英语人>网络例句>暴乱的 相关的搜索结果


与 暴乱的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Like religion, philosophy solves the problems of the past and the future, never the present. In '79, the Angouleme students rioted over the agony they saw around them and killed the cook by accident.


The riots started in Lhasa, Tibet's capital, but quickly spread to other Tibetan areas, attracting worldwide attention and concern just as Beijing was burnishing its image ahead of its international debut as host of the Summer Olympic Games.


After achieving superstardom at home, Vangelis relocated to Paris in 1968, and was in France at the time of the student riots; unable to go back home, he formed the progressive rock band Aphrodite's Child with fellow Greek expatriates Demis Roussos and Loukas Sideras, soon scoring a major European hit with the single "Rain and Tears."

当时的巴黎学生正在暴乱,他不能回家与另外两位希腊移民音乐人 Demis Roussos 和 Loukas Sideras 共同组合成了前卫乐队 Aphrodite's Child 。很快他们制作的《雨和泪》就在欧洲主要的排行榜上了。

Hispanic inmates on one side, blacks on the other, they smashed glass to use the shards as knives and ripped off pipes for bludgeons, burning down part of the prison and injuring hundreds. The riot on August 8th-9th was not the first and won't be the last in California's dreadful prison system.


Hispanic inmates on one side, blacks on the other, they smashed glass to use the shards as knives and ripped off pipes for bludgeons, burning down part of the prison and injuring hundreds.


Article 2 In case of occurrence of turmoil, tumult or serious riot that imperils the unity, safety or social public order of the state to such an extent that the social order would not be maintained and the people's personal and property safety not protected if extraordinary measure should not be adopted, the state may decide to enforce the martial law.

第二条 在发生严重危及国家的统一、安全或者社会公共安全的动乱、暴乱或者严重骚乱,不采取非常措施不足以维护社会秩序、保护人民的生命和财产安全的紧急状态时,国家可以决定实行戒严。

"With every car bomb that takes civilian toll, every insurgent's bullet that finds it mark, every roadside explosive that maims or kills one of our own brave men and women in uniform, the sacrifices mount and the result is anything but satisfactory."


With every car bomb that takes a civilian toll, every insurgent's bullet that finds its mark, every roadside explosive that maims or kills one of our own brave men and women in uniform, the sacrifices mount and the result is anything but satisfactory.


From Xunzi's point of view, the flood of natural instincts and physical desires would cause strife, pillages, riots and the decline of the ethic and moral such as courtesy, integrity and humility, that then will destroy the harmony and order in the relation between people and society, human and nature.


As for other teenage gunmen who have been incarcerated after school rampages, they received varying degrees of punishment, serving everything from two years to multiple life sentences.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
