英语人>网络例句>显露 相关的搜索结果


与 显露 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I remember.there was an impudent mountebank who sold pills whichwere very good against an earthquakeJoseph Addison.A charlatan makes false claims to skill or knowledge and hides his or her deficiency by an elaborate,fraudulent,often voluble display


I remember.there was an impudent mountebank who sold pills whichwere very good against an earthquake Joseph Addison.A charlatan makes false claims to skill or knowledge and hides his or her deficiency by an elaborate, fraudulent, often voluble display


Application of endoscope in neurosurgery operation enlarged the unfolding of pathological changes structures, decreased muss judgment in operation and increased the security and the wholly cutting rate of focuses, improved the life quality of patients.


The blurred points of view of this novel embodies the paradoxical attitude Nadine Gordimer holds toward racial identity and gender identity


Under the condition of the market economy, there are various disadvantages of our traditional national treasury system of scattered management, which is out of step with the public finance.


Since entering the 1990s, the negative effect of capital fleeing on the economy of China, has increasingly appeared day by day.

进入 2 0世纪 90年代以来,中国的资本外逃问题日益突出,对我国经济的负面影响已日趋显露,引起了国际金融机构、各国政府和学术界的极大关注。

Indian blood was plain in her features, overbalancing the negroid characteristics.


Ulysses The Mabbot street entrance of nighttown, before which stretches an uncobbled transiding set with skeleton tracks, red and green will-o'-the-wisps and danger signals.


But if, in the present day, you are acontributor to anencyclopedia, there is an editorial policy whichis solemn, wise andprudent, which allows no room for jokes, noplace for personalpreferences and no tolerance for idiosyncrasies.Everything has tobe flattened out except where the prejudices ofthe editor areconcerned.


Gabriel, to thee thy course by Lot hath giv'n Charge and strict watch that to this happie place No evil thing approach or enter in; This day at highth of Noon came to my Spheare A Spirit, zealous, as he seem'd, to know [ 565 ] More of th' Almighties works, and chiefly Man Gods latest Image: I describ'd his way Bent all on speed, and markt his Aerie Gate; But in the Mount that lies from Eden North, Where he first lighted, soon discernd his looks [ 570 ] Alien from Heav'n, with passions foul obscur'd: Mine eye pursu'd him still, but under shade Lost sight of him; one of the banisht crew I fear, hath ventur'd from the Deep, to raise New troubles; him thy care must be to find.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
