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与 无瓣的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

2 For the low-pressure seal test and high pressure sealing test, does not allow visible leak through the valve flap, the back seat and shaft seal, there is no structural damage (elastic seat and seal surface deformation is not considered as structural damage).


Corolla tube longer than calyx but not exceeding 2 X; beak straight or bent downward, long; galea margin toothless.

花冠筒长于花萼但是不超过2 X;弯曲的具喙的直的或向下,长;盔瓣边无牙。

Areoles of mature, ultimate joints with 1-5 spines, spines white to grayish to reddish brown, aciculate, terete, sometimes absent; petaloids yellow to orange; stigmas 6-10

成熟,最后关节与1-5脊骨,脊骨一起的小窠棕色的白色的到带灰色到带红色,aciculate,圆柱状,有时无;瓣状花被片黄色到橙;柱头 6-10 3

Leaf sheath glabrous; spikes 10--20 cm; flowers in clusters of 3 on spike rachis; labellum crisped at margin

叶鞘无毛;穗状花序10 --20厘米;在穗状花序轴上的3的花簇生;唇瓣皱波状的在边缘 31 ALPINIA jianganfeng 箭杆风

Flowers yellowish to greenish, rarely brightly colored, small, bisexual or unisexual, rarely polygamous,(4 or)5-merous, hypogynous to epigynous, in mostly axillary, sessile or pedunculate cymes, or reduced to few in fascicles. Calyx tube patelliform or hemispherical to tubular, sometimes absent, at rim with calyx, corolla, and stamens; sepals 4 or 5, valvate in bud, triangular, erect or ± recurved during anthesis, adaxially often distinctly keeled, alternate with petals.


Staminodes 3 or rarely absent, alternate with petals, often clawed, 2-cleft or 2-brachiate and branches with penicillate hairs.


Scape usually longer than leaves, with 2-3 flowers each with 1bract, floral bract hooded, broad-ovate, as long as ovary, blunt and usually 3-lobed at apex; flower green-yellow, dorsal sepal white with yellow-green veins and green base, elliptic, 4-4.5cm long, short-pointed at apex, keeled on back, pubescent at base inside, petals very long, pendulous, twist, linear, 8.5-12cm long,6mm wide in middle; lip reversed helmet-shaped, longer than dorsal sepal, with claw almost as long as hood, side lobes inflexed, auricles large and nearly broad-triangular; staminode obcordate; stamens with thick and short filaments; ovary rostrate, 5.5cm long, glabrous.

花茎常长于叶,具2~3朵花,每花具一枚苞片,花苞片兜状,宽卵形,和子房等长,顶端钝而常3浅裂;花绿黄色,重萼片白色而有黄绿色的脉和绿色的基部,椭圆形,长4~5.5cm ,短尖,背面具龙骨状突起,基部内侧被短柔毛;花瓣极长,悬垂,扭曲,条形,长8.2~12cm ,中部宽约6mm ;唇瓣倒盔状较中萼片长,具爪,爪几乎和兜等长,具内折侧裂片,耳大而近阔三角形;退化雄蕊倒心形,上面基部具一个角状突起;雄蕊具短粗的花丝;子房具喙,长约5.5cm ,无毛。

Petals lanceolate to oblong, margin conspicuously erose; leaves linear, apex spinose-apiculate; sepals spurless, apex spinose-apiculate

显著的花瓣披针形的到长圆形,边缘啮蚀状;叶线形,先端具细尖;萼片无距,先端具细尖 9 S。 daigremontianum 啮瓣景天

Stem leaves narrowly oblong to narrowly elliptic, glabrous or sparsely short strigose abaxially; pedicel to 0.2 cm; calyx pubescent along midvein; corolla limb 5-7 mm wide; abaxial aperture of nutlets ca. 0.6 mm

缺乏茎生叶狭长圆形到狭椭圆形,无毛或疏生背面;花梗到0.2厘米;花萼短柔毛沿中脉;花冠瓣片5-7毫米宽;小坚果的背面的孔约0.6毫米 14 Microula oblongifolia 长圆微孔草

Skeletal muscle ventricle constructed from conditioned skeletal*muscles, lined with autogenous or bovine pericardium, and connected with valved homografts between right atrium or venae cava and main pulmonary artery, has been demonstrated to be nonthrombogenic.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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