker FeSi nanoparticles contained more Fe atoms. Although FeSi didn't have uniform structure, it still could be proved that the incorporation of Fe and Si existed in a single nanoparticle. All possible structure, lattice, binding, morphology, surface condition would be discussed. These results indicated that perhaps FeSi2 was the main structure of the new products; however, due to incompletely combination and less synthesized time, it might still contain some part of Si and Fe structure. Besides, FeSi nanoparticles preserved the optical properties from Si atoms, but the PL intensity was much lower. The maxima PL peak appeared at 388 nm with the excitation at 300 nm. Their saturation magnetization, remanent magnetization and coercivity were measured by the SQUID, exhibiting their nearly superparamagnetic behavior.

利用热裂解系统可成功将研磨矽奈米粒子及五羰铁结合,制备出铁矽奈米粒子;从穿透式显微镜照片可知其粒子呈现立方体型态,但颜色深浅及组成不均,EDS结果则显示颜色均匀之粒子铁与矽之组成大致为1:1,颜色较深之粒子则含有较高量的铁元素;尽管组成比例并不统一,但单颗粒子同时含有矽与铁两种元素,初步说明铁矽奈米粒子之形成;进行多种结构与表面分析并探讨所有可能之键结、结构及表面元素后,推测铁矽奈米粒子可能以FeSi2之结构形成,并同时包含未重组完成的矽及铁之结构;利用PL分析得知铁矽奈米粒子确实保留矽之放光特性,并在300 nm激发光源下,於波长388 nm处有一最强放光特性峰,但整体发光效益不及研磨矽奈米粒子之结果;最后,利用超导量子干涉磁化仪量测其饱和磁化量、残留磁化量、与矫顽磁力,发现磁滞现象并不明显而几乎呈超顺磁性。

Through the traditional physiological and biochemical method, together with the 16SrDNA sequence homology and phylogenetic analysis, the strains were identified. The result shows they belong to the genus photobacterium, but they differ from any species of this genus in some characteristic which suggests they might be new species, and their taxonomic placement needs more information on genes level.


Firstly, the basic concept of software/hardware co-design and the present research situation worldwide is introduced, the techniques are also discussed separately in the thesis, which is in the system description stage, system architecture design stage, hardware/software design and implementation stage. Secondly, combined with three representative methods of hardware/software co-design systems: POLIS、VULCAN and CORSAIR, the main steps of co-design are studied and analyzed including system description, hardware/software partitioning and hardware/software implementation-synthesis, and some new ideas are given here. Thirdly, UML and modeling technology of embedded systems using UML are described clearly, a handheld terminals is a good example for this, furthermore, the algorithm of how to convert the UML diagram into SystemC codes is mainly concerned on in this thesis. Fourthly, the basic concept of SystemC is described, and the SystemC Modeling platform and simulation mechanism are analyzed, software/hardware co-design methods using SystemC are discussed. Finally, by applying co-design ideas using UML and SystemC, software/hardware co-design system using UML and SystemC is preparatorily implemented, which is to establish a development environment for designing embedded system.

本文首先介绍了软硬件协同设计的基本概念和国内外研究现状,并分别论述了系统描述阶段的技术、系统结构设计阶段的技术、软硬件设计与实现阶段的技术;接着结合POLIS、VULCAN和CORSAIR 三种有代表性的软硬件协同设计方法,对系统描述、软硬件划分、软硬件实现综合等几个主要设计步骤进行了研究与分析,并提出了新的方法和思路;然后详细介绍了UML及基于UML的嵌入式系统建模技术,并以嵌入式手持终端系统来举例说明,重点研究将UML的视图转换成SystemC代码的算法;其次介绍了SystemC的基本概念,分析了SystemC 的建模平台和仿真机制,并对基于SystemC 的软硬件协同设计方法进行探讨;最后应用基于UML和SystemC的软硬件协同设计的设计思路,初步实现基于UML和SystemC的软硬件协同设计的设计系统,目的是建立一个用于嵌入式系统设计的开发环境。

This paper brings forward a network based injection mold development system framework. The system's founder has analyzed the disadvantages of Engineering's conventional exploitation mode of injection mold. It takes the structure of Client/Server which can support collaborative work effectively. And the key technologies of cooperative exchange tools and information share are analyzed. By use of the technology, a prototypal system is set up.


For 9 pyrazole compounds,their geometry and electronic structures were analyzed by means of natural bond orbital theory;their reactivity was analyzed by electrostatic potential distributions,heats of formation and Bader density were also calculated.


For 9 pyrazole compounds, their geometry and electronic structures were analyzed by means of natural bond orbital theory; their reactivity was analyzed by electrostatic potential distributions, heats of formation and Bader density were also calculated. After that, detonation velocities and Chapman-Jouguet pressures of these compounds were given by means of VLW equation.


Then the author analyzes empirically China's terms of trade from 1981,and the causes of the change in the net barter terms of trade by means of regression analysis ,which can be quantitied.we get the results that China's net barter terms of trade had a declining trend while its income terms and factorial terms of trade had been improved,and the net barter terms of trade positively correlates with actual tariff rate,exchange rate and negatively correlates with GDP,besides,the factors which can not be quantitied such as pure price fighting,inappropiate tariff sytem,foreign-invested enterprises's tranfer pricing and region trade agreement also lead to the above trend of China's net barter terms of trade,and the change in China's net barter terms of trade had a neglect impact on international trade benefit.


As a solvent, it was mixed with various quantity of pigskin collagen powder. During the dissolution, three kinds of heating methods were applied. The one was be heated in water bath directly, the second one was be heated in water by microwave radialization and the third one was be heated by microwave radialization directly.


The major achievement of this paper is: Based on characteristics of the traffic data distribution, execute pattern recognition operations on traffic condition on two dimensions by clustering, then use BP neural network to describe and forecast traffic flow aiming at each pattern. Making use of classic flow-occupancy inverse "V" model, implement polynomial fitting using least-squares algorithm and statistics method on flow curves to detect outliers which are proved to be not accord with practice through the actual implement, then use the moving average model to recorrect the outliers and absent. Make correlation analysis on muti-direction flow queues of the intersection and ones of upriver intersections, choose flow queue with high correlation as assistant one to improve the error tolerance of the prediction system, at the same time we can use the method to give an estimation of flow in intersection with out sensors. We design and implement an SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)-based UTDD(urban traffic data mining development) with high expansibility and performance, which implement unified management and call of the data-mining application though defining a XML-based description of data-mining process and a common interface to call data-mining process, finally we build traffic flow prediction application model on UTDD.

根据交通流量数据分布的特征,提出基于k-means的二次聚类方法,对交通流量在流量大小和时间上进行模式划分,进而对各个交通流模式进行基于BP神经网络的描述和预测,从而提高模型对流量预测的精度; 2)根据流量/时间占有率倒&V&字形曲线分布模型,提出基于最小二乘法的三次多项式曲线拟合和统计方法的异常检测方法,实际应用表明该方法能够有效识别异常数据,然后根据移动平均算法对异常数据进行修正; 3)基于序列相关性分析,分别对预测方向的交通流量数据序列、上游路口相关序列以及预测路口其它各个方向上的交通流量序列进行分析,选择相似性流量序列,作为辅助序列提供其他没有检测器路口的流量估计; 4)设计和实现了基于SOA(Service-Oriented Achitecture)的高性能、可扩展的智能交通数据挖掘系统UTDD,该系统通过定义基于XML的数据挖掘过程描述和通用的过程模型接口,实现数据挖掘应用的统一管理和调用,最后在UTDD上建立了基于路口流量预测的应用模型。

Taking household\'s land use preference as classification rule, household agent types were divided though classification tree. Different choosing process of current production strategies and theirs probabilities after expiration of GFGP chosen by various types of household agents\' were put forward by experience-weighted attraction model based on bounded -rational approach. Finally, forecasting the results of households\' recultivation behaviour after the expiration of GFGP by scenario analysis method. The results show that relative policies are useful to rectify deviation of households\' bounded-rational behaviours and reinforce outcomes of GFGP.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
