英语人>网络例句>无文化 相关的搜索结果


与 无文化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is the autonomous complex that leads the author to go beyond his limitations and to reflect a deeper collective unconsciousness. Faulkner"s novels and their respective themes are closely connected with the inferiority complex caused by American culture, the author"s physique and his living conditions. They are the results of his inferiority complex that accumulates into some kind of superiority complex. Because of the southern Americans special history and politics and his sufferings Faulkner is deeply absorbed in the southern wasteland and invented Yoknapatawpha County, making it a place where he can do whatever he wants to do to counteract the lack in his real life.


Starting with the developments of the author\'s creation, the dissertation follows up the scent of the occurring of his novels and the\'track of his psychology of creation, holding the opinion that there exists an intuitive psychological tendency in Faulkner\'s creation which the author is not aware of. It is the autonomous complex that leads the author to go beyond his limitations and to reflect a deeper collective unconsciousness.Faulkner\'s novels and their respective themes are closely connected with the inferiority complex caused by American culture, the author\'s physique and his living conditions. They are the results of his inferiority complex that accumulates into some kind of superiority complex.Because of the southern American\'s special history and politics and his sufferings Faulkner is deeply absorbed in the southern wasteland and invented Yoknapatawpha County, making it a place where he can do whatever he wants to do to counteract the lack in his real life. He concerns himself not only in the description of the Southern spiritual wasteland, but also in mining the aesthetic meaning of the wasteland, both to him and to the human beings.


Starting with the developments of the author"s creation, the dissertation follows up the scent of the occurring of his novels and the"track of his psychology of creation, holding the opinion that there exists an intuitive psychological tendency in Faulkner"s creation which the author is not aware of. It is the autonomous complex that leads the author to go beyond his limitations and to reflect a deeper collective unconsciousness.Faulkner"s novels and their respective themes are closely connected with the inferiority complex caused by American culture, the author"s physique and his living conditions. They are the results of his inferiority complex that accumulates into some kind of superiority complex.Because of the southern American"s special history and politics and his sufferings Faulkner is deeply absorbed in the southern wasteland and invented Yoknapatawpha County, making it a place where he can do whatever he wants to do to counteract the lack in his real life. He concerns himself not only in the description of the Southern spiritual wasteland, but also in mining the aesthetic meaning of the wasteland, both to him and to the human beings.


Snow in 1959, in theory, the general education should be to make up for the limitation of the academic mind caused by the excessive subdivisions of disciplines. Currently, the curriculum of general education in Taiwan University is often used as the professional standard as to the concept in contents, or with science and natural sciences related fields, it may even be set as a leading role in balance seeking. It is; therefore, doubtable that while college education devotes in breaking the barriers of knowledge or academic disciplines, and attempts to establish enriched yet systematic general education, at the same time, helplessly returns to the breakthrough of academic condition described by C.P. Snow where "the Humanities" and "the Science" still confront anxiously. This would not only fail to achieve the consilience in knowledge but also lead to a possible fracture.

P Snow在1959所提出「种文化」的概上进发展的话,那麼通教育在上应该是弥补学科分工过细、导致学术心受到限制的现象;然而目前台湾的大学通教育,由於经常被当成与「专业」相标举的内容概,甚至是被定成与工或自然科学等相关域寻求平衡或对话的角色,因此免让人怀疑:当大学教育致於打破知或学科的藩篱,并且试图建丰富而有系统的通教育时,是否无且吊诡地重新走回史当时所描述并尝试突破改变的学术况-「人文」与「科学」依然充满紧张与对,知仅难以达到融通、甚至陷入另一种断的可能?

Su Wong-Shen's artworks reflect contemporary social phenomenon indirectly. He uses dog's figures to mock human's desire and violence in contemporary society. Dog's characteristic of attack and tear demonstrate human's rude and aggressive behavior. Dogs and animals represent greed, contemptibility, no benevolence and righteousness, which can be used to mock desire hidden behind human.


The same should apply to Singapore, if we decide to remain multi-cultural and not take the route of "cosmopolitism", in the negative sense of the word.


It is as a hero of that culture that Holden Caulfield has survived.


Welcome! English Culture Community is an English Immersion program dedicated to providing Taiwanese students with a supportive, affordable immersion experience.


The word "education" derives from the Latin educare, meaning,"to draw forth fromwithin." In our culture, however, education often means,"to pound in from without."


When we put the fish emblazonment into the emblematic area of the whole China, we can find that the extreme worship to the genital organs and the strong sorcery meaning have disappeared gradually. However, its emblematic meaning to life has been converted into a unconscious idea that hides in our national culture, and it results in a deep effect on our national art and the aesthetic pursuit.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
