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与 无情 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The son of a father to whom history will accord certain attenuating circumstances, but also as worthy of esteem as that father had been of blame; possessing all private virtues and many public virtues; careful of his health, of his fortune, of his person, of his affairs, knowing the value of a minute and not always the value of a year; sober, serene, peaceable, patient; a good man and a good prince; sleeping with his wife, and having in his palace lackeys charged with the duty of showing the conjugal bed to the bourgeois, an ostentation of the regular sleeping-apartment which had become useful after the former illegitimate displays of the elder branch; knowing all the languages of Europe, and, what is more rare, all the languages of all interests, and speaking them; an admirable representative of the "middle class," but outstripping it, and in every way GRE ater than it; possessing excellent sense, while appreciating the blood from which he had sprung, counting most of all on his intrinsic worth, and, on the question of his race, very particular, declaring himself Orleans and not Bourbon; thoroughly the first Prince of the Blood Royal while he was still only a Serene Highness, but a frank bourgeois from the day he became king; diffuse in public, concise in private; reputed, but not proved to be a miser; at bottom, one of those economists who are readily prodigal at their own fancy or duty; lettered, but not very sensitive to letters; a gentleman, but not a chevalier; simple, calm, and strong; adored by his family and his household; a fascinating talker, an undeceived statesman, inwardly cold, dominated by immediate interest, always governing at the shortest range, incapable of rancor and of gratitude, making use without mercy of superiority on mediocrity, clever in getting parliamentary majorities to put in the wrong those mysterious unanimities which mutter dully under thrones; unreserved, sometimes imprudent in his lack of reserve, but with marvellous address in that imprudence; fertile in expedients, in countenances, in masks; making France fear Europe and Europe France!


But when the indicator of time points to the end of the 20th century, crush people dream of love for thousands of years merciless as Chi Li , writer of representative , of " new realism ", show actual life undisguisedly that has succeeded in finishing the reconstruction of the love to the common customs in front of people.


This has unemotionally shattered the many myths regarding "modernization" and the vain desires and fabrications of the people's conception of Utopia.


For eighteen months, Hanbury-Tracy and Kaulbeck had no contact with the outside world as they traveled across an unforgiving, unmapped terrain.


Picture heartily, Overstate the huge hands out of shape, Big mouth smiling unprincipledly, Confused fight scene, Whether no matter the society about politics or human one, Lin Lin who hints obliquely at out, always is always thought-provoking, Especially the artist compels admiration by humorous and humorous irony.


This proposition ferreted out unsympathetically the various melodies of our country\'s issue on the intellectuals, especially exposed Linbiao and:"Gang of Four " \'s fallacies on the issue of the intellectual and has serious tone of criticism. This proposition also proposed that the mass line must be followed on the practices, the range and the channel of choosing the intellectuals and on the checking of the cadres, and has profound mass character. At the same time, as this proposition came into being in the new period of our country\'s reform and opening to the world as well as the period of the Socialist modernization construction, and it is firmly connected with the era theme, it has distinct epoch character.


Throughout the film, his manner of speech and behaviour reveals him as an unsympathetically worrisome and brooding man, unsure of himself and discouraged by his unspectacular career.


See, it was a woman as changing and harsh and untamable as the sea.


Life liked a ruthless whip and she liked an untired old scalper.


The oceanic whitetip, one of the most abundant sharks just three decades ago, is critically endangered in parts of its range because of relentless demand for its fins.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
