英语人>网络例句>时间表 相关的搜索结果


与 时间表 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Practice and qualifying were both interrupted by heavy rain, meaning it was difficult to run by the schedule, but the organisers managed to get it all done and after qualifying it was reigning Champion Naoto Matsukura that would line up on pole position for Yokomo with a dominant performance.


The main factors for nonadherence were lack of supervision in taking medications, numbers and fastidious schedules, family conflicts, and poor communication between parents and the medical team.


Overtime pay potential, as noted in the Work Schedule Policy, is limited to nonexempt employees, as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act.


Using a pocket pc, a therapist can schedule patients so that their day is full without being overfull.


The author suggests concerned division system is decided and announce our country the schedule that 35 years in future indrawn international market releases pily excessive stock, be opposite with eliminating pily inventory to release uncertainty to reach its to the greastest extent international market pressure, thereby loss of better implementation cotton is the smallest change an end.


A group of appointments slotted over a specific time horizon.


AWG Complete suspension set Complete tension set Vibration dampers, Stockbridge type Extra tension clamps Extra tension joints Extra vibration dampers Extra parallel clamps Extra armour rods Sub-Total, items 6.1-6.4 Sub-total, Items 1.4, 2.7, 3.8, 4.8, 5.4 and 6.5 Transfer to Summary, Schedule AS-1

完成悬挂设置完整的张力阻尼减震器、Stockbridge类型额外的张力额外的张力额外的振动阻尼器额外的平行夹额外的盔甲次全切除,物品6.1 ~ 640 次全切除,物品,27,3.8 1.4,4.8 5.4和6.5(转移到简易,时间表AS-1)。仅供参考

While the kinds of instruction offered in these programs will differ, DL usually signifies a course in which the instructions post syllabi, reading assignments , and schedules on Websites , and students send in their assignments by e-mail .


Scheduling problems arise in areas as diverse as production planning, personnel planning, computer design, and time tabling.


The hang closely together on this trap and clear: Wang Wei, deputy to the high cost of bait, the actual control of the Taxodiaceae Ningbo, China Light and other enterprises and companies commissioned by the signing of palm oil imports Contracts, use of imported grain and oil shipping schedules and letters of credit loan period of three months of the time difference, letters of credit to cash in the capital of Ningbo in the short-term loans, access to high interest rates; On the other hand, loan-sharking in a large number of bad debts, not enough to pay credit Credit card, through its low-cost selling exists in Tianjin Sheng storage of grain and oil palm oil for cash flow.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
