- 与 方式 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
In a like manner, different designs result from various way of composing the elements.
In peoples mode of production, life style and mode of thinking it has been changed because of this.
It is in one's own remembrance of another way of being that a new way of being can be constructed for the human species.
That entails trying to help those with whom one comes in contact to find fulfillment in their own way while seeking one's own fulfillment in one's own way.
There are close relationships between the post-traumatic stress response and inappropriately coping styles and emotion regulation.
There are close relationships between the posttraumatic stress response and inappropriately coping styles and emotion regulation.
The arrival of information age is changing the configuration way of resource stage by stage, traditional pattern is more and more incommensurate.
The paper firstly illustrated the developing process of real estate and the characteristic of fund operation. By summarizing several financing modes for real estate, and comparing those of abroad and inland companies, the paper pointed out the disadvantages of Chinese real estate financing situation. After that, primary regulations executed by Chinese government to real estate finance were listed to give the background of real estate incompliant lending.
I was able to see them with an objectivity that was inconceivable to them.
In order to solve the problem such as aging establishment, inconsequent structure, illogical parameter, laggard irrigating technique, etc, establishment types and irrigating mode of QinHuangdao, ShanHaiguan, Changli and Luanhe of seashore plain in Hebei province were researched in this paper. The evolvement and irrigating mode of this subarea were known. Through analyzing the researched facts, it is found that ideal establishment type is the fourth heliogreenhouse and its suitable front roof angle is 33°5′~33°18′, back one is 34°~35°.
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Finally, according to market conditions and market products this article paper analyzes the trends in the development of camera technology, and designs a color night vision camera.
Only person height weeds and the fierce looks stone idles were there.
This dramatic range, steeper than the Himalayas, is the upturned rim of the eastern edge of Tibet, a plateau that has risen to 5 km in response to the slow but un stoppable collision of India with Asia that began about 55 million years ago and which continues unabated today.