英语人>网络例句>暗红色 相关的搜索结果


与 暗红色 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Dark red color, pink rubella, measles exanthema pink, bright red scarlet fever, chicken pox early for the red light, into the foundation of herpes around after the flush.

疹色 麻疹暗红色,风疹淡红色,小宝宝急疹玫瑰色,猩红热鲜红色,水痘初起为淡红色,成泡疹后根基周围有红晕。

On in this flash, we have found that we have been in a garnet hall.


During the first weeks with this unorthodox case, the steps you took across the geometric rugs, on jarrah floors of a sullen red were hardly more than automatic


The common bean plant grown for the beans rather than the pods especially a variety with large red kidney-shaped beans.


Such as yellow lipoma, malignant melanoma was black, red hemangioma or dark red.


R: This pillow is maroon. It's a dark red.


Fruit dark red, ovoid to sometimes ellipsoid, 10-13 × 6-9 mm; mesocarp rosy when ripe.

暗红色,对有时椭圆形卵球形, 10-13 * 6-9 毫米;玫瑰红色的中果皮成熟时。

The flora of Kuling and its neighborhood is composed of the following kinds arranged according to the months in which they flower: April: Viola of many kinds and the white with pinnate leaves and fragrant aroma; May: a dark red orchis is characteristic and abounds on mountain slopes.


Fruit ovoid, dark red, with 2 or 3 pyrenes; petals red.


Oxygen-carrying hemoglobin called oxyhemoglobin is a bright red, whereas reduced or deoxygenated hemoglobin is a dark red.


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The main researches of this dissertation are summarized as follows:1. AFM study of different effects of natural and semisyntheticβ-lactam on the cell envelope of E.coli.


Take a bus/taxi/ship/plane.


He did not think it consistent with the dignity of that Council to waste any more time over this scurrilous amendment.
