英语人>网络例句>最后分析 相关的搜索结果


与 最后分析 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The method of the research in the paper is impellent,and the basal research course is the following.Firstly,the author uses the Theil coefficient and Gini coefficient to analyze the regional economic gap,and decomposes the structure in China.At the same time,the author tests theσconvergence,the absoluteβconvergence,the conditionalβconvergence and the club convergence.Secondly, the author analyzes the forming reason and mechanism of the regional economic gap in China.


Finally, read the literature on the basis of conclusions, based on the theory of the former has selected some of the major factors research, and the scale of absolute and relative proportions through regression analysis to compare, from the selection of the service industry a significant competitive edge The impact of factors.


To make paper more systematic and practical, this paper has first introduced the development history of CT equipment, then, elaborate construction of system and theworking principle of CT equipment systematically, including the property of X-ray, the absorption law of X-ray for materials, the reconstruction principle of CT image, the structure of software and hardware for CT equipment. Finally, with 2 CT systems that we used, statistic and analysis of all the malfunctions which have carried out in passed 10 years was given, and according to the systematic parts of fault located, classify the malfunctions, then elaborate their working principle one by one, analyze the regularity and the characteristic of each malfunction, and put forward specific prevention method and measure for the malfunction.


By analyzing the spatial relations of urban road network, the abuttal relation between road sections is discussed.(2) By analyzing the cognition process for sign information, the design method based on spatial reasoning is established.


Then,based on the gap acceptance theory and probability method,the capacity calculating method of minor stream is deduced on the condition of two vehicle streams,and theory model ...


The method perfects deeply investment risk analysis system and improved the accurateness of investment risk analysis.


First, one. analyzes the eigenstates-from reachable sets and seeks the one which the target state belongs to. Then using the Grover iteration to amplify the probability amplitude of the desired eigenstate (the modul square of which is the probability of the corresponding eigenstate that the system will collapse to when it is measured). By measuring, the system will then collapse to the desired eigenstate with a probability of almost unity. Finally, one can use the admissible control to drive the system from the eigenstate to the target state.


Two-equation turbulence model is used in numerical simulation for the side-air burner, compared with the practical measures and tests, good accordance achives. This method can bring great convenience in analyzing aerodynamical field of boiler. Secondly the method of XRD is used in analyzing the phase transformation in the course of dynamic slagging test, so we can describe the process of slagging comparatively accurately. Last this paper introduces a kind of fuzzy mathematics model which comprises an assemblage combined by seven change factor.


Part one explores the status quo of studies on Blog and the authors' thoughts of writing and main contributions. Part two explains the concept of Blog in detail at first, and then reviews the origin and development of Blog, and its advancement in China. On the base of this, part three categorizes Blog in detail. And part four discusses its merchant value. The paper also studies the current profit models of BSP, and forecasts the futures ones. It will show us a simple design of the model. In part five, the author makes a discussion about the influence on medium, information economy and human's knowledge shape that Blog well carry out. Finally, part six gigues a simple analysis about the problems in the development of Blog, and challenges it brings to our society.

第一部分谈了论题的研究现状和笔者的写作思路以及主要贡献;第二部分首先对博客的概念进行较详尽的解释,然后讲述了博客的产生和发展简史以及在中国的发展情况,最后谈了点与博客相关的 Web2.0的情况;第三部分根据博客在中国的发展情况对博客进行了较详细的分类;在第四部分里边,我谈到了博客的商业价值和博客网站的盈利模式以及未来可能出现的盈利模式,并在后面做了一个简单盈利模型设计;第五部分,笔者从博客对传媒业、对知识经济以及对人类知识形态的影响方面对博客发展趋势做了探讨;在本文的最后,即第六部分,简单分析了博客发展中可能遇到的问题以及博客带给社会的挑战。

It has been pointed out that the above argument hinges on the assumption that Gryffindor's last victory with Charlie as Seeker took place during Charlie's final year at Hogwarts, and that if Gryffindor's last win took place earlier in Charlie's time at Hogwarts, the age gap between Charlie and Percy might be smaller.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
