英语人>网络例句>是不是 相关的搜索结果


与 是不是 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And I don't... I don't know if they'd want


Two days, feel spend a long, I don't know what reason I can persistence, maybe have a voice tell me you must give a tractability to myself, yes, I want success, get it.


I hope it is right,I don't want to have any twists and turns in my love.


I do not know the tympanitis will be relapse it or not, also I do not know it suitable you or not, I just tell my experience to you,I hope you a recovery quickly; or you go to see an experienced specialist if possible, but you must dry clean your ear's pus first then drop medicine.


Is Kobe Bryant going to have a right hand when he's done playing, or is he going to look like Johnny Unitas or Ronnie Lott, with gnarled or missing fingers? What's crazy is those dudes played football!


I saw him through a haze of drugs, pain and the dreamy unreality that this could be happening to me.


Without them, I'd have been, as ever, utterly invisible, unsexual, but with stilettos, cyclists wobbled, busloads of shoppers smirked and blew kisses, and finally a police car drew up, not to move me on, just to watch and see if I was propositioning for trade.


Astonishingly, according to a forecast just out from Price Waterhouse Coopers, a global consulting firm, the two main equity markets in China will raise $52 billion in capital this year in initial public offerings, more than double the amount forecast at the start of the year.


No matter white or black, the key is whether the cat can catch mouse.


You say left hand and right hand is destined can not be together, like Bana flowers and leaves will never meet????

你说 左手和右手是不是注定了不能在一起,就像彼岸花的花和叶永远不能相见????

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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
