英语人>网络例句>无雌蕊的 相关的搜索结果


与 无雌蕊的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fruit dehiscent siliques, linear, terete or latiseptate; valves with a prominent midvein and often distinct marginal veins, glabrous or glandular, torulose; gynophore obsolete, rarely to 1 mm; replum flattened; septum complete; style obsolete or to 3 mm; stigma capitate, slightly lobed, rarely prominently lobed and subdecurrent.


Female flowers solitary or several and male mixed in axillary cluster; pedicels 2-6 cm; calyx yellow-green, 6-lobed; sepals slightly thick, biseriate, outer obovate or subspatulate, ovate-elliptic, 6-7 × 3-4 mm, inner shorter, obovate, ca. 5 mm, with purple stripes; disk absent; pistil depressed globose, ca. 2 × 2.7 mm, 3-locular; styles 3, bifid at apex, arms recurved.

雌花单生或数个雌花和雄花在腋生簇束里混生;花梗2-6厘米;花萼黄绿色,6裂;萼片稍厚, 2列,外部倒卵形或近匙形,卵状椭圆形, 6-7 * 3-4 毫米,内部的短,倒卵形,长约5毫米,有紫色条纹;花盘无;雌蕊扁球形,约2×2.7毫米,3室;花柱3,在先端2裂,裂片下弯。

Stamens inserted at apex of corolla tube; filaments short; anthers sagittate, connivent, adherent to pistil head, spurred at base; disc absent.


Flowers bisexual or bisexual and male; stamens more than 2 × as many as petals; gynoecium 2- to many loculed; ovules 2 to many per locule; fruit with stalked or rarely sessile pulp vesicles; leaves odd-pinnately 3(or 5)-foliolate, digitately 3-foliolate

花两性或两性和男性;雄蕊超过2 *同数花瓣;第2-到多室雌蕊群;胚珠2到多数每室;果具柄或很少无梗果肉囊;具小叶叶奇数羽状复叶的3(或5),掌状具3小叶, 15

When the bud growed to 0.5centimeter before the the gynandrous primordium was formed, the male were easily induced by GA_3among apomixes species.


Stamens 5 to very numerous, in 1-3 series, fused with the rudimentary pistil into a gynostemium or in bisexual flowers connate into a cylinder; free filaments absent; anthers 2-loculed, dehiscent longitudinally or by apical pores.

雄蕊5 到多,1-3 列,退化雌蕊愈合成合蕊柱或两性花合生成圆柱体无离生的花丝;花药2室,纵裂或者凭借顶孔开裂。

Male flowers: sepals mostly 5, imbricate to valvate, free; petals 5, smaller or nearly equal to sepals; disk glandular, usually 5, and opposite sepals; stamens 10-20; filaments free, inflexed in bud; anthers muticous; pistillode absent.

雄花: 多数的萼片5,覆瓦状到镊合状,离生;花瓣5,小或近等长于萼片;花盘具腺,通常5,与萼片对生;雄蕊10-20;花丝离生,在芽中内折;花药钝;无退化雌蕊。

Inflorescence spikelike, cylindrical, composed of spiny or bristly deciduous burrs arranged along an angular, often sinuous rachis; burrs sessile or with an obconical basal stipe, each composed of 1 or more sessile spikelets surrounded by an involucre of spines and bristles; bristles flexuous or more often spinous,± flattened, grooved on the outer face, united below, the degree of union varying from a small basal disk to a deep cupule, inner spines or bristles often ciliate around spikelets. Spikelets lanceolate, acute; glumes unequal, shorter than spikelet, lower sometimes suppressed; lower floret membranous, staminate or neuter; upper floret firmer, protogynous.


Bisexual flowers: stamens 1 or 3, inserted on 1 side of ovary; filaments inconspicuous; connectives conspicuous, if stamens 3, connectives connate at base or free; anthers 1- or 2-loculed, longitudinally dehiscent; pistil 1, 1-carpelled; ovary inferior, 1-loculed; ovule 1, pendulous, orthotropous; style short or absent.


Male flowers: pedicel articulated at base; sepals 5, free, valvate, initially curved around stamens, later reflexed; petals and disk absent; stamens 5, free, inserted at bases of sepals; filaments short; anthers larger, thecae 2, parallel, introrse, dehiscence longitudinal; pistillode short and broad, peltate.

雄花 花梗有节在基部;萼片5,离生,镊合状,最初在雄蕊周围弯曲,后反折;花瓣和花盘无;雄蕊5,离生,着生在萼片的基部;花丝短;花药大,囊2,平行,内向,纵裂;退化雌蕊短和宽,盾形。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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