英语人>网络例句>最低工资 相关的搜索结果


与 最低工资 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Milburn review proposes loans for poor students to help them work for free, signalling to businesses that they need not worry too much about pay, minimum or otherwise.


It states that under the condition of monopsony in China's labor market, the adoption of minimum wage has great significance. It will be beneficial for the worker's income increase. Tremendous negative effect on employment and firm's profit is not likely to happen.


One of the worst results of the retention of the Keynesian myths is that it not only promotes greater and greater inflation, but that it systematically diverts attention from the real causes of our unemployment, such as excessive union wage-rates, minimum wage laws, excessive and prolonged unemployment insurance, and overgenerous relief payments.


Do piece rate workers receive at least the legal minimum wage no matter how many pieces they produce?


When such consequences are pointed out, there are those who reply:"Very well; if it is true that the X industry cannot exist except by paying starvation wages, then it will be just as well if the minimum wage puts it out of existence altogether."

在我们指出类似的后果时,有人会说:"讲得好!如果 X 行业全靠低工资吊命,那用最低工资法把这个行业淘汰掉岂不更好。"

Unlike their regular counterparts, whose pay goes up according to seniority along a tenure track, they start at the bottom of the wage scale and remain there.


According to some worker activists /representatives dealing with the local labor bureaus, when receiving a complaint, the officials would simply check if the actual wages workers received would be able to cover all hours s/he worked in the factory using a calculation based on the local legal minimum wage, instead of the scale of her/his real wages.


Yet it ought to be clear that a minimum wage law is, at best, a limited weapon for combatting the evil of low wages, and that the possible good to be achieved by such a law can exceed the possible harm only in proportion as its aims are modest.


The federal minimum wage has stayed at $5.15 since September 1997. At this level, it is worth 27% of average hourly wages for all employees other than those working in agriculture or for the federal government—far stingier[3] than Britain's rate.

自 1997 年 9 月以来,美国联邦最低工资始终保持着 5.15 美元的水平,相当于所有雇员(除从事农业工作或在联邦政府谋职的人外)平均每小时工资水平的 27%,远低于英国的标准。

All employees other than those working in agriculture or for the federal government—far stingier[3] than Britain's rate.


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In that case, Martin's death to the author Mo Bushi from real life, to deny Spencer, right?


According to the electrical diffraction of the conglomeration, the particles are A-zeolite crystals. In the surface of micro-crystal of A-zeolite, the cuboidal nano-crystal A-zeolite grows, so A-zeolite crystal steps can be observed with TEM.


Firstly, this paper analyzes the transmission style of diving machine in detail and selects hydrostatic transmission as transmission manner of Heavy Engineering Transporter.
