英语人>网络例句>晒干 相关的搜索结果


与 晒干 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So let's put it in the sun to have a insolation.


Dead monkey, if it were not for has not hit him, I slaughtered him certainly, chop becomes a lot of, insolation falls in the sun.


Mountain Porridge: 60 grams of dried or fresh yam yam 120 grams, 60 grams of japonica rice.


It contains a natural source of cyanide, whose precursor, linamarin, is rendered harmless if properly dried, soaked, and baked.

它还含有天然源氰化物,其前驱物, linamarin ,是使之无害,如果妥善晒干,浸泡,烤。

Starbucks, for instance, could still sell Shirkina Sun-Dried Sidamo, as long as its beans came from the region.

例如,只要其所采用的咖啡豆源于这个地区,星巴克仍然可能会销售 Shirkina 晒干西达摩。

I saw this strawberry and kiwi fruit muesli yogurt in the food court, the combination is so healthy and the colors of strawberry and kiwi make it even more attractive, so I took a bowl of it as my breakfast for the compensation of my painful ears.

买了 museli 和酸奶,隐约记得买的这款 museli 是97% fat free 的苹果菠萝和桃子,都是很健康的水果晒干的,还有甜甜的葡萄干,早上和酸奶伴在一起吃再健康不过了

The reducing sugar content of potatoes also increase during the sun drying of grapes and dates, sucrose is converted to d-glucose and d-fructose; accordingly, the color of the dried products is deepened by nonenzymic browning reactions.


The reducing sugar content of potatoes also increase during the sun drying of grapes and dates, sucrose is converted to D-glucose and D-fructose; accordingly, the color of the dried products is deepened by nonenzymic browning reactio .


HE WAS used to ordure, because at school (Culver Military Academy, Indiana), they had made him shovel it, wet manure, which is not like dried manure.


Now, ere the sun advance his burning eye, the day to cheer and night's dank dew to dry, I must up-fill this osier cage of ours with baleful weeds and precious-juiced flowers.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
