英语人>网络例句>无文化 相关的搜索结果


与 无文化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Company culture will not have a depend on sb or sth for existence, assentation without place; conversely, without culture, enterprise itself will do not have the soul and connotation, have impossibly true wonderful with long-term development.


What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy.


While Chinese culture sets great store by empathy with others, using language to reinforce emotional ties that bind all together to forge social harmony, especially for women, restrainedness and implicitness are highly prized linguistic features; in American culture, equality and freedom are highly valued, where a competent American, either male or female, has been inculcated as one speaking frankly and assertively with no circumbendibus and hesitation.


Daoless culture is the culture in which hypocrisy and inveracity prevail. This kind of culture may leave human behaviors perplexed, and perplexed human behaviors can destroy the human living mechanism and the space-time mechanism, resulting in serious destruction of the living environment and the ecological mechanism.


The difference between western culture and eastern culture makethe their social environments different. The western is inclined to issue-resolve, law culture,individual value, which makes traditional accusatorial action ecology go on and on; theeastern is inclined to no dispute, person-administration and nation-dominant, which formsthe Chinese CA ecology characterized with inquisitorial elements, especially the formationof the absolute power leads the random of the CA.


According to the consentaneous diagnostic criteria, divided the disease into Zheng patterns of TCM. Results 1 Female was predominated in IBS, compared with male. With the increase of age , the prevalence rate of IBS did not rise. The higher educational degree community had a higher morbidity of IBS than the community of the lower educational degree. Abdominal pain and discomfort are the symptoms, which more happened. Male and female did not show the distinction on the common symptoms.

结果 1IBS 女性患病率高于男性;患病率无明显年龄差异趋势;较高文化程度群体患病率高于较低文化程度的群体;腹痛及腹部不适是患者发生频率较高的症状;男性与女性在常见症状的发生频率上差异无显著性,但精神心理症状的发生频率上,女性应激事件发生率及抑郁状态发生率高于男性;肠道感染史、受凉、生冷饮食、辛辣饮食均为可能导致IBS发病的较危险因素;肠外症状中较常出现的为头痛、腰背痛、疲乏及功能性消化不良。

In chapter one,I willanalyse three methodological principles in Jameson's dialecticalcriticism,that is,totalization,mediation and historicization;in chaptertwo,I will discuss Jamesonian theory aboutf the political unconsciousand his Marxism hermeneutic system;and in the final chapter,I willexplain the various ways of Jamesonian narrarive analysis,and attemptto explore his unconscious of the cultural-political poetics by which anycultural text is read as both ideolegy and utopia.


The usage rule of the cultural dissimilarity language would be different, the standard norm of a kind of culture is only and can press its particular condition to take in to explain in the oneself, but can't take this as the norm to describe another culture, otherwise by all means will cause failure of across the cultural social intercourse, its deep reason lies in the sensitivity that the people lack to the social language difference, will carry on the language to use the migration unconsciously, but this kind of result sometimes would very serious, even will invite the huge economy loss.


The study, combined with fieldworks, puts forward three-stage theory and typology of the professional development of multicultural teachers in ethnic areas, i.e., three stages: from multicultural unconscious stage and multicultural awakening stage to multicultural action and critical stage; four types of multicultural teachers:"an insider from the inside","an outsider from the inside","an insider from the outside" and "an outsider from the outside".


Deep discontinuity presents itself mostly in cultural structure, concepts of value, religion, consciousness and unconsciousness, as a result of long process of enculturation and acculturation of ethnic identity in particular kind of social context. A symbol of cultural identity can be discovered in the context in which cultural discontinuity takes place.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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