英语人>网络例句>晶体管 相关的搜索结果


与 晶体管 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the other hand, the linear deviations of the active voltage biasing circuit with Bipolar Transistor or FET were at most 7%, and at most 3% respectively.

结果:在阳极电流为50 μA,电阻型光电倍增管偏置电路的线*偏离度已达40%,而用双极*晶体管或场效应晶体管的有源偏置电路的线*偏离度分别为≤7%,≤3%。

METHODS: On the basis of PMT passive voltage biasing circuit, Bipolar Transistor or Field Effect Transistor were used. Additionally,"adjustable constant current technology" was adopted to avoid the effect of temperature on circuit.


Just forty-five nanometers or forty five billionth of a meter.


A cable railway on a steep incline, especially such a railway with simultaneously ascending and descending cars counterbalancing one another.Each of these logic families, TTL, ECL, PMOS, NMOS and CMOS, has a specific set of characteristics that make it desirable for certain applications.

每一种逻辑元件,晶体管晶体管逻辑电路、发射极耦合逻辑电路f 型金属氧化物半导体、n 型金属氧化物半导体和补充金属氧化物半导体,都有其特有的性质,从而适用于不同的用途。

The invention relates to an amplifier circuit containing a high-frequency transistor (1) and having a circuit (2) for adjusting the operating point, which provides a base current for the high-frequency transistor (1) according to the voltage released at a resistor (3) which is connected in the collector ring of the high-frequency transistor (1). The circuit (2) has a differentiating unit (20), fed by the supply voltage, which compares the voltage released at the resistor (3) with a reference voltage.


With the electrical connections at the top and bottom side of the wafer-level IC packaging Lead-frame structure and composition of the surface-mount semiconductor package structure Multi-layer printed circuit board Antifuse and its formation method and with the anti-fuse non-volatile memory device unit cell Tandem electric signal processing circuit and electronic device Light-emitting diode packaging structure and encapsulation method Electronic Packaging Structure Flip-chip high-speed optoelectronic components and structure Pairs of piezoelectric friction side by side to promote the three-step device and scanning probe microscope Light-emitting diode and its manufacturing method, the production base of light-emitting diode method Three or four parallel advance of stepping piezoelectric device and scanning probe microscope lens body Silicon substrate and its manufacturing method Semiconductor device and voltage-divider A polysilicon layer and the microcrystalline silicon layer of the double-substrate active layer structure, methods and devices The edge of the thickness of silicon controlled Of a lateral semiconductor devices and high-voltage devices With a vertical-channel transistors semiconductor device Of a memory array and for the manufacture of a memory array method Read-only memory cell array structure Active-matrix substrate and display device High-voltage semiconductor integrated circuit devices, dielectric isolated type semiconductor device Image sensing devices Lens module and its manufacturing methods Solid-state imaging device and camera Injection angle for the trench isolation Organic Light-Emitting Display Device Organic light-emitting display device Bipolar transistor structure of the surface passivation Double-triggered silicon-controlled rectifier HFET Metal-oxide semiconductor transistors Self-aligned trench accumulation mode field effect transistor structure Thin-film transistors and Display Devices TFT Lead Diode Low-frequency, low noise, low-flashing diode Used for thin-film solar cells trap light structure Transparent sun solar cells Quaternary semiconductor heterojunction photovoltaic cells heat Si nano-pillar array heterojunction thin-film solar cells GaN-based micro-composite solar cells isotope Optical sensor Semiconductor by optical components Imaging Detector Transparent conductive oxide coating Silicon-based high-performance dual-junction solar cells Thin-film solar cells Alien LED Devices


It consists of many ele- mentary pulse networks such as: Transistor forming and shaping circuit,trrnsistor blocking oscillator,multivibrator,time delay circuit and "and" gate,etc.


An analog control, in accordance with corresponding changes in the load modulation transistor gate of the base or bias, to achieve the output transistor switching power supply or transistor turn-on time of change in this way can the power supply output voltage in the workplace Conditions of constant change.


A prediction model has been proposed to deal with threshold voltage shift as a function of 1MeV neutron flux and gate oxide thickness, and to deal with room-temperature annealing of threshold voltage shift induced-by 〓Coγ as a function of electric field and gate oxide thickness. The commonness and individuality of MOS device degradation between hot-carrier effect and ionizing radiation were investigated. The dependence of substrate current, gate current and threshold voltage shift due to hot-carrier on gate oxide thickness were simulated with MEDICI-2D simulator. The photocurrents of PN junction and bipolar transistor were studied. Their transient responses on varied bias voltages, pulse durations and absorbed doses were simulated. The influences of NPN base width on base and collector photocurrents were investigated. We also studied 1MeV neutron displacement damage in PN junction, and calculated reverse current leakage under the neutron flux of 2. 67×10〓 per square centimeter. 3 The study of nondestructive screening method for MOS radiation tolerance A theoretical and experimental study of nondestructive screening methods for radiation tolerance of nMOS and pMOS were firstly fulfilled. We determined the informative parameters pertinent to the method and proposed how to deal with experimental data and verify obtained results statistically, as well as make the required steps for nondestructive screening. Based on the experimental data of 180 samples of discrete pMOS devices, the relation between sample quantity and correlation coefficient, screening equation, and other significant results were obtained from the threshold voltage shifts of pre-and post-irradiation samples.


The same better common-base and common-emitter properties were observed. Basically, the all-organic metal-base transistors may also be seen as to be a permeable-base transistors, similar to the inorganic/organic hybrid transistors.


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