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与 易经 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Double Falsehood, a play written by Lewis Theobald and first performed in 1727, was based substantially on another work co-written by William Shakespeare more than a century earlier, a leading academic said on Tuesday.

据一名主要研究人员本周二介绍,这部名为《爱情骗徒》的戏剧由刘易斯希尔包德改编,并于 1727 年被首次搬上舞台。经考证,这部戏剧大部分根据一个多世纪以前威廉莎士比亚与人合著的另一剧作改编而成。

Medicine is used to unclose and seize mysterious physiology, pathology and pathogeny of human body, and solve problems pointedly and flexibly, but it is difficult to find a versatile medicine, operation or treatment means. So, some people cannot get away from illness despite medical treatment, some even die. Sometime, medicines are suitable for adult A, but not for adult B who has the same sickness, or do harm to infant A even lead to death; some patients get better by taking virose medicines, but others disable or die; suffering from the same sickness, some people pull through and live for another tens of years, some people die in the operating table; sickness recrudesces in some people whose families break up after several operations, etc.


The composition of six experimental free-cutting unquenched/untempered mould steel for plastics was determined by simulated rolling.


If you are single you could easily feel the zing of Cupid's arrow.


The book of Zhouyi Cantongqi, or translated as Concordance of the Three, by the famous alchemist Wei Boyang of Later Han Dynasty, is commonly regarded as the earlies alchemic scripture accessible in the world.


The target compound 1 was successfully prepared via esterification, reduction, bromization and cyanation processes by using L--malic acid (2), which is an inexpensive and easily available starting material. The overall yield was 56.7%.


In this study, we developed the ammonia sensing material by using MCM-41 impregnated with bromocresol green. MCM-41 is one kind of mesoporous molecular sieves. It can be applied to many fields due to well-defined pore shapes, narrow distribution of pore sizes, large pore volumes, high surface area, excellent thermal, hydrothermal, chemical and mechanical stability. And the bromocresol green dye is commonly used as a pH indicator with colorimetric from pH 3.8 to pH 5.4.

本研究之目的是结合变色染剂及中孔洞分子筛MCM-41进行氨气吸附,研究中所选择之变色染剂溴甲酚绿是一种偏酸性之大分子有机染剂,其变色范围在pH 3.8到pH 5.4;而MCM-41由於其孔洞大小分布范围狭窄、孔洞体积大、高比表面积、具有良好的吸附容积、表面反应性强及易於改质等优点,故期望利用此复合材料,经气体吸附达到氨的移除并同时在吸附饱和前能产生显色效果。

This essay reviews Yami product exchange in daily life, in three major calendric festivals, and in house-opening and boat-launching ceremonies within a single ecological zone to examine the possible economic rationality of "like-for-like" exchanges.


Storage of drug products after release;(9) Control and laboratory operations;(10) Aseptic processing, which includes as appropriate: I Floors, walls, and ceilings of smooth, hard surfaces that are easily cleanable; II Temperature and humidity controls; III An air supply filtered through high-efficiency particulate air filters under positive pressure, regardless of whether flow is laminar or nonlaminar; IV A system for monitoring environmental conditions; V A system for cleaning and disinfecting the room and equipment to produce aseptic conditions; VI A system for maintaining any equipment used to control the aseptic conditions.

无菌操作及有关要求: I 地板,墙壁和天花板平滑,坚硬,表面易清洁; II 温度与湿度控制; III 空气经高效过滤器,在正压下过滤,层流或非层流均可; IV 环境检测系统; V 创造无菌环境,房间和设备的清洁,消毒系统; VI 控制无菌环境的设备维修系统。

Health preservation of sexual activities in China has a very long history. It was recorded in Zhouyi and the Book of Songs in dramatic aestheticism and Zhou dynasty, and the modem researchers conject that eight diagrams and Taiji figure is products from reproductive worship; it was founded in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and there were correlated theories in the works of various schools of thought and medicine bamboo slips in Han Tombs at Mawangdui, and noticeably, the yellow emperors internal classic established the basic theories of health preservation of sexual activities; it was flourishing in Han and Tang dynasty, which was a thriving and prosperous dynasty in the whole Chinese history and is quite open to sex, there were many kinds of correlative books appeared; it was blocked by the popularity of neo-confucianism of Cheng-Zhu; it was lingering in Ming and Qing dynasty because of the fast development of Chinese medicine and the persistent harm of feudalist ideology.


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I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
