英语人>网络例句>无产的 相关的搜索结果


与 无产的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In vitro, we cultured human and rabbit retinal Müller cells by way of mixed enzyme digestion and tissue adherence, using human retina of an abortus of 6 months and healthy rabbit.


Isolates isolated from maize and 3 isolates from rice, wheat, adzuki bean in ten provinces were identified as Curvularia lunata. Based on the culture characters, such as color of colony, aerial myeelia, the number of conidia, there were some difference among 43 isolates. Meanwhile, five types of conidium were compared in culture characters and virulence. In each single conidia culture there were different morphic conidia also and no difference in virulence was found among five single-conidium cultures.


A large nocturnal burrowing rodent of the genus Cuniculus, found in South and Central America and similar to the agouti, especially the spotted species C.


A large nocturnal burrowing rodent of the genus Cuniculus,found in South and Central America and similar to the agouti,especially the spotted species C.paca that lives on plants and fruit and is hunted for its edible flesh.


In this section, we focused on the investigation of the condensation, Michael reaction of different aromatic aldehyde with different aryl substituted ketones under solvent-free and PTC conditions, obtained polysubstitutedcyclohexanol derivatives in mordent yield when using TBAB as the catalyst.


All experiments were carried out under the dry and oxygen-free argon atmosphere by using standard Schlenk techniques.

在无水无氧和纯的氩气保护下,使用Schlenk技术,用2-(C1CH2) C5H4N·HC1与2当量的C9H7Li在THF中冰水浴反应,以73%的产率得到3-(2-C5H4NCH2)C9H7(1)。

The results show that the resulting product can be separated by the mixture of petroleum ether, aether and acetic acid (10:10:1, V/V). Among them, the oleic acid component can be eluted by the mixed solvent of ethanol and carbon tetrachloride (35:15, V/V), and then productivity of sodium oleoyl sarcosine can be obtained.


For Southwestern Margin of Aqikekule Lake ophiolite, their field geological, petrological, minerological, petrochemical and geochemical characteristics show that:① it outcropped as tectonic slices along the near west-to-east strike Kunzhong fault and is composed of metamorphic perodotties, cumulates and volcanic rocks, in which, chromites are distributed in the upper part of metamorphic peridotites as pods, or in the lower part of cumulates as near-strata;② metamorphic peridotites include serpentinites, chromite-bearing serpentinites, chlorite-epidote schists and chromitites, of which, chromitites have nodular and orbicular structure, and cumulates include pyroxenits, serpentinites, chromite-bearing serpentinites, chromites and metamorphically mafic rocks and only basalts are seen in volcanic rocks;③ Cr# of chromites suggest that they formed in the SSZ and Al〓O〓 and TiO〓 of metamorphic peridotites also suggest SSZ environment;④ metamorphic peridotites have V type and enriched LREE patterns, cumulates have from strongly depleted LREE, flat REE to enriched LREE patterns with universally striking positive Eu anomalies and basalts show flat REE or slight enriched LREE patterns with no Eu anomalies;⑤ trace element and Sm-Nd isotope characteristics of metamorphic peridotites imply their strikingly heterogeneous mantle character ε〓(t+4.39~+26.20 and later Nb, Ta fertilization;⑥ trace element characteristics of basalts and their tectonic diagrams show they probably formed in the rifted island arc or back-arc basin environment.


Additionally, the growth of the pathogen was obviously affected by cultural media. The morphological characters such as colony color and diameter, and production of fruit body of the fungus growing on PDA, 10% V8, apple leaves dextrose agar and apple leaves extraction dextrose agar media were different. The fungus formed colonies of about 8mm in diameter and did not produce fruit bodies and aerial hyphae in 1 month incubation on PDA. However it formed the similar size colonies as on PDA and produced fruit bodies and aerial hyphae on 10% V8 and LDA media in the same incubation period. Very small colonies (2mm in diameter) and fruit bodies were found on LEDA media in the same incubation condition. These results indicated that successful isolation of M. coronaria from apple leaves depended on suitable isolation method and cultural media as well as fresh samples.

不同培养基上菌落形态、大小和产孢情况差异也很大,培养1个月(25℃)后PDA上菌落黑褐色隆起,表面蚯蚓粪状,无气生菌丝,无子实体和基内菌丝;10% V8培养基上菌落中央隆起,黑褐色,表面生少量气生菌丝,边缘放射状,基内菌丝深褐色,有子实体;苹果叶片葡萄糖琼脂培养基上菌落平坦,黄褐色,表面生茂密的金黄色气生菌丝,基内菌丝深褐色,有子实体;苹果叶片煎汁葡萄糖琼脂培养基上菌落有明显的不规则隆起,黄褐色至黑褐色,表面生少许气生菌丝,菌落生长缓慢,无基内菌丝,分生孢子盘菌落表面生,菌落直径仅2mm左右,而在其他培养基上的菌落直径可达6-8mm,说明培养基质、分离方法均对苹果盘二孢的分离培养和生长发育有明显的影响。

Electricity production in the mediator-less two-chambered microbial fuel cell was researched. Based on the result in the different operation phase in the MFC, the microbial diversity was analysed.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
