- 与 智能的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
The orbit and the radiation environment of the robot are similar to ones of the ARGOS satellite, and the system is required to have high reliability.
This paper presents a new smart antenna algorithm. Based on the characteristic that in CDMA system desired signal is much larger than other signals after despreading, the algorithm uses eigenvectors of each autocovariance matrix of the first element and one of the other elements to form the weight vector.
Our company has developed the car intelligence anti-collision device, which can make up the current defect in car safety equipment, this product can automatically open blinker flash as warning signal by acceleration at collision time without any hand operation, and send out anti-collision signal, it can be received timely by the coming cars within 150 meters, which makes the driver take measures to avoid traffic accident in advance, thus preventing the rear-end accident, it is the first choice for car intelligence safety upgrade ,and can change the history of no driving on expressway in foggy days.
A simpler scheme of interference canceler is proposed based on beam space analyzing. It is shown by the numerical results that such scheme can overcome the shortcoming of smart antennas. The time to demodulate desired user is reduced. It also reduce the complexity to realize such an AA/IC system with hardware. In the chapter 5, a multi-beam antenna system with three and six fixed beams are analyzed.
Aimed at realize computer aided conceptual design process, on the basis of the principle of decomposition and combination which has feature of zigzagging decomposition, advice a conceptual design process model which is computer oriented, which formulate the generation, evaluation and selection of design concept.
At least in the beginning of 21 century Logic Study will focus on the following topics: common sense inference which is paraconsistent, nonmonotonic and defeasible; generalized inductive inference and inductive logic; generalized intentional logic, especially epistemic logic; natural language understanding and logic of natural language.
Features include extensive support for Java including ANT and a visual debugger, projects, code folding, smart keys (a key pattern that invokes a script), smart indent, code completion, syntax coloring, bookmarks, spell checker, line numbers, finder tool bar with regular expression search and replace, document set toolbar, source code browser, integration with many popular source control systems.
In the design of the system, one method of intelligent control is used which combines the Programmable Logical Controller and the Sensor, uses the shaft-type sensor to gather vehicles pulse and the high speed counter of the PLC to count the number of the pulse, uses certain principles of intelligent control to adjust the length of traffic lights automatically according to the data obtained, reduces the phenomenon of the vehicles stranded in a large scale, solves the problems of not equilibrium and unstable traffic flow magnitude well.
The foundation education is changed direction the basic purpose of"education for all-round development" by"should try an education" to want intelligence at the child to develop a stage to come out their intelligences development with maximum limit, but the high school logic learn teaching to the foundation educate in of the intelligence development has important influence decision a function, so, as soon as possible become is suitable for high school logic in Yunnan to learn the school of teaching this a course to become each high school logic to learn the problem that the worker should value.
Research on the timeliness of context dissemination in the inter-smart-space scenarios.Caching is an effective way to reduce context access overhead and improve application availability when disconnections occur.
- 推荐网络例句
And Pharaoh spoke to Joseph, saying, Your father and your brothers have come to you.
47:5 法老对约瑟说,你父亲和你弟兄们到你这里来了。
Additionally, the approximate flattening of surface strip using lines linking midpoints on perpendicular lines between geodesic curves and the unconditional extreme value method are discussed.
Hey Big Raven, The individual lies dont matter anymore - its ALL a tissue of lies in support of...