英语人>网络例句>无拘无束的 相关的搜索结果


与 无拘无束的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now I know the more you are at ease with yourself personally, the more you have to offer artistically


We are used to drinking our wine with meals, usually in a relaxed and convivial setting.


In June rain sometimes shades her band of daylight as with pencil hatchings. The path grows slippery with mud, and umbrellas collide. Sudden jets of water from spouts overhead splash on her startled pavement. In her dismay, she takes it for the jest of an unmannerly scheme of creation.


For many years, she has been completely involved in the artistic state of the uncontrolled daubing and spontaneous rendering, in a mode of extremely sensitive feeling and bold experimentation to narrate her own emotions abstractly, just like in a fairy tale wonderland full of pleasure, unrestricted imagination and unlimited creativity.


What he wanted for Sydney was the effect he had noticed when tacking round the promontory at Elsinore, of the castle's piled-up turrets against the piled-up clouds and his own billowing white sails; the liberation he had felt on the great platforms of the Mayan temples in Mexico, of being lifted above the dark jungle into another world of light; the height and presence of Gothic cathedrals, whose ogival shape was to show in the cross-sections of the Sydney roof-shells; and the curved, three-dimensional rib-work of boat-building , as he had watched his own father doing it at Aalborg.


Uncontrived and hardly defined ,the absentminded scribble becomes a treasured inspiration authenticreacrions keep us human in arobotic world and plant spontaneity into lite.blooms of widflowers sprout abouquet of impromptu beauty.


Uncontrived and hardly defined ,the absentminded scribble becomes a treasured inspiration authenticreacrions keep us human in arobotic world and plant spontaneity into lite.blooms of widflowers sprout abouquet of impromptu beauty.


Uncontrived and hardly defined ,the absentminded scribble becomes a treasured inspiration authenticreacrions keep us human in arobotic world and plant spontaneity into lite.blooms of widflowers sprout abouquet of impromptu beauty.


Secondly, the incisors grow faster, then the beginning of next to no longer permanent, in the "free" environment will, of course, a large growth, but within the next two years to grow permanent incisors on the natural limits; the most important point is that "parents feel that the incisors are the wrong impression", after the permanent teeth will not grow up stereotypes, so on the child's little face, mouth does not match, it appears to "Super", as the children grow up day by day face, bone development, facial development, such as children and adults will face the size of incisors is coordination of the match,"So we say that time will the children from 'ugly duckling' change 'Swan'."


The rugged, hard-wearing look of denim jeans gained greater appeal among the general population after actors were seen wearing them on screen—cowboys in 1930 westerns and rebellious teenagers in 1950 dramas (leading to American schools banning them). The bell-bottom became popular during the carefree hippie era of the 1960s and 70s, and jeans' legs adapted the flare (4) design; this psychedelic age also ushered in (5) decorations with beads, embroidery, and paint on previously plain denim.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
