英语人>网络例句>更小的 相关的搜索结果


与 更小的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It doesn't matter,"The little seed said to himself,"I'm indeed small now,but sooner or later,i will,one day, have a world which is biger and more beautiful than the fishworm has.


Nansheng Ceramics Co.,Ltd,mainly produces high-grade inner wall bricks,small floors and pseudo-classic small floors at present,The company keeps the management idea of"fashionable life and classical art"and inherits ancient ceramic culture,The products are featured as novel variety,numerous varidties,stable unified color,good anti-pollution and frostproof,Their,main specifications are inner wall bricks of 250X330mm,300X450mm and 300X600mm;small floors and pseudo-classic floors of 300X300mm and 330X330mm and 600X600mm Above-mentioned products meet the A-class demands of National GB/T4100.5-199,There are unrestricted in producing,we set up a strict examination standard to ensure our product quality,While paying attention to product quality,we streng then to the marketing service management and set up the sales network in the whole country to make consumers more convement and understand directly the products of our company.


And she told me that he said that he would like it if I wore something a little less garish, a little smaller, and more American.


Most importantly, the fly-over 4.1 systems very large optimization and update, the software runs at least increased 20%; Federal 4.1 publishing of speed is 3 times fly-over 4.0 has greatly enhanced the efficiency of publishing; the process is running fly-over 4.1, when the suites in the image, the system will not be severely affected by fly-over 4.1 software run faster, from a software startup speed, saving to disk speed to import the text/picture is expressed.


Basal and lowermost cauline leaves compound, 5-9-foliolate; petiole (3-)8-15(-20) cm; leaflets broadly oblong, ovate, or lanceolate,(2-)4-7(-10)×(1-)2-3(-4) cm, base oblique, cuneate, or subtruncate, margin coarsely serrate with a distinct mucro at tooth apex, apex obtusely acuminate with a distinct mucro; petiolule 1-5(-20) mm. Upper cauline leaves 3- or 5-foliolate, becoming gradually smaller and narrower upward.

基部和最下的茎生叶复合,5-9具小叶;叶柄(3-)8-15(-20)厘米;小叶宽长圆形,卵形,或披针形,( 2-)4-7(-10)*(1-)2-3(-4)厘米,基部偏斜,楔形,或近截形,有粗锯齿的边缘具离生短尖头钝在齿先端,先端时候渐尖具离生短尖头;小叶柄1-5(-20)上面的毫米茎生叶3-或者具5小叶,向上变得逐渐更小和更狭窄。

The gel dynamics experiments showed that the gel formation law was similar with the other polymer systems, which wasrelated with dense surface under the soft coagulating condition and the thickening gel; the square of gel thickness was linear with coagulation time. The qualitative analysis of the surface puckers of fibers spun from wet spinning and dry-jet wet spinning was made. The positions where the die swell appeared were not the same and the die swell appeared at the air gap where the fiber would markedly been elongated and vary little in the coagulant, thus the surface of fiber spun from dry-jet wet spinning was more smooth. The radial component concentration gradient was responsible for the radial structure of PAN fiber spun from dry-jet wet spinning. The thicker surface with microvoid structure of


Because of the very high levels of integration, reduced component counts and reduced connector counts, SBCs are often smaller, lighter, more power efficient and more reliable than comparable multi-board computers.

正是由于高度集成,减少了组件数量,降低连接器计数, SBC是往往更小,更轻,更节能,更可靠的相比多了电脑。

Lower glume of pedicelled spikelet awned; lower floret of sessile spikelet absent or reduced to a small lemma; anthers ca.

pedicelled小穗的更低的颖片具芒;无梗小穗无的或退化至的更低的小花一小的外稃;花药长约0.5毫米 3 P。

Spikelets all alike, somewhat laterally compressed, with 1 to several fertile florets; rachilla usually disarticulating below each floret, occasionally strictly 3 florets with lower 2 staminate or barren and of different appearance from upper fertile floret, then disarticulating above glumes and florets falling together; glumes persistent, often equal to spikelet or at least longer than first floret, commonly membranous with broad, shining, hyaline margins; floret callus bearded; lemmas hyaline to leathery, 3- to several-veined ( Coleanthus 1-veined), apex entire or denticulate, awned from back, rarely awnless; awn usually geniculate with twisted column; palea hyaline, subequaling or much shorter than lemma.

全部一样的小穗,有点侧面压扁,具1到数个能育的小花;脱节的通常小穗轴在下面每小花,偶尔严格加雄蕊或者无意义的更低的2的3小花和上面肥沃小花的不同外表,然后脱节的上述颖片和小花结合起来;宿存的颖片,等于小穗或长于前小花,宽的膜质具,发亮,透明边缘的通常的至少的通常;公然反对的小花结茧;透明的外稃到革质,3-到数枚脉(Coleanthus 1脉),先端全缘或具小齿,从背面,很少awnless那里具芒;用盘旋的柱子通常膝曲的芒;透明的内稃,近相等或者远短于外稃。

Spikelets 4–5 mm, dark brown, pallid near apex, keels green; callus hairs 1/2 spikelet length; lower glume lanceolate, back flat, densely hairy with silky hairs ca. 1.5 times spikelet length or more, veinless between keels, apex obscurely emarginate or 2-mucronate; upper lemma narrowly oblong, shortly 2-toothed; awn 0.8–1.5 cm, fine, almost straight.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
