英语人>网络例句>暗红色 相关的搜索结果


与 暗红色 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Strawberry 5strC:bErI;?

ries 草莓草莓色,暗红色

Plants dioecious, reddish yellow to dark red.


On admission, he was alert and fully oriented. His temperature was 38°C, pulse was regular (90/min), blood pressure was 150/80mmHg. His speech was severely dysarthric but he could name, repeat, read, and follow instructions. His cranial nerves and fundoscopic examination were normal. His gait was wide based and unsteady. He had four sided mild weakness, which was prominent on the right.

入院时体格检查示:T 38°C,脉搏规律90次/分,血压150/80mmHg;双下肢前方见暗红色疼痛性结节性红斑;眼科检查未见眼葡萄膜炎;患者主诉阴囊发热、疼痛,检查时见双侧附睾肿胀、质硬、明显触痛,呈附睾炎表现。

The introduction combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine below the experience of enteritis of noxiousness of fine ailment of remedial Tibet mastiff, in order to offer reference. 1 hair sick condition and clinical expression ill dog are 2~4 month more age young dog, majority is come on suddenly, anorexia or abandon absolutely, mental depressed, systemic symptom worsens quickly, produce acuteness sex vomiting and diarrhoea, puke is first feed rotten, afterwards is yellow or olive bubble mucus and hematic type thing, have diarrhoea dung has the sticky stiff thing of grey yellow, turn after for rare dung of effluvial shape of embedded mucous membrane, then shows hematic dysentery, because ill dog is acuteness vomiting and diarrhoea are rapid dehydration, eyeball cave in, temperature is shown two-way and calorific,℃ of the 40~41 at the beginning of disease, 1~2d falls it is normal to come, after 3~4d answer elevatory, die very quickly next, 4~5d of course of diseases, the temperature when on one's deathbed drops more to normal temperature the following. Bottom of stomach of dog of die in one's bed of 2 analyse check has haemorrhage sex inflammation, show cardinal, small intestine mucous membrane falls off, alvine wall attenuates, there is gules mucus inside, mix inside large intestine have show wine blood excrement and urine, there are a lot of haemorrhage places on mucous membrane, haemorrhage of rectum mucous membrane is more, mesentery lymph node enlargement, sometimes afterwards sends intussusception, alvine tangent plane bleeds, cardiac muscle is loose, color becomes weak, cystic plentiful, liver is qualitative fragile and brittle. 3 diagnose 3.1 epidemiology to diagnose this ill much hair at young dog, rather dog of epidemic disease have an inoculation feels the most easily, be affected directly or affect secondhand, basically pass enteron infection, this disease all can happen all the year round, but with cold...


Berries dark red, globose, ca. 8 mm in diam.


Note the dark red blood clot forming the hemopericardium. The hemopericardium can lead to tamponade.


Others are Lysimachia, Ruta or commonRhu, and a Gesneracea, a kind of dark red primrose found near the Dragon Pool.


These adrenals are black-red from extensive hemorrhage in a patient with meningococcemia. This produces the Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome.


In addition, you can set the background color removal, removal of grey (this feature is the color of the muddily such as dark red into black-and-white rather than color blue Edition, suppression of muddily), and so on, which determines the characteristics of the ICC data graph.


The male prosopon body is tall and slender,is smaller than the female prosopon,0.6-3.0mm,the antenna growth is approximately good,reads beaded,the garnet,has the little white wax powder.


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The main researches of this dissertation are summarized as follows:1. AFM study of different effects of natural and semisyntheticβ-lactam on the cell envelope of E.coli.


Take a bus/taxi/ship/plane.


He did not think it consistent with the dignity of that Council to waste any more time over this scurrilous amendment.
