英语人>网络例句>最后分析 相关的搜索结果


与 最后分析 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In chapter 3, the paper proposed a new kind of preference relation, i.e. distance preference relation; followed this, a scale was introduced for constructing antisymmetric matrix, and consistency of the matrix was defined, three methods for computing priority vector were studied; At the end, two examples were used to demonstrate the application of the new method,and they showed that the introduction of antisymmetric matrix to AHP is effective and valuable.

本文首先对Saaty AHP的几种常见标度进行了比较分析,然后对正互反判断矩阵及模糊互补判断矩阵的权重计算方法进行了归纳和总结;最后,本文提出了一种新的偏好关系,即基于"差"的偏好关系,从而将反对称矩阵引入层次分析法,接着对新型偏好关系下判断矩阵的构造、一致性的定义与性质以及权重的计算方法做了初步的研究,最后用算例说明了新方法的应用,并做了相应的比较分析,结果表明采用基于"差"的偏好关系构造反对称矩阵拓展了AHP的应用范围,有一定的理论和应用价值。

The dissertation focuses on performance gradient estimation and SRO algorithm of DES aswell as other related topics,such as modeling of DES and discrete event simulation,performancemeasure Hessian matrix estimation,Stochastic Approximationand so on.General Semi-Markov Processis adapted to describe behaviour of DES and discrete eventsimulation.A general result is obtained and applied to analyze strong consistency of performancegradient Perturbation Analysisestimator.Conditions for effectiveness of InfinitesimalPerturbation Analysisare also discussed.New PA algorithms,such as server PA,PA usingDirac generalized function,job sequence PA etc.,are proposed to deal with discreteparameters.Furthermore,strategies of combining PA algorithms with certain iterative rules areanalyzed widely in order to optimize DES parameters and some SRO algorithms are constructed toslove DES optimization problems.


In the final part of the article, expounded Waldock analysis and financial analysis, Du Pont system and the use of these two methods on ZTE's financial statements for the analysis, Finally, according to analysis of their own conclusions.


Primarily, the thesis assays the condition of network framework, the network was divided into three levels in terms of network management in order to establish the distributed method ,and still pointing out the intention and denotation of studying the Topology Discovery.Next, the thesis analyzes SNMP protocol minutely, including its development, principle, and the Network Management system that established on the SNMP protocol. Have analysed MIB in detail and the application way of MIB in network management .The thesis also assays the ICMP protocol, describing its working principle and the format of datagram minutely , and describing two important tools of ICMP- Ping and TraceRoute in detail. On the base of upper analysis, the thesis expounds a kind of distributed Topology Discovery project, and book it in one autonomy system. Topology Discovery was divided into two levels in terms of network management, and analyses the way of linking up between the two level. The thesis minutely assays Router-Level Topology Discovery technology basing on SNMP and Subnet-Level Topology Discovery technology basing on ARP and ICMP. According to these analyses, the thesis explores the specific methodology and the technology of XML data object which using the WinSNMP API to achieve topology discovering system on the development platform of Visual C++, and also analyses the technology of topology analysis and topology graph minutely. Moreover, the thesis assays the technology of basic firewall and Topology Discovery response strategy. Finally, the thesis analyses the underlying blind problem of the topology finding, and also analyses the reason that the blind problem produced and the way that reduced. The distributed algorithm that this paper puts forward has a certain directive significance in wireless network or other fields.

本文首先分析了网络结构状况,将网络从网络管理的角度划分为三个层次,为分布式的方法奠定了基础,同时还指出拓扑发现研究的目的及意义;接着本文分析了SNMP协议,详细分析了SNMP协议的发展状况,协议的工作原理,以及由SNMP协议基础上建立的SNMP网络管理体系,详细分析了MIB,以及MIB在网络管理上的应用方式;本文又分析了ICMP协议,详细描述了ICMP的工作原理和数据报格式,并详细描述了ICMP的两个重要工具-Ping 和TraceRoute;然后本文在结合上述分析的基础上,提出了一种分布式的拓扑发现方案,将拓扑发现拟订在一个自治系统内,将拓扑发现从网络管理角度划分为路由器级和子网级两个层次,分析了两个层次之间的衔接方式,同时从拓扑地域的角度将拓扑发现过程分布化,分析了分布式算法的具体方法和分布式结点之间的数据通讯方法,本文详细分析了基于SNMP的路由器级拓扑发现技术和基于ARP和ICMP的子网级拓扑发现技术;根据这些分析,本文利用XML数据对象作为分布式算法中的数据对象,分析了XML的技术,本文使用Visual C++开发平台实现网络拓扑发现系统,详细分析了使用WinSNMP API实现基于SNMP的路由器级拓扑发现和基于ARP的子网级拓扑发现,分析了使用Winsock编程实现基于ICMP的子网级拓扑发现,本文还对拓扑分析和拓扑图的绘制技术作了较细致的分析;本文最后还分析了基本防火墙技术,分析了几种类型的防火墙对拓扑发现带来的影响,以及在拓扑发现时的应对策略,本文还分析了拓扑发现中可能产生的盲点问题,分析了盲点产生的原因以及拓扑发现中减少盲点的方法。

The fourth chapter talks about the weft carrier, in this part, we mostly introduce the big gripper shuttle in the comparative way and not only analyze the structure but also analyze the stress of the fatigable parts. In the fifth chapter, the shuttle box is our research emphasis, we start with the design principle and analyze its structure and the logic of the action of the parts. The sixth chapter discusses the shoot mechanism, builds its theory model and analyzes its law of motion from the view of kinematics and kinetics during the wefting. And then, we can consider the hydraulically shoot mechanism and comprehend its principle and some special parts. Subsequently, the content is about the flying of a shuttle, because the course of the flying of a shuttle is very complex, it is necessary to study the shuttle according to mechanics and to analyze its course of motion and its change of speed from the view of energy.


The last open-end question allows the answerers to write down their opinions, which are then used as one part of data analysis of this study.


The main work of this paper: Firstly, Basing on the summarization and analysis of the walking mechanism, Parallel drive five-bar mechanism is applied for walking mechanism. And then the characteristic of the trail and positive kinematics as well as reverse kinematics are discussed. Secondly, the model of walking mechanism is established according to Parallel drive five-bar mechanism, and then a figure planning is designed for the foot-end trail. The characteristics of the parallel drive are emphasized to research in this paragraph by the method of insert value. At last, the simulation is performed in the ADAMS to compare the real result to the theoretical value. Thirdly, a sealed structure of a Quadruped Walking Robot is designed and established. The whole control system, including motor, sensor and control circuit, is sealed in the robot. Walking is derived in the way of the shaft driving and the dynamic torque sensor is used to the surrounding conditions of the robot's foot-end to be the foundation of the robot's control. At last, the applying principle of the dynamic torque sensor is researched in detail basing on the traditional sensor of the walking robot. Moreover, the principle is divided into several sorts to discuss. Finally, simulation and verification of the monitor principle are come through in the Mechanism of the Pro/Engineer.


Optimal glide character of guided bomb was analyzed according to the trajectory simulation.


At last, the practical significances of the new model are mentioned.


Chapter 3 the Persian war, chapter 4 the Vandal war, chapter 5 the Gothic war are all about the same issue "Wars and Peace."By analyzing every war's cause, process, I then make a conclusion of Procopius'conception of history. Chapter 6 "Natural Calamity and Human Disaster"analyzes and discusses the Plague of Constantinople in 542-543 and "Nika riot"in 532. In chapter 7 "Legend, Customs and Natural Phenomena", besides a scrutiny of Procopius'history criticism, I examine and sum up three kinds of digressions in this work. The last chapter "Military and Religion"inquires into the military organization , armies of the services, equipments, strategy and tactics, weapons of Byzantine empire. This chapter also probes into the attitude of Procopius on Christian, heresies and paganism; The epilogue is a conclusion of this dissertation, making a systematic exposition on Procopius'conception of history.

对这三大战争的研究,笔者采用述论相结合的方法,首先分析各大战争爆发的原因,然后详细分析战争的过程,纠正普罗柯比的正误、讳言之处,通过与其他史料的相互对比还原历史真相,总结经验教训,最后,在每章的总结部分论述战争的结果及其对交战双方的影响,通过对具体内容的分析归纳总结普罗柯比的历史观;第六章&天灾与人祸&主要对《战记》中记载的542-543 年君士坦丁堡大瘟疫和532 年尼卡暴乱加以分析论述,通过普罗柯比与其他史家记载的对比探寻查士丁尼大瘟疫的起源、传播路径、症状、传染介质、死亡人数、政府对策及其影响等问题,通过对尼卡暴乱目击者记录的分析揭示尼卡暴乱爆发的原因、真实过程,对尼卡暴乱作出公允的评价;在第七章&神话传说、民族风俗和自然现象&中,通过普罗柯比对这三类插话描写的总结和评论,分析他的历史批判法;在最后一章&军事与宗教&中,剥开《战记》的表层内容,对其中蕴含的较深层次的思想内容进行研究,如拜占廷帝国的军队组织、兵种、装备、战略战术、军事武器等内容的探讨,同时也就普罗柯比对基督教和异教、异端的态度加以分析论述;最后的结语部分主要是作全文的总结,阐述普罗柯比的历史观。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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