英语人>网络例句>斯特西 相关的搜索结果


与 斯特西 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Above all, HATHAWAY make their shirts of remarkable fabrics, collected from the four corners of the earth--- Viyella and Aertex from England, woolen taffeta from Scotland, Sea Island cotton from West Indies, hand-woven madras from India, broadcloth from Manchester, linen batiste from Paris, hand-blocked silks from England, exclusive cottons from the best weavers in America.

l 更重要的是,哈撒韦衬衫用最好的面料缝制衬衫,面料来自地球的四面八方——维耶勒法兰绒和埃尔特克斯网眼布产自英格兰,羊毛平纹皱丝产自苏格兰,海岛棉布产自西印尼群岛,手纺马德拉斯薄棉布产自印度,精细人造丝产自曼彻斯特,尼龙薄织麻布产自巴黎,手工丝织品产自英格兰,高级棉布产自美国最好的纺织工之手。

The proceeding of the general Pisotti against the houses of the Italian Recollects led some of the friars of the Stricter Observance under the leadership of Francis of Jesi and Bernardine of Asti to approach Clement VII, who by the Bull "In suprema"(1532) authorized them to go completely barefoort and granted them a separate custody under the provincial.

该程序的一般Pisotti对房屋的意大利回忆率领一些修士的严格地遵守的领导下,弗朗西斯的Jesi和Bernardine的阿斯蒂处理克莱门特七世,谁的公牛"在最高的"( 1532 )获授权他们去完全barefoort和给予他们一个单独的监护下,省级。

In the festive season of Winterfair on the planet Barrayar, Lord Miles Vorkosigan's long-awaited wedding is the occasion for romance and intrigue for bio-engineered space mercenary Sergeant Taura and shy, diffident Armsman Roic.


Troilus and Cressida's morning parting scene reminds one, again, of Romeo and Juliet--save that the couple is again interrupted by the cheery voyeur Pandarus, who comes prancing in saying How now, how now!


The reign of Julian, who attempted to restore the faith, and suppress Christianity, and the usurpation of Eugenius renewed the hopes of its devotees, but the decree secured by Theodosius in 394, totally forbidding non-Christian worship, may be considered the end of Mithraism's formal public existence.


It was before the mutiny aboard the Farrago that they had encountered one another, when Tesla had landed on Praxis to choose specimens for the Regent's zoo.


Vassilis Demetriades, Professor of Turkish Studies at the University of Crete, has argued that "any expert in Ottoman diplomatic language can easily ascertain that the original of the document which has survived was not a firman", and its authenticity has been challenged.


In the US anti-WTO forces include the likes of Ross Perot, the maverick 1992 presidential candidate; the consumer advocate Ralph Nader; the ultraconservative senator Jesse Helms; and environment activists from groups such as Greenpeace USA and the Sierra Club.

在美国,反世界贸易组织势力包括诸如一向我行我素的 1992 年总统候选人罗斯派罗特;消费倡导者拉尔夫耐达尔;极端保守派参议员杰西海尔姆斯;以及来自诸如美国绿色和平组织和西尔拉俱乐部等组织的环境保护积极分子。

Best is Water of all, and Gold as a flaming fire in the night shineth eminent amid lordly wealth; but if of prizes in the games thou art fain, O my soul, to tell, then, as for no bright star more quickening than the sun must thou search in the void firmament by day, so neither shall we find any games greater than the Olympic whereof to utter our voice: for hence cometh the glorious hymn and entereth into the minds of the skilled in song, so that they celebrate the son[1] of Kronos, when to the rich and happy hearth of Hieron they are come; for he wieldeth the sceptre of justice in Sicily of many flocks, culling the choice fruits of all kinds of excellence: and with the flower of music is he made splendid, even such strains as we sing blithely at the table of a friend.


Thomas Hinckley - ancestor of Dorothy Walker, wife of Prescott Bush.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
