英语人>网络例句>更小的 相关的搜索结果


与 更小的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is inevitable as the world becomes smaller and it is easier to get from one place to another.


Component into smaller, more focused components and use bijection orstatic injection to allow them to collaborate.


Defense Undersecretary Douglas Feith announced June 8 that the Pentagon will withdraw its two Army divisions from Germany and replace them with fewer, more mobile troops.


Walton is a much better ball handler, which would allow Kobe and Fish to play off the ball more.


The cell is becoming smaller to provide more service, making handoff more frequent.


Because steam activation carbon has a narrower and more extensive microporosity than carbon dioxide activation carbon, stream is the only oxidising agent in this paper.


Spikelets 1–1.2 mm, florets 2; glumes boat-shaped, keeled, scabrous on vein, ca. 1 mm; lower glume subacute; upper glume truncate, awn 0.3–0.5 mm; lemma of fertile floret broadly boat-shaped, ca. 1.2 mm, leathery, pilose along keel and incurving margins; palea obovate, narrower than lemma, keels scabrous; upper lemma much reduced, cuneate, lying within concave back of palea of fertile floret.

小穗1-1.2毫米,小花2;颖片舟状,龙骨状,粗糙的在脉上,约1毫米;更低的颖片近尖;上面颖片截形,芒0.3-0.5毫米;宽舟状的肥沃的小花的外稃,大约1.2毫米,沿着龙骨和incurving 边似皮革,具柔毛;倒卵形,狭窄比外稃,粗糙的龙骨的内稃;上面外稃非常退化,楔形,躺在内凹在内稃的能育小花后面。

Relative to controls, Success for All students complete eighth grade at a younger age, with better achievement outcomes, fewer special education placements, less frequent retentions, and at the same educational expense.


Using the K20 eyepiece included as standard equipment, about 45x magnification, it's easy to see the Andromeda Galaxy and its smaller satellite galaxy M32. When compared to 60mm refractors, the Powerseeker 114 brings out much more detail in the Orion Nebula, reveals many more stars in Perseus' Double Cluster and even brings out a few individual stars in globular clusters like M13. Saturn looks quite small at 45x with the K20 eyepiece, but using my own 7.5mm eyepiece (120x) I can easily detect the shadow cast by the planet on the rings, and even glimpse the ring's Cassini Division. When the mirrors are properly lined up or "collimated," the images are reasonably sharp up to magnifications of 225x.

使用标准配件中的K20 目镜,可以得到45倍放大率,这时候很容易看到仙女座星系,还有较小的星系M32;和60毫米口径的折射望远镜相比,114 EQ可以看清更多猎户座星云的细节;瞄准英仙座双星团,看到的星体数量更多,显得更加壮丽;对于球状星团,比如M13,甚至可以显出其中少数独立的恒星;在K20 目镜下(放大45倍)的土星显得相当小,但换成我自己的7.5毫米焦距的目镜(得到120倍),可以轻松的看到光环在土星上的投影,甚至可以瞥见土星光环内的卡西尼缝隙。

Features are: small loss of luminous energy, simple structure, and small size.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
