英语人>网络例句>旅行者 相关的搜索结果


与 旅行者 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And that Victorian time traveller who's crash-landed on the allotments. Surely with all these stalwarts working for the cause, Brentford's football ground can be saved?

还有失业的单身汉Jim Pooley与John Omally、维多利亚时代的旅行者,这些英雄将一同拯救足球场。

It sometimes happens, that on certain shores of Bretagne or Scotland a man, either a traveller or a fisherman, while walking at low tide on the beach far from shore, suddenly notices that for several minutes past, he has been walking with some difficulty.


Many of the FOBs who came illustrated the extent to which I was indebted to my personal friends: Marsha Scott and Martha Whetstone, who organized my campaigns in northern California, were old friends from Arkansas; Sheila Bronfman, leader of the Arkansas Travelers, had lived around the corner from Hillary and me when I was attorney general; Dave Matter, my leader in western Pennsylvania, had succeeded me as class president at Georgetown; Bob Raymar and Tom Schneider, two of my most important fund-raisers, were friends from law school and Renaissance Weekend.


Did you know that business travelers get double miles if they charge their tickets with mileage cards?


The movement includes people who believe that the Maya were space travellers carrying in their luggage mystical crystal skulls - a belief cannily exploited by the creators of The X-Files: The show's last episode tells of the ultimate alien invasion which occurs you guessed it on Dec.

包括人的流动谁认为玛雅是空间旅行者,在他们的行李携带神秘水晶头骨-一种信念cannily利用的创造X档案:展会的最后一章讲述了最终的外来物种入侵,它发生时,你猜它在12月21日, 2012年。

There were many casualties among the high ranks of the Crusade, including its first and only Grand Admiral, first Captain General and first Chief Assassin.


With the A380, Airbus has now risked everything; not only to kill off its rival's greatest cash cow, but also to create a similarly enduring icon to capture the imagination of the world's travellers.


The travelers turned towards the sound and wondered what it foreboded, when one of them said to his companion,"Let us proceed on our journey, my friend, for it is only the caw of acrow, and her cry, you know, is no omen."


Tourists have chance to experience a completely variable culture.


Tourists HAs chance to experience a completely variable culture.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
