英语人>网络例句>明了地 相关的搜索结果


与 明了地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Both books are worth reading on their own of course, but they also serve as demonstrations of Holts philosophy that living and learning are interrelated, that we learn more from our mistakes and successes than from tests and instruction, and that it is never too late to learn more about ourselves and the world in which we live.


SEATTLE -- Felix Hernandez has gotten a lot of attention as one of the American League's premier young pitchers, but Chien-Ming Wang showed his counterpart on Wednesday why he may be the class of the league when it comes to sophomore hurlers.

n; V+ _8 ^!~* W3 U0 ~西雅图讯-- Felix Hernandez 是美国联盟中最被受瞩目的年轻投手之一,王建民在星期三的表现相对地说明了:为什麼以他这个二年级投手有可能成为大联盟的一流投手。

The attempts to use water hyacinths to combat algae in Dian Lake provide a cautionary tale about the consequences of the loss of ecological balance.


But Mr Horspool's achievement is to show the sheer extent to which rebellion in its many different shapes and forms has been a continuous and conscious tradition shaping the behaviour of both the ruled and their rulers. The Levellers in the 17th century saw their oppression as dating from the imposition of the "Norman yoke" in the 11th century; the 19th-century Chartists took their inspiration from Magna Carta in the 13th century; and those late 20th- century rebels defying Mrs Thatcher's poll tax referred directly back to the Peasants' Revolt of the 14th century.


If our derivatives experience – and the Freddie Mac shenanigans of mind-blowing size and audacity that were revealed last year – makes you suspicious of accounting in this arena, consider yourself wised up. No matter how financially sophisticated you are, you can't possibly learn from reading the disclosure documents of a derivatives-intensive company what risks lurk in its positions. Indeed, the more you know about derivatives, the less you will feel you can learn from the disclosures normally proffered you. In Darwin's words," Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge."

如果在看到我们处理衍生性金融商品的经验,加上Freddie Mac去年被揭发大规模的舞弊行为后,让你开始怀疑这方面的会计原则,这就表示你变聪明了,不管你具备有多丰富的金融知识,你都无法经由阅读这些从事衍生性金融商品公司的相关揭露文件来了解它到底背负了多少潜藏的风险,事实上,你越了解这些衍生性金融商品,你就越知道这些制式文件能够给你的讯息多么地有限,套句达尔文的话,初生之犊不畏虎,越无知胆子越大,越有经验就越怕死。

Then Judge Lu added,"Only severe whippings could make the sinners realize the consequences of their wrongdoings."


The beauty and exceptional quality of the pre-Hispanic buildings, the stunning landscape in which they stand, and the way in which the ancient Peruvians planned and harmonised their buildings with the surrounding site fully justified its inclusion on the World Heritage List in 1983 as both a cultural and natural site.


Based on density functional theory and electronegativity equalization principle,applying an atom-bond electronegativity equalization σπ model,using a separated program,we calculated the charge distributions and dipole moments of guanine tautomers.


And the article also explained on how to exert the press supervision action effectively in legality of press supervision,pressmen should improve self discipline and keep high community reponsibilty, insist on the three basic rules of press supervision.


Firstly in this text telling the present condition of the winch conveyance which development circumstance in domestic and international and the system diagram carried on conveyance processes of spread and move the synopsis elucidation;Sencondly explaining the structure characteristics of the winch and the principle of the structure's spreading of the decelerating machine in order and in detail, and designing calculating and schooling pit the decelerating machine and rollers to that winch equip medium each parts.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
