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The distribution of the qualitative characters The performance of the 39 chief qualitative characters were observed and recorded,according to the test method of morphological characters in the .The results of distribution proportion of each character in cultivars group showed that the distribution of 32 characters(number of ray flower rings,floret curliness,shape of leaf base,size of stipule and so on) were very asymmetrical with near or above 70%cultivars concentrated upon one or two performance, however,the distribution of the other 7 characters(floret type,surface color of outer floret,back color of outer floret,color of disc floret,claw in base of sinus between lateral lobes,stem erectness and stem color) in the cultivars group were relatively symmetrical.


Firstly, four beams are formed using wideband distortionless beamforming method, which divides the whole space into four separated regions. Then the beam outputs are calculated and taken as the signal received by a reference point.


There were only 94 vascular plant species, belonging to 50 family and 75 genera. The dominant species in the communities were deciduous broadleaf species Liquidambar formosana, Robinia pseudoacacia, Ailanthus altissima, Acer buergerianum, and Celtis sinensis, evergreen broadleaf species Cinnamomum camphora and Elaeocarpus glabripetalus, and Phyllostachys heterocycla. Robinia pseudoacacia+Cinnamomum camphora community had the highest Shannon-Wiener index (1757) and Phyllostachys heterocycla+Acer buergerianum community had the highest Simpson index (0163), but no consistency was observed between the curves of H and D. For vertical structure, most communities had no significant understory stratification.


Sepals spurless; petals basally almost free; basal leaves of flowering stems ovate-lanceolate, persistent; seeds winged

萼片无距;几乎的基部的花瓣离生;花茎的基生叶卵状披针形,宿存;种子具翅 19 S。 barbeyi 离瓣景天

Corolla often purple spotted, large, throat expanded; galea falcate, rounded or obtuse apically, toothless; lower lip long stipitate basally.


Male flowers 4-merous, sessile; perianth lobes elliptic, ca. 1 mm, strigillose, connate at base. Fruiting perianth rhomboid-obovoid, compressed, ca. 1.2 mm, smooth, strigillose on shoulder, base cuneate or stipitate, apex with short neck, 2-toothed.


Corolla light violet, purple, or white, ca. 2 cm; tube narrow, long; throat unappendaged, with a narrow protective ring of hairs at base of tube; limb campanulate, 5-parted; lobes broadly ovate, apex rounded.


Glomerules all arranged on specialized slender flowering shoots, rarely simply axillary; male flowers 4-merous, pedicel very short to absent.


The fore bay of Heihe Longhui Hydropower Station designed by the company, is the existing biggest tunnel fore bay in China, which is height of 21m, width of 16m; for the large-span dome of surge tank of Baishuijiang Shiji Hydropower Station, which is the first project equipped with rapid-drop gate in surge tank in Gansu Province, the company adopted pre-stressed anchor cable to complete the dome's excavation and supporting at the same time, thus reduced the completion period and investment; for the diversion tunnel of Fuchuan Hydropower Station, which is the biggest non-pressure diversion tunnel in Gansu Province, with span of 9m, height of 11m, the company adopted half-tunnel supporting structure, thus reduced the project investment.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


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