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与 更小的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It would take an hour or more to unravel the traffic jam.


Man needs only a few clods of earth whereon to enjoy himself, and even fewer for his last rest.


She couldn't bear his visiting her together with a big white bear..


The new model of word processor has a sm= aller keyboard.

新型的文字= 788;理机键盘更小。

Was Amar'e actually a better defender when he blatantly didn't care?


The advantageous aspects are: maximum aerodynamic penetration due to the driver's prone position; maximum exploitation of muscular output due to the antigravitational rotation of thighs; better venous and lymphatic circulation thanks to lower abdominal pressure; better cardio-respiratory function, due to easier venous circulation; maximum protection of the spine by supporting the rachis; minimum perineum shock thanks to the saddle supporting the gluteus; maximum stability of the vehicle thanks to ground-hub pedal block-system; reduced weight of the rotating parts thanks to the compactness of the mechanism of transmission.

这种自行车的优越之处在于:由于骑车者的俯伏位置而得到的最佳空气动力学性能;由于大腿的反重力旋转而获得的对肌肉的最佳利用;由于较低的腹部压力而获得的更佳的静脉和淋巴循环效果;由于更加便利的静脉循环而带来的更佳的心血管循环系统;由于对脊椎的支撑而带来的对脊柱的最佳保护效果;由于座鞍对臀部的支撑而获得的对会阴的最小冲击;由于地面-轮毂踏板系统(ground-hub pedal-block-system)而获得的车体的最大的稳定性;由于传动系统的紧凑性而减小了车身重量。

These are often better suited for smaller boned women as they are more delicate.


In their absence, there were fewer western voices to be heard preaching the virtues of a borderless world.


Cauline leaves few or even absent, similar to radical leaves but smaller.


Inflorescences paniculate, often corymbiform; lateral branches generally 5-6 cm or shorter; bracts resembling distal stem leaves but smaller.


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Shop assistant: Please check at the door.


In the end, transportation of PAHs in the environmental matrix was preliminarily investigated and discussed according to PAHs data of soils and sediments from a certain region in Shanghai. The result indicated that there are two or more pathways on PAHs transportation in the environmental matrix.


Quick stop! AIDS doctors while the side and say hello and colleagues mention a blood sample box, the Red Cross had sent blankets and so on, with patients有说有笑to go home.
