英语人>网络例句>暴乱的 相关的搜索结果


与 暴乱的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Frankly, the recent disturbances and the counter-revolutionary rebellion that took place in Beijing were fanned by international anti-communism and anti-socialism.


Relativism and the collapse of moral values he blamed on the student riots of 1968,"this bedlam", in which he had refused to take the students' side.


He said the bote to authorize the president to order the use of force to topple Saddam Hussein was not a vehicle for mounting attacks in Iran, even to pursue cells or networks assisting insurgents or sectarian militias.


Forecaster said the storm the parliament in NAME, and many numolections writer believes we can parliamentary the elections for way in the ruling comminute party's favor almost 200 people were arrested.


On the streets of two European cities, rioters clash with police.


Disorder and rioting became a fullscale battle as the agitator began to direct the mobs actions.


The A.U. has struggled amid often chaotic violence that has cost an estimated 200,000 lives.


The reports , which haven't haven't been confirmed cot of , quote a trogropher photographer working for the French news agency AFP has as saying that five 5 people were killed in the capital Antarrivor Antananarivo in a clash with police.

该报道目前还未得到证实,援引一位为法国媒体 AFP 服务的摄影师的话,在首都塔那那利佛暴乱分子与警察发生的冲突,导致5人死亡。

Jerusalem planning authorities have approved the renovation of a house in the capital's secular Rehavia neighborhood to serve as a worship and activity center for the Messianic Jewish organization Netiviah, but some religious elements have vowed to stop the building project even if it means rioting or appealing the High Court of Justice.

耶路撒冷规划当局已批准翻修一所房子,在首都的世俗rehavia居委会充当崇拜和活动中心为救世主的犹太人组织netiviah ,但一些宗教分子誓言要停止建设项目,即使这意味著暴乱或上诉高院原讼庭法官。

Jerusalem planning authorities have approved the renovation of a house in the capital's secular Rehavia neighborhood to serve as a worship and activity center for the Messianic Jewish organization Netiviah, but some religious elements have vowed to stop the building project even if it means rioting or appealing the High Court of Justice.

耶路撒冷规划当局已批准翻修一所房子,在首都的世俗rehavia居委会充当崇拜和活动中心为救世主的犹太人组织netiviah ,但一些宗教分子誓言要停止建设项目,即使这意味着暴乱或上诉高院原讼庭法官。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
