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与 最后分析 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Finally,based on the result of factor analysis and cluster analysis,we synthetically analyze regional diversity analysis of Chinese inhabitants latent domestic emissive.


The main work can be summed up as follows: Firstly, we studied the thermal-field properties of VCSELs, and analyzed the influences of current spreading, material parameters and operating conditions on the temperature distributions. Secondly, we began with the electrode voltage and calculated the equipotential s distributions, compared the distributions of voltages and current densities in different depths of VCSELs, and then studied the influences of the oxide-confining region with different position or thickness, and the different sizes of the gain-guided aperture and emitting window on the distributions of the injected current density, carrier concentration and temperature in the active region. Thirdly, we realized the coupling of electricity, optical and thermal-fields, worked out the threshold voltage, calculated the distributions of the injected current density, carrier concentration and temperature under different offset voltages, and analyzed the impacts of temperature profile and carrier density on the refractive index, Fermi levels and optical-field. Finally, we gave the equipotential line distributions with considering N-DBR and double oxidized-confining regions, and analyzed theinfluences of N-DBR and double oxide-confining regions on the distributions of the current density, carrier concentration, temperature and optical-field.


On the aspect of functional testing, this paper represents the concept of functional testing and focuses on the functional test suite design. Based on the in-depth study of GSM-R network E-interface services and considering the completeness and redundancy of the test suite, equivalence class method is used to design the test suite, and then an analysis of its inadequate is conducted and a new design method is proposed .The two methods are compared and a suggestion on how to design a GSM-R network interoperability test suite is given.


Afterwards, Euler distance acts as classifying criterion and experimental results show that the three methods can classify fire alarm effectively. Finally, performance of the three classification identifier is compared by means of ROC(receiver operation characteristic), error rate and calculation complexity.


In order to find out completely the soil-wheat contaiminated by heavy metals in Tianjin sewage farm, we collect samples on the dry land and examinate contents of heavy metals in soil-wheat system. Firstly, the anthor evaluates that soil irrigated by sewage that has been contaminated slightly, the main polluting factors are Cd and Zn, and then the anthor evaluates soil according to different regions, soil types and irrigating water. Secondly, the anthor analyzes content and enrichment ability of heavy metals in different part of wheat, evaluates wheat is contaiminated by Cd widespreadly, only few samples polluted by Zn.Finally the anthor put up correlative analysis about heavy metal contents in the soil-wheat system, as well as plant enrichment coefficient and some physico-chemical properties of soil, and establishes a prognostic model about heavy metal content among wheat spike, soil, soil types, PH, organic matter and salinity with the quantifying theory.The prognostic accuracy of primarily contaminative factors is the best with compound correlative coefficient examining, the model can be founded.With improvement of living level, people need cleaner food.


This article uses the financial index to analysis the performance of 45 real estate listing companies which are listing on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and utilizes the factorization method to calculate their performance score, and analyzes how the capital structure, the equity structure and the company govern influences the performance of the listing companies. At last, we put forward some suggestions to improve the performance of the real estate listing companies.


Firstly, the relevant features of three kinds of structure such as CMSA, PMSA, FMSA are summarized and compared ,and the advantages of finger-shaped variable-capacitance micromechanical accelerometer on the base of bias stationary structure are presented.


In this article two functional modes of the Fly-back Converter (Continuous Conduct Mode and Discontinuous Conduct Mode) are particularly analyzed, which include their characteristics, applications, the critical pattern of two functional modes is argued, both the exact boundary from the angle of circuit parameters is crystallized, at the same time, basic principle of PFC under the DCM mode is introduced, which settle theoretical basis for the subsequent design; by establishing the mathematic model of the converter, a further investigation of the configuration is made, qualitatively and quantitatively, analyzed to settle exactly theoretical basis for the subsequent emulation and the experimental parameter; from the angle of steady-state analysis, the transfer function of the system is deduced to establish dynamic small-signal state equation, emulating the system with the help of matlab, then according to the simulation result and the theory of PFC revise the system, lastly, we adopt the project which add a zero-pole compensator to the voltage loop, by this way, a satisfied system performance is gained and the PFC scheme is ensured successfully; finally, based on the previously-done work, we combining with the situation of specific design requirement, acquired the numerical value of each unit devices in this converter

详细分析了反激式变换器的两种工作状态,连续模式(Continuous Conduct Mode ,简称CCM)和断续模式(Discontinuous Conduct Mode,简称DCM)以及各自的特点、应用场合,论证了两种工作状态的临界模式,从电路参数的角度明确了二者的界限,同时还介绍了DCM模式下PFC的基本原理,为后面的设计奠定理论基础;通过对整个变换器系统建立准确的数学模型,对此变换器的电路结构做了进一步的研究,定性、定量地分析了变换器各部分的工作状态,为仿真和实验参数的确定以及电路参数的优化提供理论依据;从稳态分析的角度,为系统建立了动态小信号状态方程并推导出系统的传递函数,利用matlab对系统进行仿真,进而根据仿真结果以及PFC的相关理论对系统进行校正,采用在电压环加入零点—极点补偿器的设计方案,得到了满意的系统特性并且保证了PFC的顺利实现;最后,在前面所做工作的基础上,结合设计要求计算出此变换器系统中每个元器件的数值,利用Pspice对其进行了仿真、优化,然后根据仿真结果搭建了硬件电路。

Firstly, the background and the significant of the research is discussed, modern software engineering and its development is also outlined, and the present states and the reason of using the modern software engineering in power systems are also analyzed. Secondly, related theories and methods of the modern software engineering are systematically given in details, which establish the basis of the software development with the software engineering in power systems. Thirdly, the necessity of the developed power system software with the software engineering is analyzed deeply and the key techniques in carrying out the software development with the software engineering are discussed. Based on these, a concrete approach about the software development with the software engineering is proposed. And then, the software design process of 'GPS synchronous monitoring system of Hunan power grid'is given to demonstrate the utilization of the approach proposed. Subsequently, quality and efficiency of the software is analyzed, which indicates the validity of the method used. At last, the main work and fruitage of the thesis is concluded, and the further research is also pointed out.

论文首先论述了课题研究的背景和意义,概述了现代软件工程及其发展,分析了现代软件工程在电力系统中的应用现状及其原因;然后系统地阐述了现代软件工程的相关理论和方法,奠定了电力系统软件工程化开发的理论基础;接着分析了电力系统软件工程化开发的必要性,探讨了实施工程化开发涉及到的关键技术,结合现代软件工程的理论和方法,提出了一种电力系统软件工程化开发的具体方法;之后以湖南电力系统状态GPS 同步监测系统软件的开发为例,详细地阐述了该工程化方法在电力系统软件开发中的具体实践过程,并分析了软件开发的结果,指出了该方法是解决软件开发质量和效率问题的有效途径;论文最后对主要工作和成果进行了总结,并指出了有待进一步开展的工作。

The basic diagnostic statistics such as Cook distance, generalized leverage and residuals et al. are introduced, and the equivalency of case deletion model and mean-shift outlier model is investigated. Some specific problems, such as local influence analysis and the test for heteroscedasticity are discussed. Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate our diagnostic methods.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
