英语人>网络例句>暴乱的 相关的搜索结果


与 暴乱的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The majority of black men in the North had remained outside the struggle. Nothing was happening in the ghettos. No one was making it happen. Ghetto rioting then was the first representation I perceived of movement and activity among the mass of Negroes in the North. It marked a break with the passive tradition of dependency and indifference.


Although the Deimos project culminated in the maiden voyage of the first FTL ship to Tau Ceti in 2108, the billions spent on it created resentment and even rioting in some of the poorer Alliance member-states.

尽管Deimos计划最终还是达到了终极目标——飞向Tau Ceti星系的第一艘FTL动力太空船于2018年开始了她的首航,但为之投入的数十亿经费导致了一些贫瘠的联盟加盟国的不满甚至暴乱。

A New Hope, the newly minted heroes of the Rebellion–fledgling Jedi Luke Skywalker, smuggler turned reluctant freedom-fighter Han Solo, and Princess Leia Organa, a bold leader with a world to avenge–must face the harsh realities of the cataclysmic conflict into which they have so bravely plunged.

一个新希望,敢于反抗的新时代英雄——年轻的Jedi Luke Skywalker,和为自由而反抗的走私犯Han Solo,以及公主Leia Organa——一个怀揣复仇之心,敢于冒险、自由奔放的领导者——必须面对暴乱斗争这个残酷的现实,而他们已准备好为此奋勇向前。

A slideshow posted on YouTube accused CNN, Germany's Der Spiegel and other media of cropping pictures to show Chinese military while screening out Tibetan rioters, or putting pictures of Indian and Nepalese police wrestling Tibetan protesters with captions about China's crackdown.


To be sure, some unemployed young men have been involved in violence, such as the Hindu/Muslim riots and pogroms that erupted in India in the early 1990s.


The Museum of Alexandria, a real university, still maintained a precarious existence until 415 when in riots incited by the Christians, the last remnants of Alexandrian schools of philosophy and science were swept away and the last notable teacher and philosopher of that school, Hypatia (370 - 415) fell a victim to the violence of the mob.

亚历山大大帝图书馆,一所真正的大学,仍维持不稳定状态直到受基督徒煽动发生暴乱时期,亚历山大大帝哲学和自然科学学校最后的遗迹被横扫一空,学校最著名的老师和哲学家Hypatia(370 – 415年)成为了暴徒暴动的牺牲品。

But it is probably true that not even Mr Odinga, a mesmerising presence to his supporters, will be able to control the hate-mongers on his side if he is left empty-handed again .


With the rioters turning their attention to the neighbouring Croatian embassy, the Belgrade government took action to quell the growing unrest and sent paramilitary police armed with teargas to expel the intruders from the two embassies.


Start of the Russian revolution, rioting and strikes against the Russian Empire break out in the city now known as St.


The French and British Foreign Ministers Bernard Kouchner and David Miliband are in the Rwandan capital Kigali on the second leg of their diplomatic mission to try to find a way to end the violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
